Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:17 Id: aabf7b No.141450 del
(30.49 MB 540x558 Water Rights_Idaho.mp4)

Advice To The Idaho Farmers Having Their Crops Destroyed By Water Shutoff

American Rancher Has Advice To The Idaho Farmers Having Their Crops Destroyed By The Half A Million Acres Of Farmland Water Being Shutoff By The US Government

“Group up together and go open those valves up and guard them. — Go get your water. Turn it on. Keep guards on all the head gates and, take your water. That's your water”

“I've got the question here. I'd like some of you folks to answer it. It's about Idaho over there in Idaho. The, uh, so called authorities are threatening to shut the water off the potato growers and the grain growers and the and the people.

Hey., the way I understand it, that's your water right farmers, not theirs. They're stepping in. They're acting like they're they're in charge. Go get your grouped up. Group up together, and, uh, go open those valves up and guard them.

They haven't got enough people over there to fight you. Go get your water. Turn it on. Keep guards on all the head gates, and, uh, take your water. That's your water.

If you don't take it, it becomes theirs. That's the way most of water law is written. If you don't physically go ahead and take it, it becomes the person holding it. Maybe I'm wrong. This is a question.

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