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QR Bunker General #443: Roaring Kitty Herds Stags Edition Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 06:58 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No. 141153
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

Q's Latest Posts
see on original /qresearch/ board --- 8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html
[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 06:58 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141154 del
Global Notables
BU board if 8kun goes down or place to post graphics/vids
How to Make Reports for CP, etc. >>115421, >>116414
ANONS, Please bake & note - HERE"S HOW >>113476
How to ask questions about ENDCHAN >>113474, End Admin Comments >>115424
No strobe or pulsed images or text
NOTICE TO SHILLS: NOTICE TO SHILLS: muh joos, muh girl, spam, anti-boomer & other BS will be DELETED

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 06:59 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141155 del
Notables are not endorsements

>>140967, >>140968, >>140969, >>140970, >>140971, >>140972, >>140973, >>140974, >>140975, >>140976, >>140977 Swamp Today June 5, 2024
>>140980 Belgorod hit by US missiles
>>140981 Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained
>>140983 Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X
>>140986 Twitter disclosed to FEC they were warned of ‘a hack and leak operation involving Hunter Biden’ by federal law enforcement
>>140988 Garrett Ziegler hanging at Hunter's court appearances
>>140989 Fauci testified BOARD OF NIH approved gain of function research not him - his wife is head of NIH BIOETHICS
>>140990 GA Appeals Court HALTS Trump Case, TRUMP WIN, Fani Lost
>>140991 'What Gives You The Authority?'Massie Clashes With AG Garland About Jack Smith
>>140993, >>140994, >>140995, >>140996, >>140997, >>140998, >>140999, >>141000, >>141001, >>141002, >>141003, >>141004 Swamp Today June 6, 2024
>>141007 Brian Lilley past and present scandals of liberal government of Justin Trudeau
>>141008 Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy
>>141011 Main events in the world morning of June 6, Sputnik
>>141012 BRICS is a dialogue of cultures - Alexander Dugin
>>141013 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Western countries see relations with global South as "an opportunity to live at the expense of others, to gain unilateral advantage"
>>141014 Two African ministers who studied together in the Soviet Union meet at #SPIEF2024 decades later
>>141015 Russian foreign minister's visit to Chad will mark a turning point in the development of bilateral relations, Chadian media Alwihda says
>>141016 Burkina Faso signs three cooperation memoranda with Russian civil nuclear giant
>>141017 "Multipolarity opens up the possibility of renewing alliances that are beneficial to the population" Central African prime minister opening of #SPIEF2024
>>141018, >>141019, >>141021, >>141022, >>141023 >>141024, >>141025, >>141026, >>141027, >>141028, >>141029, >>141030, >>141031, >>141032 President Trump Rally Phoenix, AZ
>>141034 Kash Patel: Merrick Garland just told Congress he is going to break the law...
>>141035, >>141036 Swamp Today June 7, 2024
>>141040 Liberal Chelsea Handler Tells 50 Cent He Can't Vote For Trump Because He's Black
>>141049 TikTok Follower Count of President Trump v Biden-Harris HQ, Trump has 5.5 million more followers
>>141051 AZ Governor Katie Hobbs officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme
>>141053, >>141054, >>141055 John Luman Smith a.k.a. Jack Smith appointment affidavit
>>141056, >>141057 Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov calls Clooney Foundation 'madmen'
>>141058 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR
>>141082 Austrian-Canadian Billionaire Accused of Sexual Assaults Dating Back to 1980s
>>141086, >>141087, >>141088, >>141089, >>141090, >>141091, >>141092, >>141093, >>141094, >>141095 Swamp Today June 10, 2024
>>141102, >>141103, >>141104, >>141105, >>141106, >>141107, >>141108, >>141109, >>141110, >>141111, >>141112, >>141113 Swamp Today June 11, 2024
>>141118 Verdict in Hunter Biden Gun Trial: GUILTY OF ALL THREE FELONIES
>>141120 Canada Revenue Agency paid employees up to 1k per article to produce fake "news" stories
>>141121 MPs vote on motion to call Justice to investigate allegations parliamentarians collaborated with hostile foreign governments
>>141122, >>141123, >>141124, >>141125, >>141126, >>141127, >>141128, >>141129, >>141130, >>141131, >>141132, >>141133, >>141134, >>141135, >>141136, >>141137, >>141138, >>141139 Swamp Today June 12, 2024
>>141142 House Rules Committee Debates Attorney General Garland Contempt of Congress Resolution
>>141144 Steve Scalise - If the White House has nothing to hide they'd release the tape of Biden's interview
>>141145 DEVELOPING: Police point guns towards FBI Office in Seattle, WA for unknown reason
>>141149, >>141150, >>141151 Seattle police, facing manpower shortage, hire illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops
>>140965 #442

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 07:00 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141156 del
>>140811 Islamic critic Michael Stürzenberger along with two others were just stabbed in Mannheim
>>140812 Donald Trump convicted in ‘hush money’ trial: Live updates
>>140813, >>140814, >>140815, >>140816, >>140817, >>140818, >>140819, >>140820, >>140821, >>140822, >>140823, >>140824, >>140825, >>140826, >>140827, >>140828, >>140829, >>140830, >>140831, >>140832 Swamp Today May 31, 2024
>>140835 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan.
>>140837 Pres Trump holds major press conference after guilty verdict
>>140840 Military reconnaissance in Europe, May 31, 2024
>>140842, >>140843, >>140867 Ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister: Zelensky is Nothing But Impostor Since May 21
>>140844 Philippine House of Representatives committee investigation into 100k excess deaths believed linked to COVID-19 vaccines
>>140845 Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement
>>140846 Robert De Niro stripped of prestigious award for his anti-Trump rant outside court
>>140847 Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'
>>140849 Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation
>>140851 Elderly Ontario woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax
>>140854 Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him
>>140855, >>140860 Congressmen paid $17 million of TAXPAYER MONEY for undisclosed hush payments to cover up sexual harassment claims
>>140858, >>140859, >>140866 Gary Gensler, Hillary official oversaw filing payments for fake Steele Dossier as 'legal expenses'
>>140861 Argentina files world's first criminal charges against Pfizer for concealing known injuries by Covid-19 vaccines
>>140868 Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours
>>140869 The New York Courts deleted page showing Judge Juan Merchan works as DOJ funded Fellow
>>140870 Nothing, and I mean nothing, can stop Trump!
>>140871, >>140872, >>140873, >>140875 American Colour Revolution Leads To Atomic Mushroom Clouds And Societal Collapse
>>140877 Russia's Progress MS-27 cargo spacecraft docks at International Space Station
>>140878 China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe successfully lands on back side of moon to collect soils
>>140882 Canada to LOWER VOTING AGE to help Trudeau win? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
>>140883 NY psychiatrist who will testify Hunter didn't lie on a gun form because he thought rehab cured his addiction has a credibility problem: FEC records show he donated to Biden's 2020 and 2024 campaigns
>>140884 Bill of Rights: Alexander Hamilton, Federalist, no. 84, 575--81
>>140885 The Chief Judge for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals official end to THOUSANDS OF COORDINATED COMPLAINTS against Judge Aileen Cannon
>>140886 NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers
>>140888, >>140888, >>140889, >>140890, >>140891, >>140892, >>140893, >>140894, >>140895, >>140896, >>140897 Swamp Today June 3, 2024
>>140903, >>140904, >>140905, >>140906, >>140908 Scott Ritter and Judge Andrew Napolitano scheduled as guest speaker at St.Petersburg International Economic Forum removed from plane in NY by State Dept
>>140910, >>140911, >>140913 Tony Fauci was told on March 16, 2020, that Hydroxychloroquine effectively treats COVID-19 in China
>>140915 Study Links COVID-19 mRNA Shots, Not Infection to Heart Failure in Children
>>140916 The Maui fire battalion chief indicted on sex crimes involving children
>>140917 It turns out deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were labeled as unvaccinated
>>140919 Fauci made-up 6-foot social distance rule
>>140921 Marjorie Taylor Greene on lies
>>140805 #441-A

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 07:01 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141157 del
>>140925, >>140926, >>140927, >>140928, >>140929, >>140930, >>140931, >>140932, >>140933, >>140934, >>140935, >>140936, >>140937, >>140938 Swamp Today June 4, 2024
>>140941 Jim Jordan submits legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James
>>140942 Utah Satanic ritual abuse case against David Hamblin recently assigned to new prosecutor
>>140943 Senator Joni "Earnest" bottom line
>>140945 NY Times comes clean reporting COVID virus most likely came from Wuhan lab
>>140947, >>140951 Jim Jordan's AG Garland takedown
>>140948, >>140950 Fauci Received Email Cheering Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID in China – Days Later He Publicly Rebuked President Trump
>>140949 Canada: House Speaker and Singh CAUGHT In MASSIVE Scandal
>>140696 #441-B

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 07:01 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141158 del
>>140701 Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines
>>140703 Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines
>>140704 Explosion seen in sky over Japan
>>140706 Rest in peace to late great Bill Walton
>>140708 Special Forces Colonel Targeted at HIS HOUSE from Foreign ASSETS?
>>140710, >>140711, >>140744 New marking on Russian military equipment, Rune of Gungnir, Odin's Sword
>>140712 Fauci Capo Testifies to Congress: ‘I Don’t Even Know What Our Ethics Office Does’
>>140713 James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud
>>140714 Did Joe Biden Just Commit Another Crime To Protect Hunter?
>>140715 81% of Minnesota COVID-19 Deaths Are from Nursing Homes, but Facilities Still Allowed to Admit Positive Patients
>>140716 Did @NIH's “FOIA lady” teach Dr. Fauci’s team how to hide COVID information?
>>140717, >>140718, >>140719, >>140720, >>140721, >>140722, >>140723, >>140724, >>140725, >>140726 Swamp Today Tuesday May 28, 2024
>>140732 Trump Campaign: Joe Biden sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse—it is a full-blown concession
>>140734 Robert DeNiro and January 6 Officers News Conference at Trump Hush Money Trial
>>140735 Campaign 2024: Former President Trump's Family Members Speak Outside New York Courthouse
>>140736 Campaign 2024: Trump Campaign Officials News Conference at Hush Money Trial in New York
>>140740 Starlink says it is "experiencing a service outage"
>>140742 Canada: Pizza man who "lost everything" sues gov't after charges for feeding unvaxxed are dropped
>>140745 World Health Organization is still trying to pass the Pandemic Treaty before June 1st
>>140746, >>140747, >>140748, >>140749, >>140750, >>140751, >>140752, >>140753, >>140754, >>140755, >>140756 Swamp Today May 29, 2024
>>140759 SidneyPowell:Email Discussion Marked "CONFIDENTIAL" Shows Discussion About MI Electors With Trump Impeachment Lawyers and Office of Attorney Norm Eisen
>>140761 Illinois citizens group files formal complaint with state Board of Elections after unearthing what could possibly be an elaborate election fraud scheme
>>140762 Ursula Von der Leyen exposed in huge corruption scandal enabling Russian steel companies to circumvent EU Sanctions
>>140763 Engineered food shortages:Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm
>>140764 Ryan Salame, a former executive at FTX, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for his involvement for illegal campaign donations
>>140765 New lawsuit argues that America's ‘first operational reparations program,’ offering $25,000 payouts to black Illinois residents, is unconstitutional
>>140766 Is Justin Trudeau's Regime Coming to an End?
>>140767, >>140768 Eric Trump: My thoughts on today’s sham trial
>>140769 President Trump Speaks As Jury Begins Deliberations in Hush Money Trial
>>140772 GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Misconduct Complaint with New York State Unified Court System Related to “Random” Assignment of Judge Merchan
>>140773 Canadian Taxpayers Federation launches legal challenge against CBC over executive bonuses
>>140774 Republicans blast Trudeau for freezing Freedom Convoy bank accounts in debate over CBDCs
>>140777, >>140778, >>140779, >>140780, >>140781, >>140782, >>140783, >>140784, >>140785, >>140786, >>140787 Swamp Today May 30, 2024
>>140793 Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case
>>140797 Ottawa cop who inquired about link between vaccine harms and infants testifies in disciplinary tribunal
>>140796 Politico: Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons
>>140696 #440

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 07:02 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141159 del
Previously Collected Notables
>>140555 #439,
>>140025 #436-B, >>140025 #436-A, >>140258 #437, >>140433 #438
>>139454 #434-B, >>139454 #434-A, >>139747 #435-B, >>139747 #435-A
>>138773 #431, >>138932 #432, >>139230 #433-A, >>139230 #433-B

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 07:13 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141161 del
(563.78 KB 544x388 Pepe_crusader.PNG)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:24 Id: 716d9a [Preview] No.141162 del
Just block it with spam and credentials, if all else fails.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:27 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141163 del
Why proto?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:28 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141164 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:35 Id: 338bae [Preview] No.141165 del
(1.25 MB 500x348 catz.gif)
what habbened?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:40 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141166 del
Why proto?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:40 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141167 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:41 Id: 310dff [Preview] No.141168 del
>Why proto?
anon does not know it either, someone just baked a new bread and locked it the fuck up, but they could not do a worse job for a good reason we are left to guess.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:43 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141169 del
Does this also mean BO's discretion?
The threshold for freedom of speech is too low.
Wouldn't proto it cause trouble for the rest of the catalog?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:44 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141170 del
Is the threshold for free speech too high?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:45 Id: 310dff [Preview] No.141171 del
>The threshold for freedom of speech is too low.
Yeah they have total control over this board and it shows as soon as something looks out of their control.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:48 Id: 310dff [Preview] No.141172 del
Look the bread, it is locked and blocked and empty of anons because nobody is going to register for a damn login only the controllers.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:51 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141173 del
It's all personal discretion, right?
Are you taking QR too personal?
So you're saying that if we speak too freely, we'll lose ANON?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:52 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141174 del
So you're saying that if we speak too freely, we'll lose ANON?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:53 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141175 del
Are the patriots in control?
I can't tell from this if it's the ones who aren't that are in control.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:55 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141176 del
Isn't this supposed to be a place to talk legitimately and discuss what's wrong?
This is not even the place to talk.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 08:56 Id: 59cd52 [Preview] No.141177 del
Did you had a question about an open image board dedicated to free speech that was just closet in front of my eyes with a bunch gibberish excuse as to why and how it should proceed.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:01 Id: 59cd52 [Preview] No.141178 del
It does not matter who is in control, the people at large are just a fucked as anon is by this.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:02 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141179 del
What do you mean?
Does it mean that there is no accountability?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:03 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141180 del
Talking about proto?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:04 Id: 338bae [Preview] No.141181 del
the board bars, deletes anyone who threatens their controlled topics.
the thought of ideas as a weapon is something they do not want.
they would rather piss and moan about shit and blame each other.
do not out point solutions
has been like that ever since the constant baker aka b.v now b.o as well, unless of course it is a actual attack. not seen the b.o start a bread which makes anon think that credential also has been captured by the b.v who hogs the baker duties.
just a observation for now.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:09 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141182 del
I think there is a possibility that even that idea could be killed in the current situation.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:10 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141183 del
If you can't even form a proper opinion before talking about ideas, what's the point?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:18 Id: 338bae [Preview] No.141184 del
a fact during rally night recently where the majority of the notables were about djt links to Q drops and decodes.
The baker was told off for not including shit news feeds like rt.com
which anon posted screencaps that it was a ngo from d.c was argued over to the baker.
never seen anything like it.
the board is not newsfeed promotion site. it is how anons break down the media narrative ..
there are trusted sources which anons can sort of rely on but even they get called out if they are pushing misinfo or biased narratives..
everything should up for discussion.
most anons will post one or two posts and than let it go..
a 24 hour rule is a good way to see what habbens.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:24 Id: 6c8ec0 [Preview] No.141185 del
Welcome to 2024, it's just like Orwell's 1984, only forty years later.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 09:32 Id: 338bae [Preview] No.141186 del
another example was the attack on the white house by pro palestine kayfabe which was mainly twitter posts from unknown posters.
when anons looked at it was media and a whole load of paid morans for the next days fear campaign which anons shut down and got no traction.
never heard anything about it after.
well not on 8kun at least.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 10:41 Id: 39ceac [Preview] No.141187 del
Let's see,
I think should have a discussion.
I think it is important to clarify things properly.

I mean, isn't that about all there is?

Isn't this about the only constructive thing to do?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:55 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141188 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Thursday June 13, 2024

The House Stands Adjourned Until June 13, 2024at 10:00 AM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 13, 2024at 10:00 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken joins President Biden on travel to Italy from June 13-14, 2024.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie D. Jenkins is on travel to Guyana from June 13-14, 2024.
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya is on travel to Senegal and Guinea from June 9-14, 2024.
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources Geoffrey R. Pyatt is on travel to Germany and Angola from June 10-13, 2024.

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is an Enhanced Risk of Severe Thunderstorms for Extreme Northeast KS Into Northern MO...Southern IA...Western/Northern IL... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

A.F. Branco - Operation Projection

A.F. Branco - Cartoons Etc. 06/13/24

Gary Varvel - Disciples in the Moonlight tickets on sale

George Alexopoulos @GPrime85 - Relic

Mark Parisi - BSL

Michael Ramirez - Hunter's Conviction

Moonwalker Forever @SeriousEffect7 - 19 years ago, on June 13, 2005, Michael Jackson was found NOT guilty on all counts. #MichaelJacksonIsInnocent #MJInnocent #Vindication #VictoryDay

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon

Skscartoon @skscartoon - #HunterBiden is a distraction https://x.com/JackPosobiec/s/JackPosobiec/status/1800553122642919890

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - the four horsemen of cringe comics

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 5

The Daily Cartoonist - Wayback Whensday – The Berenstains

Wokely Correct Comics @WokelyCorrect - Far Right Extremist
1 and txt file

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:55 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141189 del
Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 13

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

Register to Vote

Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

As Russia Completes Transition to a Full War Economy, Treasury Takes Sweeping Aim at Foundational Financial Infrastructure and Access to Third Country Support

Taking Additional Measures to Degrade Russia’s Wartime Economy - Fact Sheet

International Space Station @Space_Station - There is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station. At approximately 5:28 p.m. CDT, audio was aired on the NASA livestream from a simulation audio channel on the ground indicating a crew member was experiencing effects related to decompression sickness (DCS). This audio was inadvertently misrouted from an ongoing simulation where crew members and ground teams train for various scenarios in space and is not related to a real emergency. The International Space Station crew members were in their sleep period at the time. All remain healthy and safe, and tomorrow’s [today] spacewalk will start at 8 a.m. EDT as planned.

View the Retiring House Members of the 118th Congress

House Votes to Hold AG Garland in Contempt of Congress

Steve Gruber Show Exclusive Interview With President Trump

ICYMI: TikTok from President Donald J. Trump

Palm Beach Playbook - June 12, 2024

Crooked Joe Claims To Have Solved Crime — It’s A Total Lie

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Failed Presidency at a Campaign Event in Racine, WI

June 13, 2024 - June 14, 2024
Trans-Atlantic Public Economics Seminar: Tax and Transfer Systems, Spring 2024
National Bureau of Economic Research

June 13, 2024- June 14, 2024
Embedding Sustainability in Credit Risk Assessment
International Monetary Fund of the United Nations (IMF)

June 13, 2024- June 14, 2024
Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

June 13, 2024- June 15, 2024
G7 Summit, Italy
The Group of Seven (G7)

JUNE 13, 1787
Milestone Documents: Virginia Plan (1787)
National Archives

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:56 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141190 del
JUNE 13, 1866
14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Primary Documents in American History
Library of Congress

JUNE 13, 1866
Milestone Documents: 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Civil Rights (1868)
National Archives

JUNE 13, 2015
Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign Launch Speech
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held the first major event in her campaign for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination at a rally in which she outlined why she was making a second run for the presidency. At the rally held in Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island in New York City she laid out a theme of “four fights” involving the economy, families, increased opportunities, and democracy. She talked about her upbringing and ideals, and topics including the divide between the rich and poor, the need to strengthen middle class families, and the foreign policy challenges the country faces. She was joined onstage by her husband and daughter at the end of her speech.

JUNE 13, 2017
Campaign 2018: Attorney General Testimony on Russia Investigation
Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. He called accusations of collusion with Russian officials “a detestable lie,” and said nothing improper happened during his meetings with the Russian ambassador in 2016.

JUNE 13, 2020
West Point Commencement Address
President Trump delivered the commencement address to the military academy’s 2020 graduating class at West Point. After congratulating the cadets for their achievements, the president took the opportunity to acknowledge the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent protests around the country. He thanked the military who helped “battle the invisible enemy, the new virus, that came to our shores from a distant land called China,” and then praised the National Guard for “ensuring peace, safety and the constitutional rule of law on our streets.”

JUNE 13, 2023
Former President Trump Remarks Following Court Appearance
“Today we witnessed the most evil and heinous abuse of power in the history of our country,” said former President Donald Trump. The former president delivered remarks following his court appearance in Miami, Floria, where he pleaded not guilty to 37 federal charges relating to retention of classified documents after leaving office.

June 13, 2024
Rep. Susan Wild and Others Hold News Conference on IVF Protections
Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) and others hold a news conference to discuss legislation to protect access to IVF.

June 13, 2024
Pres. Biden & Ukrainian President Hold News Conference at G-7 Summit
President Biden participates in a greeting ceremony followed by a news conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the G-7 summit in Fasano, Italy.

June 13, 2024
2:20 AM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time [8:20 am Local]
Hotel Masseria San Domenico, Savelletri, Italy

3:00 AM EDT
The President receives the President’s Daily Brief [9:00 am Local]
Hotel Masseria San Domenico, Savelletri, Italy

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:56 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141191 del
3:30 AM EDT
Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice: Opening session - Opening of the Inaugural Forum, chaired by the President of the International Labour Conference.
United Nations

3:50 AM EDT
Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice: Building resilience of societies - The thematic dialogue on Building the resilience of societies aims to explore effective strategies for enhancing societal resilience and addressing inequalities amid various global challenges.
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Ministerial sessions - Global Leaders Forum - UNCTAD's Global Leaders Forum "Charting a new development course in a changing world", 12-14 June 2024. The UN Secretary-General, heads of state, ministers, government officials, experts and leading economists will convene to discuss urgent trade and development challenges in an increasingly diverse and challenging global economy.
United Nations

4:40 AM EDT
The President departs en route to Borgo Egnazia [10:40 am Local]
Hotel Masseria San Domenico, Savelletri, Italy

4:50 AM EDT
The President arrives to Borgo Egnazia and participates in an official greet with Prime Minister Meloni of Italy [10:50 am Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy
5:25 AM EDT
President Biden Arrives at G7 Summit
President Biden participates in an arrival ceremony with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, followed by a G7 group photo, in Fasano, Italy.

5:00 AM EDT
Austin Speaks at Ukraine Defense Contract Group Meeting
Department of Defense
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His opening remarks at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Brussels, Belgium, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov at 5 a.m. EDT. His remarks at a post-meeting press conference with Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, at 9 a.m. EDT, will also be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.
Department of Defense
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. is traveling. His remarks at a press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III following the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Brussels, Belgium, at 9 a.m. EDT, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.
Department of Defense

5:00 AM EDT
The President participates in a group photo with G7 leaders [11:00 am Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy

5:15 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session I of the G7 Summit [11:15 am Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy
5:32 AM EDT
Pres. Biden Participates in Working Session at G7 Summit
President Biden participates in the first working session of the G7 Summit in Fasano, Italy, with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and other G7 leaders.

5:30 AM EDT
Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice: Improving coherence between economic and social policies - The thematic dialogue on Improving coherence between economic and social policies seeks to unpack the complexities of, and synergies between, economic policies and social objectives.
United Nations

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:57 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141192 del
5:30 AM EDT
António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) at 30th anniversary of the UN Global Service Centre - Ceremony marking the 30 th anniversary of the United Nations Global Service Centre - Brindisi, Italy
United Nations

6:30 AM EDT
Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 90 at the International Space Station. Spacewalk is scheduled for 8 a.m. and will last approx. 6.5 hours. Stream on NASA+
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg [Embed]
7:00 AM EDT
NASA Astronauts Conduct 90th Spacewalk Outside International Space Station
Astronauts Tracy Dyson and Matt Dominick conduct a spacewalk to remove a faulty electronics box from a communications antenna and collect samples for analysis to understand the ability of microorganisms to survive and reproduce on the ISS exterior.

6:45 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session II of the G7 Summit [12:45 pm Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy

6:50 AM EDT
National Defense University's Combined Graduation Ceremony 2024.
Department of Defense

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers commented on the House vote to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena for audio files of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Hur.

7:00 AM EDT
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing on current foreign policy issues at 14:00 p.m. MSK (approximately) on June 13, 2024.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Vance Ginn Discusses Inflation and Biden Economic Policies
Economist and former White House Associate Budget Director Vance Ginn discusses yesterday’s inflation report and Biden administration economic policies.

8:00 AM EDT
Mouse Workshop: Safe Handling and Techniques
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

8:15 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session III A of the G7 Summit [2:15 pm Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy

8:30 AM EDT
Ministerial sessions (Afternoon) - Global Leaders Forum - UNCTAD's Global Leaders Forum "Charting a new development course in a changing world", 12-14 June 2024. The UN Secretary-General, heads of state, ministers, government officials, experts and leading economists will convene to discuss urgent trade and development challenges in an increasingly diverse and challenging global economy.
United Nations

8:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

8:30 AM EDT
Weekly Export Sales - Weekly Report Release
Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture

8:30 AM EDT
Closed business meeting to continue to markup the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2025
Senate Armed Services Committee

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:58 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141193 del
9:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Emily Benson Previews This Week's G7 Summit
Emily Benson from the Center for Strategic & International Studies previews this week’s G7 Summit.

9:00 AM EDT
Defense Leaders Hold Ukraine Press Conference
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., brief the media following a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.

9:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Dover, New Hampshire
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
757 Military Community Education | DoD Skillbridge Connect (Peninsula) - Newport News, Virginia
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
Advisory Committee to the Director {ACD}
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:15 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session III B of the G7 Summit [3:15 pm Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy

9:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

9:30 AM EDT
Full Committee Hearing to Conduct Oversight of the Bureau of Land Management
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
The Honorable Tracy Stone-Manning
Director, Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Department of the Interior

9:35 AM EDT
Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation
Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois.

9:45 AM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout
United Nations

9:45 AM EDT
Open Executive Session to Consider Favorably Reporting the Nominations of James R. Ives, of Virginia, to be Inspector General, Department of the Treasury; Rose E. Jenkins, of the District of Columbia, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years; Adam B. Landy, of South Carolina, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years; and Kashi Way, of Maryland, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years
Senate Finance Committee

10:00 AM EDT
Press Briefing: Virginia Gamba, Special Representative for Children in Armed Conflict - Hybrid press briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba.
United Nations

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:58 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141194 del
10:00 AM EDT
The right to work and employment for persons with disabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: lessons from the front line and what this means for states, the UN and civil society (COSP17 Side Event) - In partnership with UN ESCWA and the Permanent Mission of Malta to the UN, The Leprosy Mission are hosting a COSP17 side event that seeks to provide insights into securing the right to work and employment for persons with disability in low and middle income countries.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Closing of the Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice - Closing, chaired by the President of the International Labour Conference.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(5th plenary meeting) UNICEF Executive Board, 2024 Annual Session - The Executive Board is the governing body of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), providing intergovernmental support and oversight to the organization. The 2024 Annual Session will be held in-person from 11 to 14 June 2022 at the United Nations Headquarters.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Closing of the Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice (recording) - Closing, chaired by the President of the International Labour Conference.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
The situation in the Middle East - Security Council, 9654th meeting
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(5th meeting) 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP17) - Roundtable 3 - The 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (COSP17) will take place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 11 to 13 June 2024. Theme: Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
General Assembly: 89th Plenary Meeting, 78th Session - 89th plenary meeting of the 78th session of the General Assembly.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Abortion Access Is a Medical Issue. Why Isn’t It Being Treated Like One?
Brookings Institution

10:00 AM EDT
VIRTUAL: New Hampshire Art & Artists Through The Years
Tewksbury Public Library

10:00 AM EDT
Air & Space Warfighters in Action: Gen. David W. Allvin, Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Air & Space Forces Association
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin speaks at 10 a.m. EDT at an in-person and virtual Air & Space Forces Association “Air & Space Warfighters in Action” event in Arlington, Virginia. Register at afa.org.
Department of Defense

10:00 AM EDT
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona will deliver remarks at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s AI Aspirations Conference in Washington, DC.
Department of Education

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:59 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141195 del
10:00 AM EDT
National Archives and Records Administration's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2022-2024 Advisory Committee Meeting
National Archives
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WCJhpkaa2ww [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
Compliance Assistance for Construction Contractors
Department of Labor

10:00 AM EDT
Salary Negotiations for Military Spouses and Caregivers
Department of Labor

10:00 AM EDT
Free Food Distribution Drive Thru at Harlingen VA Health Care Center - Harlingen, Texas
Veterans Administration

10:00 AM EDT
CAR T Development in India
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Day - The Court may announce opinions, which are posted on the homepage after announcement from the Bench.
Supreme Court

10:00 AM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour
The House will continue work on 2025 defense programs and policy legislation (NDAA).

10:00 AM EDT
U.S. Senate: Senate Session
The Senate will continue debate on President Biden’s nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and will vote on whether to begin work on IVF access legislation.

10:00 AM EDT
Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office
House Judiciary Committee
The Honorable Andrew Bailey, Attorney General, State of Missouri
Trey Trainor, Commissioner, Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Elizabeth Price Foley, Of Counsel, BakerHostetler
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_tiRB2Q1Xwo [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
Checking-In on Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI): Assessing the Transition to Value-Based Care
House Energy and Commerce Committee
Dr. Elizabeth Fowler
Deputy Administrator and Director, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_O0N8GjfGQQ [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
Crisis on Campus: Antisemitism, Radical Faculty, and the Failure of University Leadership
House Ways and Means Committee
Shai Davidai, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Business, Columbia Business School
Dr. Jonathan Pidluzny, Ph.D.
Director, Higher Education Reform, America First Policy Institute
Talia Dror
Student, Cornell University
The Honorable Kenneth L. Marcus
Founder & Chairman, Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law
The Honorable Ted Deutch
Chief Executive Officer, American Jewish Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kG3gsvsJ_Ws [Embed]

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:00 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141196 del
10:00 AM EDT
The Plight of Americans Detained Abroad
House Foreign Affairs Committee
The Honorable Rena Bitter
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Consular Affairs
U.S. Department of State
The Honorable Roger D. Carstens
Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Raj Maan
Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell
Federal Bureau of Investigation
https://youtube.com/watch?v=i5MAxZhQ1C0 [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
FAA Oversight of Aviation Manufacturing
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
The Honorable Michael Whitaker, Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-NX-aN9mU40 [Embed]
FAA Admin. Testifies on Boeing & Aviation Safety
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Michael Whitaker testifies on Boeing manufacturing and aviation safety before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

10:00 AM EDT
Youth Residential Treatment Facilities: Examining Failures and Evaluating Solutions
Senate Finance Committee
Marc Miller (Invited to Testify)
President And Chief Executive Officer
Universal Health Systems
King of Prussia, PA
Reagan Stanford, JD
Abuse And Neglect Managing Attorney
Disability Rights Arkansas
Little Rock, AR
Elizabeth Manley
Faculty And Senior Advisor For Health And Behavioral Health Policy
Innovations Institute, University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Hartford, CT
Kathryn Larin
Director, Education, Workforce And Income Security
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC

10:00 AM EDT
The Semi-Annual Report of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
House Financial Services Committee
The Honorable Rohit Chopra, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XY5x5m2R9Cw [Embed]
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Dir. Testifies on Semi-Annual Agency Report
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra testifies on the bureau’s semi-annual report before the House Financial Services Committee.

10:00 AM EDT
A Review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Requests for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Gary Gensler
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
The Honorable Rostin Behnam
Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:00 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141197 del
10:00 AM EDT
Executive Business Meeting
Senate Judiciary Committee
Michelle Williams Court, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California
Anne Hwang, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California
Sarah Netburn, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York
Stacey D. Neumann, to be United States District Judge for the District of Maine
Cynthia Valenzuela Dixon, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California
S. 1306, COPS Reauthorization Act (Klobuchar, Murkowski, Coons, Tillis, Graham)
S. 4199, JUDGES Act (Young, Coons, Padilla, Cruz, Hirono, Tillis)

10:00 AM EDT
Nominations Hearing
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Jennifer D. Gavito
Ms. Jennifer D. Gavito, of Colorado, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the State of Libya
Joshua M. Harris
Mr. Joshua M. Harris, of Maryland, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Peter W. Lord
Mr. Peter W. Lord, of Florida, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Senegal, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Juan Carlos Iturregui
Mr. Juan Carlos Iturregui, of Maryland, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Dominican Republic
Tracey Ann Jacobson
The Honorable Tracey Ann Jacobson, of Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Iraq

10:30 AM EDT
A Difficult and Inspiring Journey of Discovery: A Conversation with Lawrence Ingrassia
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:30 AM EDT
Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Hearing: “Securing America’s Critical Materials Supply Chains and Economic Leadership”
House Energy and Commerce Committee
Michelle Michot Foss, Fellow in Energy, Minerals, and Materials, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
Martin Stratte, Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4t6uv0etV24 [Embed]

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:01 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141198 del
10:30 AM EDT
A Call to Action: Meeting the Needs of the Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders (SCI/D) Veteran Community
House Veterans' Affairs Committee
Dr. Erica Scavella
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Services
Veterans Health Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Accompanied by:
Mr. Jeffrey London
Executive Director, Medical Disability Examination Office
Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. Steve Bracci
Director, Claims and Medical Exams Benefits Inspection Division
Office of Inspector General, Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. Robert Thomas
National President and Chairman of the Board
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)
Mr. Carl Blake
Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Sonya Sotak
Chief Government Affairs Officer
Dr. B. Jenny Kiratli
American Federation of Government Employees
Statements for the Record
MitoSense, Inc.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HKJFJ27ppP8 [Embed]

10:45 AM EDT
@EdWorkforceCmte’s Markup Enhances Safety, Security, and Rights of Students, Parents, and Workers
House Education and the Workforce Committee
H.R. 618, the Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act
H.R. 8606, the Never Again Education Reauthorization and Study Act of 2024
H.R. 8648, the Civil Rights Protection Act of 2024
H.J. Res. 165, a Congressional Review Act resolution to nullify the Biden administration’s Title IX rule
H.R. 6816, the Promoting Responsible Oversight To Eliminate Communist Teachings (PROTECT) for Our Kids Act
H.R. 5567, the Combating the Lies of Authoritarians in School Systems (CLASS) Act
H.R. 8649, the Transparency in Reporting Adversarial Contributions to Education (TRACE) Act
H.R. 7227, the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act of 2024
H.R. 8534, the Protecting Student Athlete’s Economic Freedom Act
https://youtube.com/watch?v=eBjIiIVzW2M [Embed]

11:00 AM EDT
Music Connection - Columbus, Ohio
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
Veterans Coffee Social - Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
Office Hours - 4th Ward Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
A Spinal Framework for Organ Somatosensation
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Python for Data Science: How to Get Started, What to Learn, and Why
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Biowulf 25th Anniversary Seminar Series
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:01 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141199 del
11:00 AM EDT
Addressing Evolving and Emerging Public Health Questions with Surveillance Data
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Full Committee Markup Fiscal Year 2025 Defense, Financial Services and General Government, and Legislative Branch Bills
House Appropriations Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RGan3mXV2QY [Embed]

11:00 AM EDT
Destroying America’s Best Idea: Biden’s Border Crisis, Desecrating National Park Lands and Damaging Communities
House Natural Resources Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UtlI1RMPSvM [Embed]

11:00 AM EDT
Revenue, Ridership, and Post-Pandemic Lessons in Public Transit
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Ms. MJ Maynard, CEO, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, on behalf of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
Ms. Laura Hendricks, CEO, Transdev U.S., on behalf of the North American Transit Alliance (NATA)
Mr. Marc Scribner, Senior Transportation Policy Analyst, Reason Foundation
Mr. Greg Regan, President, Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO
https://youtube.com/watch?v=49lkVcUdtM4 [Embed]

11:00 AM EDT
Examining GAO’s Findings to Address Data Gaps and Improve Data Collection in the Territories | Indian and Insular Affairs Subcommittee
House Natural Resources Committee
Ms. Melissa Braybrooks, Economist, Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Karin Orvis, Chief Statistician of the United States, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. [Invited/or designee, declined to attend]
Ms. Latesha Love-Grayer, Director, International Affairs and Trade, U.S. Government Accountability Office, Washington, D.C.
Ms. Lola Leon Guerrero, Director, Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Government of Guam, Hagatna, Guam
Jacobo Orenstein-Cardona, Executive Assistant, Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics, Government of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dr. Michael Levin, Managing Partner, PacificWeb LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii
https://youtube.com/watch?v=v1q61FrH8sk [Embed]

11:00 AM EDT
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee

11:00 AM EDT
The President participates in a Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Event [5:00 pm Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy
https://youtube.com/watch?v=anjeuFpyMx4 [Embed]
Pres. Biden Participates in Global Infrastructure Event at G7 Summit
President Biden participates in an event hosted by the G7's Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment at the G7 summit in Fasano, Italy.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:02 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141200 del
11:15 AM EDT
Medicare and Social Security: Examining Solvency and Impacts to the Federal Budget
House Budget Committee
Mr. Paul Spitalnic
Chief Actuary, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Mr. Stephen Goss
Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dB9J6FERxyo [Embed]
Hearing on Medicare & Social Security Solvency
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Chief Actuary Paul Spitalnic and Social Security Administration Chief Actuary Stephen Goss testify on the solvency of Medicare and Social Security before the House Budget Committee.

11:30 AM EDT
Redefining the Future: Decent work and sustainable livelihood for persons with disabilities (COSP17 Side Event) The side event will outline a vision to reshape societal perspectives on work, dignity, and inclusivity, creating a future where everyone, regardless of ability, can thrive.
United Nations

11:30 AM EDT
What We Have Here. . . .is a Failure to Collaborate: Review of GAO’s Annual Duplication Report
House Oversight and Accountability Committee
Mr. Gene Dodaro
Comptroller General, U.S. Government Accountability Office
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BDURTi5m85w [Embed]

11:50 AM EDT
Eastern Sector, USMEPCOM, Change of Command
Department of Defense

12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
Webinar: The Honorable Janet L. Yellen
Economic Club of NY
Treasury Secretary Speaks at Economic Club New York
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen speaks at the Economic Club of New York.

12:00 PM EDT
The Mental Health and Well-being of Your Trainees
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Feed Grains Database - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

12:00 PM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives - House Session
The House will continue work on 2025 defense programs and policy legislation (NDAA).

12:05 PM EDT
The President views a skydiving demonstration and participates in a group photo with G7 leaders [6:05 pm Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy
President Biden & G7 Leaders Watch Skydiving Demonstration
President Biden and other G7 leaders watch a skydiving demonstration and participate in a group photo at the G7 summit in Fasano, Italy.

12:15 PM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Stretch & Recovery
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Building a Path to Translational Geroscience with Proteomics
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:03 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141201 del
1:00 PM EDT
NICHD Third Annual Gynecologic Pain Research Virtual Meeting
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Protecting Your Workplace Rights
Department of Labor

1:15 PM EDT
Advancing health equity by bridging the digital divide for persons with disabilities (COSP17 Side Event) Discussing the importance of making digital health services inclusive for persons with disabilities.
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
Department of State

1:15 PM EDT
A Cascade of Security Failures: Assessing Microsoft Corporation’s Cybersecurity Shortfalls and the Implications for Homeland Security
House Homeland Security Committee
Brad Smith
Vice Chairman and President, Microsoft
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kB2GCmasH4c [Embed]
2:00 PM EDT
Microsoft President Testifies on Cybersecurity Failures
Microsoft President Brad Smith testifies before the House Homeland Security Committee on recent cybersecurity failures. In 2023, Chinese hackers breached email accounts at several federal agencies, including the Commerce and State departments.

1:45 PM EDT
The President signs a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine and holds a joint press conference with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine [7:45 pm Local]
Borgo Egnazia, Savelletri, Italy
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BiLgGjFzcV4 [Embed]
President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky Hold News Conference at G-7 Summit
President Biden participates in a greeting ceremony followed by a news conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the G-7 summit in Fasano, Italy.

2:00 PM EDT
The Futurist: The Age of AI Summit
Washington Post Live
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bR9pCJYDdq4 [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
Virtual - Author Talk: Ben Kane Discusses "Stormcrow: A Gripping and Epic Viking adventure"
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library and in partnership with a multitude of MA Libraries.

2:00 PM EDT
The Role of Forensics in Cybersecurity
Federal Times

2:00 PM EDT
'Moving' Markets: What Are Economic Indicators and Their Role in Housing and Construction
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce

2:00 PM EDT
West LA Father's Day Giveaway - Los Angeles, California
Veterans Administration

2:00 PM EDT
Sepulveda Army Birthday Celebration - Sepulveda, California
Veterans Administration

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:03 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141202 del
2:00 PM EDT
Launch event with NASA leadership for the new Disaster Response Coordination System that will provide communities and organizations around the world with access to science and data to aid disaster response (NASA Media Channel)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nA9UZF-SZoQ [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
NCI SBIR Peer Learning and Networking (PLAN) webinar: How to Write a Strong Commercialization Plan
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
Investigations & Oversight Subcommittee Hearing - Environmentalism Off the Rails: How CARB will Cripple the National Rail Network
Mr. Ian Jefferies, President and Chief Executive Officer, Association of American Railroads
Mr. Chuck Baker, President, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association
Mr. Alan Abbs, Legislative Officer, Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Dr. Tyler Dick, Professor, Texas Railway Analysis & Innovation Node (TRAIN), University of Texas Austin
https://youtube.com/watch?v=V8Wth0Zj7zAs [Embed]

2:45 PM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout
United Nations

2:45 PM EDT
CommonHealth Live! with Dr. Julie Gerberding and former Senator Richard Burr
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=w8lMQF6XB3g [Embed]

3:00 PM EDT
Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan - Security Council, 9655th meeting
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(6th meeting) 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP17) - The 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (COSP17) will take place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 11 to 13 June 2024. Theme: Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
How to Achieve International Cooperation in Sport To Promote a Truly Inclusive Future even in Humanitarian Emergency Situations (COSP17 Side Event) Italy's longstanding vocation for international cooperation can be widely seen in many areas – none the least - sport, including, sport for persons with disabilities.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Cybersecurity Across Domains for Multi-Domain Operations
Breaking Defense
Department of Defense Principal Director for Cybersecurity and Deputy Chief Information Security Officer Gurpreet Bhatia speaks at 3 p.m. EDT at a Breaking Defense webinar on "Cybersecurity Across Domains for Multi-Domain Operations." Register at breakingdefense.com.
Department of Defense

3:00 PM EDT
Dairy Monthly Tables - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:04 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141203 del
3:00 PM EDT
Season Average Price Forecasts - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Wheat Data - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Silenced Dissent: The Plight of Political Prisoners and Search for Accountability
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission)
Hon. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
Leader of Democratic Belarus
Ms. Þórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir
General Rapporteur for Political Prisoners of the Council of Europe
Ms. Annie Wilcox Boyajian
Vice President of Policy and Advocacy at Freedom House
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TUUlNOW3lvQ [Embed]

2:45 PM EDT
Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. James Mingus - fireside chat
Applied Intuition Defense: Nexus 24

3:05 PM EDT
Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan - Security Council, 9656th meeting
United Nations

3:45 PM EDT
Maynard Holliday, Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies - Fireside Chat
Applied Intuition Defense: Nexus 24

3:50 PM EDT
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pacific Ocean Division Change of Command
Department of Defense

4:45 PM EDT
Measures to Reinforce the Guaranty of Autonomy in Exercising the Vote by Person with Disabilities in Andorra (COSP17 Side Event)
United Nations

5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

5:00 PM EDT
Live! at the Library: Treasures Gallery Opening: Visitors are invited to the opening of the David M. Rubenstein Treasures Gallery at the Library of Congress and a celebratory concert featuring acclaimed recording artist Natalie Merchant, who also serves on the board of the Library’s American Folklife Center. Livestreaming will be available.
Library of Congress

5:00 PM EDT
Tucker County Veteran Town Hall - Parsons, West Virginia
Veterans Administration

5:30 PM EDT
Honoring All Who Served - Veterans Night with the Tri-City ValleyCats - Troy, New York
Veterans Administration

6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

C-SPAN's The Weekly
Connecting today's political discourse with the past 40 years of politics. Using audio taken from C-SPAN's vast Video Library, each episode focuses on a theme tied to current events providing a unique perspective on today's news.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:04 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141204 del
6:30 PM EDT
Veteran Resource Fair - Town Hall - Owensboro, Kentucky
Veterans Administration

7:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: A History of Activism Through Cookbooks
Tewksbury Public Library

7:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Why We Read - Exploring The Joys Of Reading
Tewksbury Public Library

7:00 PM EDT
Window Seat to Arlington's Riverfront
Arlington Historical Society

7:00 PM EDT
Lafayette 200: Fredericksburg, 1824 - The City and Its People: Throughout 2024–2025, Fredericksburg will host educational programming to commemorate the Bicentennial of Lafayette’s return to America as the “Guest of the Nation.” Join us for events at library branches, part of the Lafayette 200 series.
Central Rappahannock Regional Library

7:00 PM EDT
The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941)
Library of Congress

7:00 PM EDT
Live! at the Library: Celebrate the Treasures of a Nation featuring Natalie Merchant
Library of Congress
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_DQagQ59mY4 [Embed]

7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! Historic Grayson Stadium The Party Animals vs. The Visitors, Savannah, Georgia

7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! First Horizon Park | vs. The Firefighters, Nashville, Tennessee

7:00 PM EDT
Virtual - Friday Night Film Discussion: "I, Daniel Blake" (Kanopy) *For Adults
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library and in partnership with a multitude of MA Libraries.

7:00 PM EDT
Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell delivers remarks at a Philippine National Day Reception
Washington, D.C.

7:00 PM EDT
Marine Band on the National Mall
U.S. Marine Band "The President's Own"

8:00 PM EDT
Heritage Philharmonic's Summer Pops Concert on the South Lawn
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Missouri

9:00 PM EDT
Bakersfield Veterans Town Hall - Bakersfield, California
Veterans Administration
17 END

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 13:06 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141206 del
(35.45 KB 492x598 sip.jpg)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 14:03 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141207 del
Culture War

♦️ Hunter Biden ♦️
🔹"Hunter Biden owns 10% of a company called ePlata which is a micro financing loan company for illegals"

📍Mike Benz


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 14:15 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141208 del
Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS bloc - state TV


By Reuters January 2, 20249:14 AM EST Updated 5 months ago

DUBAI, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Saudi state TV said on Tuesday that the kingdom had officially joined the BRICS bloc of countries.

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister had said in August the kingdom would study the details before the proposed Jan. 1 joining date and take "the appropriate decision".

Prince Faisal bin Farhan had said the BRICS group was "a beneficial and important channel" to strengthen economic cooperation.

The BRICs bloc previously included Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but is set to double with Saudi Arabia joining the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia as new members.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 14:53 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141209 del
BREAKING: We have caught Representative Roger Williams violating the STOCK Act.

Congress is legally required to disclose trades within 45 days of when they are made.

Williams just disclosed trades from as far back as 2019.

Trade list is up on Quiver.


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 15:12 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141210 del
Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorney's Office

Here We Go! Live Now. a bit late

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_tiRB2Q1Xwo [Embed]

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 15:37 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141211 del
New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus, Risking Another Global Pandemic


A new congressional report has uncovered disturbing details about a research project conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Daily Mail reported.

The investigation, spanning over 18 months, revealed a pattern of obstruction and misinformation by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the NIH, and NIAID regarding the transfer of genes between different strains of the Monkeypox virus.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 16:06 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141212 del
BREAKING: Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported In Primary Election, Including Machines Incorrectly Counting and Reversing Totals


Puerto Rico’s elections commission has announced that is will be reviewing its contract prior to the November 2024 election with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies while using over 6,000 Dominion Voting machines during their heated primary elections.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:48 Id: 8c1579 [Preview] No.141214 del
Kek. They big mad. We must be doing something right.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:51 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141215 del
They're desperately trying to tie one Anon to VaticanClown to make everyone think a very big thorn in their side is one of them. Dumbfuck clown tries leeching and replying to damn near every post I make. Poor bastard. If they can't control someone or make them comply then they try to destroy that person by any and every means necessary at their disposal. Poor bastards. Notice that they are exempt from the rules they try forcing onto others? It's to protect them.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:52 Id: c8c07a [Preview] No.141216 del
>>141159 TYB

Anons were discusing Q Delta and noticed GAMESTOP Delta for DDOS at the time Kun under spam attack

that post having a ddos delta for the host

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:52 Id: 68e442 [Preview] No.141217 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:58 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141218 del
Anyway, to any of the Anons in here I may have inadvertently friendly fired over the last year when battling the mimics (the biggest mistake I made was thinking I was the sole target of the mimicry at the time), I would like to offer my most sincere and humble of apologies. You don't have to accept that apology. I've avoided the bunker for the past year pretty much because I thought y'all were... ah fuck, nevermind. Sorry, guys.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:59 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141219 del
(682.36 KB 679x453 cozy zone.png)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:59 Id: 968b1c [Preview] No.141220 del
such fun

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:00 Id: 34cc2e [Preview] No.141221 del
bunker comfy while proto the kun

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:01 Id: 1112e8 [Preview] No.141222 del
(1.50 MB 500x207 gladitor.gif)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:01 Id: 978f8c [Preview] No.141223 del
Digits confirm
This is a blessed project

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:02 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141224 del
bello bunker

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:03 Id: 8c1579 [Preview] No.141225 del
Ignore them, Anon. Their greatest weakness is their need for relevance. Gotta remember that the Owners, mimics, AEI, Gorefag, KPFag, et al, all play for the same team, but they need QR alive for intelligence gathering. We're about to hit a choke point and shit is going to start flying with the normies.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:04 Id: 070f7a [Preview] No.141226 del
"America in its final hours – Operation Blackjack"

at 6:00 timestamp:
Vladimir Zhirinovsky speaking on January 19, 2022:
"Trump no longer says 'make America great again.' Now he says 'we will save America.' That's right, Trump, but unfortunately you won't be able to save it. There won't be elections in 2024 because there will be no America."

https://youtube.com/watch?v=HOhGo6IrWvs [Embed]

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:05 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141227 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:07 Id: b4ec85 [Preview] No.141228 del
(14.50 MB 562x314 Bailey(c).mp4)
Hello bunker, here are some clips from the hearing earlier.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:10 Id: b4ec85 [Preview] No.141229 del
(14.54 MB 562x314 Foley (c).mp4)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:11 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141230 del
So? I fail to see how that's relevant at all, or even a point of mockery that could possibly be effective.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:11 Id: c8b76b [Preview] No.141231 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:12 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141232 del
(11.41 KB 401x375 haha.png)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:14 Id: b4ec85 [Preview] No.141234 del
(15.00 MB 562x314 Trainor.mp4)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:14 Id: 8c1579 [Preview] No.141235 del
(8.22 KB 952x224 Layer 1.png)
Kek. Looks like BO co isn't hiding it anymoar. Replace "severe shilling" with "disinformation." Always the same playbook.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:16 Id: c8b76b [Preview] No.141236 del
Attorney General Bailey reads out all the errors of the Trump Persecution Manhattan Trail
Uploaded to sreamable Expires (2 days)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:18 Id: 1112e8 [Preview] No.141239 del
(242.21 KB 560x672 8KUN CAT.gif)
the admission. archive this for the next time someone says that anons cannot see pattern and clear fuckery with the kitchen.
have been BVing while noting

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:21 Id: b4ec85 [Preview] No.141240 del
(14.47 MB 562x314 Eisen (c).mp4)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:23 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141241 del
(1.55 MB 480x270 fuckoffflea.gif)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:26 Id: 1e882c [Preview] No.141242 del
🔥 Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Calls Out the Lawfare Biden is Waging Against Trump w/ the Help of George Soros

"The left has prioritized its hatred of President Trump above the rule of law. To put it plainly, the left hates President Trump more than they love this country...This prosecution was politically motivated and is replete with legal error."


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:27 Id: 299d63 [Preview] No.141243 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:28 Id: 41cb3b [Preview] No.141244 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:28 Id: bd91de [Preview] No.141245 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5u1wwDOWbr4 [Embed]

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:29 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141246 del
follow your fool then.
you have no part in eternity.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:31 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141247 del
(150.91 KB 378x212 20210111_101013.gif)
calling it naow.
к.нarrıs is about to be your president.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:31 Id: 216a06 [Preview] No.141248 del
Nigel Farage's Reform UK overtakes Tories for first time ever in bombshell poll
Nigel Farage's Reform Party has overtaken the Conservatives in the polls for the first time
A YouGov survey found that Reform has increased support by two points to 19 percent.The Tories are on 18 percent.


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:33 Id: ed35a1 [Preview] No.141249 del
Wtf is happening over on QR? spam attack? Been out all day and come back to the bunker... anon ain't paying for no stinking proto!

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:33 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141250 del
his ability to change anything is very limited from even that position.
is there a point?
generalized trend right?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:34 Id: 41cb3b [Preview] No.141251 del

is gud.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:35 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141252 del
jim said the shills were too strong.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:35 Id: 979272 [Preview] No.141253 del
Welcome to 8Kun Premium Frens

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:35 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141254 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:35 Id: 979272 [Preview] No.141255 del
Do you even delta bro?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:35 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141256 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:36 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141258 del
gunnah suck.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:37 Id: ed35a1 [Preview] No.141259 del
bunker is always comfy, there is probably less than 10 anons here, kek

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:39 Id: 109f84 [Preview] No.141260 del
Kim back in action…no proto…for now

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:39 Id: 5401af [Preview] No.141261 del
fuck of a lot of PANIC over there

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:39 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141262 del

▲ ▲

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:39 Id: 149c82 [Preview] No.141263 del
Microsoft President Testifies on Cybersecurity Failures LIVE

KEK! Same day QR gets flooded with massive shills.


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:40 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141265 del
it was different once

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:43 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141266 del
(137.91 KB 1736x1302 kimwtf.jpeg)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:46 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141267 del
a bloody damn mess.
one blames don.
and q.
jim too likely.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:49 Id: 5401af [Preview] No.141268 del
fucking spaceforce with the new tech

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:49 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141269 del
(297.64 KB 360x202 20200809_162305.gif)
once moar...
if everyone crucifies their .govs at the same time
the next .govs Will behave.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:50 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141270 del
terminal buffer faults
they willnah empty captain

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:51 Id: 8c1579 [Preview] No.141271 del
Kek. What part of the conversation today made them decide the Samson option was necessary?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:52 Id: d5c096 [Preview] No.141273 del
(2.04 MB 1920x1080 This is some bull.mp4)
Sup Fags

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:52 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141274 del
(459.66 KB 584x584 20201210_104119.gif)
infinitechan was best.
endchan a close second
with much larger data transfer capacity
nothing is the same thœ
thatis on q alone

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:53 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141275 del
no comment.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:56 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141276 del
Baseline in psychology is a crucial concept that serves as a reference point for measuring change and progress in psychological research. But what exactly is baseline, and why is it important to establish one?

This article will delve into the definition of baseline, its measurement in psychology, the factors that influence it, and its significance in psychological research. We will also explore how to establish and maintain a baseline in psychological studies, highlighting its role in identifying treatment effectiveness and controlling for variables.

Key Takeaways:

Baseline in psychology refers to the starting point used for comparison in studies and research.Establishing a baseline is crucial for accurately measuring change, progress, and treatment effectiveness.Individual differences, environmental factors, and emotional state can influence baseline in psychology.

you should familiarize your selves.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:58 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141277 del
this is fine a while

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:58 Id: 1e882c [Preview] No.141278 del
proto OFF

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:59 Id: d5c096 [Preview] No.141279 del
What is this "proto" thing everyone is talking about?

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:06 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141281 del
the fact you are hier belies your query

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:10 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141282 del
(2.81 MB 703x407 kek18.gif)
Pretty much, yep.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:11 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141283 del
(631.55 KB 640x360 20190124_025701.gif)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:30 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141285 del
this data,
when coupled with the consumption
of immature human pineal gland data,
reveal something of the monster that is
your enemy.
very old things... "rediscovered".

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:33 Id: faa0e5 [Preview] No.141286 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:38 Id: faa0e5 [Preview] No.141287 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:39 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141288 del
this is how the nephilim sustain the host form
which is, biologically speaking,
under intense stress as vessel
for such powerful spirits.
the beginning is all in enoch.
the golden age in egypt.
the long slog across the deluged lands
from the highlands of china?
erased from the minds of men
for long generations.
your bones remember...
if you know them well,
they can tell you.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:45 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141289 del
this leads to >>141284.
if you follow it far enow.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:48 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141290 del
h.sapiens began in that big bald spot between the northern chinese mountains.
you were not first.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:48 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141291 del

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:49 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141292 del
and still no sign of the ohkrill data.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:34 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141293 del
(450.09 KB 766x2012 20240613_153251.jpg)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:35 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141294 del
(391.86 KB 948x1096 20240613_153433.jpg)

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:55 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141295 del
Eisen and his vocal fry...he and his comrades sound like dead people stepping out of the grave and thinking they know what's going on

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:57 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141296 del
Unpaid Parking
Tesla’s massive pileup
Tesla's extra, unsold inventory is just sitting in parking lots
Rani Molla

Tesla's unsold inventory is creating stockpiles you can see from space Where have all the Teslas gone? Stored in parking lots, every one.
Last quarter Tesla produced 433,371 Teslas. It delivered just 386,810, meaning there were about 47,000 extra Teslas around, more than double what it was a year ago and its biggest imbalance to date.
This surplus is happening as the electric car company deals with a number of headwinds, including slowing electric vehicle sales growth, growing competition, and chaotic leadership.
“The primary driver of this was an increase in inventory from a mismatch between builds,” Tesla Chief Financial Officer Vaibhav Taneja said of the company’s -$2.5 billion in free cash flow (spending on AI compute was also to blame). “We expect the inventory built to reverse in the second quarter and free cash flow to return to positive again.”
Until then, we wondered: Where have all the unsold Teslas gone?
I used satellite imagery and object detection analytics from the earth observation marketplace SkyFi, to take a look at some images of Tesla’s Gigafactory outside Austin, Texas. Comparing a Thursday from last October to a Thursday in March, you can see that the parking lots outlined in green in the images below became much more full.

Tesla Gigafactory in Austin, Texas. Top: October 2023. Bottom: March 2024.
A production lead at the gigafactory who was recently laid off along with more than 10% of Tesla’s workforce told Sherwood those parking lots hold finished Teslas before they’re shipped off.
Tesla does store inventory in the other parking lots but those are primarily for employees and contractors. We were unable to discern if extra Teslas are being parked in those, too. Tesla did not respond to questions about the images or requests for comment on this story.
SkyFi also shared satellite imagery of Chesterfield Mall, a soon-to-be-demolished mall west of St. Louis, where Jalopnik previously reported Tesla has been storing excess inventory.

Chesterfield Mall outside St. Louis. Top: October 2022. Bottom: May 2024
Chesterfield Mall Teslas
The firm counted 465 Teslas parked there in May, bringing in much-needed revenue for the doomed mall, where before there had been none.
We were unable to get comparable satellite imagery of Tesla’s Fremont factory but a series of drone videos by a YouTuber show what look to be increasingly cramped lots across the property. Here’s a flyover from last week:
People have reported Tesla stock taking up space at a mall nearby the factory as well as in parking lots and airports around the world. Just this week, a local news network in Australia showed aerial footage of a “Tesla graveyard,” a port in Melbourne where “thousands” of unsold Teslas are piling up.
Of course, some of these Teslas could be en route to happy owners. But the mass of them piling up is getting harder to ignore.


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 22:02 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141297 del
Eisen IS from L.A. Norm's a valley girl.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 22:06 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141298 del
This is from ABC news, not some blog post. Dominion machines and others DO HAVE major issues, and this is not some whacked out "conspiracy theory"!

>Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries


Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 22:59 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141299 del
(1.89 MB 480x640 20200923_202653.gif)
a thing occurred.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 23:01 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141300 del
muh puerto rico.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 23:02 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141301 del
elon's final epitaph...
the greatest maker of parking lots in human history.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 23:38 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141302 del
Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children


A leading data analyst has raised the alarm after uncovering evidence exposing a major cover-up of mass deaths of children who received Covid mRNA shots.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst Albert Benavides has blown the whistle after realizing that U.S. government data massively underreports the number of children who died from the injections.

VAERS is the national vaccine safety monitoring system that accepts reports of adverse events after vaccination.

The system is controlled by Democrat President Joe Biden’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

VAERS allows doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, health officials, and vaccine manufacturers to report adverse events that occur following vaccination.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 23:42 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141303 del
🔥 Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Calls Out the Lawfare Biden is Waging Against Trump w/ the Help of George Soros

"The left has prioritized its hatred of President Trump above the rule of law. To put it plainly, the left hates President Trump more than they love this country…This prosecution was politically motivated and is replete with legal error."



Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 00:06 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141304 del
Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines

Another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true.

Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to a bombshell report.

Moderna in 2021 hired and tasked a supposedly new pharmaceutical manufacturing company called National Resilience (Resilience) to make all of their Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

The company apparently goes by several names, including Nanotherapeutics, Nanosphere Inc, Ology Bioservices, and Government Resilience Services, independent journalist Destiny Rezendes first reported last year.


Investors in Resilience included Google, Lux Capital, Magnetic Ventures and 8VC, and the COO of the company also served as a senior adviser to Pfizer, according to database website Crunchbase.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

“Also, Nanosphere and Nanotherapeutics AKA Resilience has countless contracts with the government concerning Biological Warfare, and gene specific sensors wanted by the DoD,” Rezendes noted.


Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 00:08 Id: 513d4f [Preview] No.141305 del
Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines

Another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true.

Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to a bombshell report.

Moderna in 2021 hired and tasked a supposedly new pharmaceutical manufacturing company called National Resilience (Resilience) to make all of their Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

The company apparently goes by several names, including Nanotherapeutics, Nanosphere Inc, Ology Bioservices, and Government Resilience Services, independent journalist Destiny Rezendes first reported last year.


Investors in Resilience included Google, Lux Capital, Magnetic Ventures and 8VC, and the COO of the company also served as a senior adviser to Pfizer, according to database website Crunchbase.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

“Also, Nanosphere and Nanotherapeutics AKA Resilience has countless contracts with the government concerning Biological Warfare, and gene specific sensors wanted by the DoD,” Rezendes noted.


Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 03:26 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141306 del

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 03:50 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141307 del
(285.88 KB 383x287 20200427_215424.gif)
all eyes in this continuum are turned to this world.
congratulations... you are all quite infamous.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 03:53 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141308 del
(435.19 KB 485x485 20200908_134547.gif)
the whole army...
waitin, on мвs.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 04:30 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141309 del

#443 @155
>>141188, >>141189, >>141190, >>141191, >>141192, >>141193, >>141194, >>141195, >>141196, >>141197, >>141198, >>141199, >>141200, >>141201, >>141202, >>141203, >>141204 Swamp Today June 13, 2024
>>141208 Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS bloc
>>141210, >>141228, >>141229, >>141233, >>141234, >>141236, >>141240, >>141236, >>141242, >>141303 Hearing on Manhattan District Attorney's Office
>>141211 New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus
>>141212, >>141298 Puerto Rico’s elections commission reviewing contract prior with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies
>>141213 Pres. Trump Adresses the Media in D.C.
>>141248 Nigel Farage's Reform UK overtakes Tories for first time ever in bombshell poll
>>141296 Tesla's extra, unsold inventory is just sitting in parking lots
>>141302 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children
>>141304 Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 05:45 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141310 del
(585.07 KB 469x582 Pepe's Mornin'.PNG)

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 05:46 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141311 del
one wishes you could see as one sees,
What one sees.
originally the point of this exercise.
colossal failure is fun.
ah, well.
a mind is a terrible tool to leave blunted by
preconceptions when said are naught moar
than belief in the words of other men,
none of which are or were better than
the real redpill is it is all made the fuck up,
and you have been swimming in very deep waters
the entire time.
maintain balance under knowledge of true conditions
may be taxing.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 05:47 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141312 del
damned mess.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 05:53 Id: e78295 [Preview] No.141313 del
(162.25 KB 1242x1190 20240613_235317.jpg)

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 06:01 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141314 del
your right. it's so bad, really. need something righteous to happen.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 06:04 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141315 del
>>140630, >>140633, >>140634, >>140636, >>140639, >>140640, >>140641 pb
1929 Stock Market Crash

"But when America found her European debtors were paying her just what Germany had borrowed from her to pay them, she drew in her horns as a lender. With a foreign trade back to 8½ per cent. of her production, as against Britain's 30 and Australia's 34 per cent., she thought to concentrate at home and let Europe solve her own problems. All went well."

"No plan could be devised to curtail crude oil production and an accumulation of stocks. There were uneasy demands for a higher tariff. Finally the pleasant harmony of mutual felicitation between corporation presidents was drowned by a yawp of discord from the farmers."

"Such stocks caused a break in wheat prices so heavy that the net incomes of the farming population from wheat were threatened with extinction. Stock markets are always sensitive to the future state of commodity markets and the slump in Wall-street predicted for May by Sir George Paish, arrived on time."

"Such figures set up a crescendo of stock-exchange speculation during the last two years. Yet a few straws floating wide hinted that the tide was at the flood. Building in 1929 was at a lower level than in 1928. New records set up each month in motor production told of a strenuous struggle to sell between Ford and General Motors, making respectively 35 and 30 per cent, of the new cars."

"but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of "stags," amateur speculators and investors who knew how well business was going under Hoover's presidency..."

"More significant are the losses, probably much smaller, made by "stags" who rushed in and have lost their antlers."

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 06:25 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141316 del
(20.51 KB 293x347 roaring kitty.JPG)
>>140630, >>141315

"Trade Settlement period shortened to one day"
Some would say the dark pool needed to speed up exchanges to reduce risk and get money out quickly. All they needed was some money coming in from "a fresh rush of "stags" (amateur speculators) and investors." Similar to what happened in 1929.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 06:26 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141317 del

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 06:57 Id: d7163d [Preview] No.141318 del
Here in South Australia im seeing teslas everywhere now. My boss has just bought one too... He gets to charge it at work for free.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:37 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141319 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Friday June 14, 2024


The House Stands Adjourned Until June 14, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 17, 2024 at 3:00 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken joins President Biden on travel to Italy from June 13-14, 2024.
Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma has no public appointments.
Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie D. Jenkins is on travel to Guyana from June 13-14, 2024.
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya is on travel to Senegal and Guinea from June 9-14, 2024.
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is a Slight Risk of Severe Thunderstorms for Eastern CO Into Western/Central NE/KS...Central/Eastern PA And Northern MD Into Parts of New England... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

End Wokeness @EndWokeness - Why is LGBTQIA+ propaganda suddenly everywhere? @America_2100 explains:

FreedomToons - Trump Gets Convicted - Soars
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cgBZCtAolPM [Embed]

Gary Varvel - Father's Day advice

grrrgraphics - Road Trumper

grrrgraphics - The Joepranos

grrrgraphics - Take Back The Rainbow

grrrgraphics - Zelensky’s List

Margolis & Cox - 2024 Election

Margolis & Cox - Hunter Biden

Margolis & Cox - 2024 Election

Margolis & Cox - Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Joe Biden

Mark Parisi - Confession

Michael Ramirez - Russia Disappoints

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Could It Get Any Worse?

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Caught!
1 and txt file

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:38 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141320 del
RealityBites by Broc Smith - Wrong is Good and Good is Bad

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Good Dog

RealityBites by Broc Smith - How Evil Works

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon

Skscartoon @skscartoon - Crime

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - Broke Law

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 6

The Daily Cartoonist -

Wokely Correct Comics @WokelyCorrect -

Young Americans for Liberty @YALiberty - F-15's

Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 14

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

Register to Vote

Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

Pope Meets Jimmy Fallon and 105 Other Comics at Vatican

Judicial Watch: Records Detail Biden Dog Attacks on Secret Service Personnel

Scalise: House GOP Stands Ready to Work With President Trump

Turning Point Action (TPAction) We're Hiring

One On One Interview With President Donald J. Trump

LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

Palm Beach Playbook - June 13, 2024

FAKE NEWS: Debunking “Milwaukee” Hoax

June 14, 2024 - June 15, 2024
Barron Country Pro Rodeos - Ladysmith, Wisconsin
Leap Frogs - U.S. Navy Parachute Team

June 14, 2024 - June 16, 2024
Columbus Air Show 2024
Rickenbacker International Airport, Ohio

June 14, 2024 - June 16, 2024
Greenwood Lake Airshow
Greenwood Lake Airport, West Milford, New Jersey

June 14, 2024 - June 18, 2024
The People’s Convention #Peoples2024

June 14, 2024 - June 22, 2024
29th Annual Delaware River Sojourn

June 14, 2024 - June 23, 2024
Weekly Schedule of Public Speaking Engagements and Other Activities Friday, 14 June 2024 - Sunday, 23 June 2024
European Central Bank

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:38 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141321 del
JUNE 14, 2016
President Obama Statement on U.S. Operations Against ISIS
President Obama delivered a statement following a meeting with his National Security Council on U.S. operations against ISIS*. He called for reinstatement of the assault weapons ban in wake of the shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. He also addressed critics who want him to call ISIS terrorists “radical Islamists,” saying, “Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away,” and that such criticisms serve as a “political distraction.”
* The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), or DAISH/DAESH in Arabic is a militant group that has called itself the Islamic State.

JUNE 14, 2017
Alexandria Shooting: GOP's Steve Scalise Among 5 Wounded

JUNE 14, 2017
Violent Extremism
The Senate Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on the ideology behind violent extremism and potential tools the U.S. can use to counter it. Former National Counterterrorism Center Director Michael Leiter called for more funding of ideological warfare programs and focusing on building partnerships with Muslim communities

June 14, 2024
Happy Birthday President Trump!

June 14, 2024
Flag Day 2023 in the United States

June 14, 2024
14 June is World Blood Donor Day
World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO)

June 14, 2024
Army Birthday
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
1:30 AM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
2:00 AM EDT
The President receives the President’s Daily Brief
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
3:15 AM EDT
The President departs en route to Borgo Egnazia
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
3:25 AM EDT
The President arrives to Borgo Egnazia
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
3:30 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session IV of the G7 Summit
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
4:00 AM EDT
Special Voices sessions - Global Leaders Forum - UNCTAD's Global Leaders Forum "Charting a new development course in a changing world", 12-14 June 2024. The UN Secretary-General, heads of state, ministers, government officials, experts and leading economists will convene to discuss urgent trade and development challenges in an increasingly diverse and challenging global economy.
United Nations

June 14, 2024
4:00 AM EDT
112th International Labour Conference of the ILO: Plenary debates – Morning sitting - Presentation of second Credentials report and adoption of two committees outcomes.
United Nations

June 14, 2024
4:45 AM EDT
The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Meloni of Italy
Official Schedule
5:33 AM EDT
President Biden Meets with Italian Prime Minister Meloni
President Biden meets with Italian Prime Minister Meloni at the G7 summit in Italy.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:39 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141322 del
June 14, 2024
5:00 AM EDT
Panel participation by Board member Mr Philip R. Lane at the 30th Dubrovnik Economic Conference in Dubrovnik
European Central Bank

June 14, 2024
5:00 AM EDT
Participation by Board member Mr Luis de Guindos in the Award ceremony of the Carlos V European Prize to Mr. Mario Draghi
European Central Bank

June 14, 2024
5:30 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session V of the G7 Summit
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
Virtual Fitness - HIIT
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers responded to the question “How important are reproductive issues to your 2024 vote?”

June 14, 2024
7:50 AM EDT
2d Marine Division Commanding General Change of Command
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Daryl Kimball Discusses U.S. Nuclear Arsenal & Threats From Adversaries
Arms Control Association’s Daryl Kimball discusses the state of nuclear weapons in the U.S. and recent comments by a National Security Council arms control official that the U.S. may be forced to expand its arsenal amid growing threats from China, Ru

June 14, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show
Real America's Voice

June 14, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Mouse Workshop: Safe Handling and Techniques
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
The President participates in Working Session VI of the G7 Summit
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
8:15 AM EDT
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His remarks at a press briefing at 8:15 a.m. EDT after meeting with NATO defense ministers in Brussels, Belgium, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
8:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

June 14, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
17th Annual Roll Call of Nations Wreath Laying Ceremony & Dissident Human Rights Award Presentation - Victims of Communism Memorial, Corners of New Jersey and Massachusetts Avenues NW
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

June 14, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
WATCH LIVE: Jonathan Capehart Hosts a Live Roundtable on the Day’s Politics
Washington Post Live
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CWAkyNm3QN4 [Embed]

June 14, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:40 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141323 del
June 14, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
The Advisory Committee to the Director Board Meeting - Day Two
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefits Fair - Port Sanilac, Michigan
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: House Session
The House will complete work on 2025 defense programs and policy legislation (NDAA).

June 14, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
Participation by Board member Ms Isabel Schnabel in virtual meeting of the European Fiscal Board
European Central Bank

June 14, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
1st Annual NIH CC Clinical Fellows Graduation Ceremony
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing
House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY) briefs reporters and responds to questions on his party’s legislative agenda.

June 14, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
Closed Business Meeting to Continue to Markup the Proposed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025
Senate Armed Services Committee

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
(30th meeting) Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, 2024 resumed regular session, Economic and Social Council - The 2024 resumed session of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will take place from 28 May - 5 June at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Committee will meet again on 14 June 2024.
United Nations

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
60 Years in the Service of Peace: Tribute to the Peacekeepers of the United Nations Force in Cyprus - The Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations is organising an event, together with an accompanying photographic exhibition, dedicated to the 60 years of UNFICYP, entitled "60 Years in the Service of Peace: Tribute to the Peacekeepers of the United Nations Force in Cyprus".
United Nations

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
(6th plenary meeting) UNICEF Executive Board, 2024 Annual Session - The Executive Board is the governing body of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), providing intergovernmental support and oversight to the organization. The 2024 Annual Session will be held in-person from 11 to 14 June 2022 at the United Nations Headquarters.
United Nations

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
War Room With Steve Bannon
Real America's Voice

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
You Are Here: Poetry in Parks With the 24th U.S. National Poet Laureate, Ada Limón: Beech Forest Trailhead Time: 10-11AM Featured poem: "Can You Imagine" by Mary Oliver View more event information.
Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachussets

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:40 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141324 del
June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
An Agenda for the Federal Reserve’s Review of Its Monetary Policy Framework
Brookings Institution
Fmr. Council of Economic Advisers Chair and Others Discuss the Federal Reserve
Christina Romer, former Council of Economic Advisers chair, joins economists and policy advocates for a discussion on the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy hosted by the Brookings Institution.

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Dive into the Future of Technology with Emerging Tech
Public Knowledge
Forum on Emerging Technologies & Their Impact
The Public Knowledge nonprofit hosts an event at the U.S. Capitol on the latest technologies and their impact on society. Speakers include Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and tech experts.

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
VIRTUAL: Mindfulness & Meditation Class
Tewksbury Public Library

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Look & Learn: Container Gardening (On-site Drop-in Program)
U.S. Botanic Garden

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Education Secretary Cardona will travel to New York, NY to participate in the White House and Caring Across Generations’ Father’s Day Brunch.
Department of Education

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Your Next Move for Military Spouses and Caregivers
Department of Labor

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Veterans Coffee Break with Southside Strong - Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Women’s Veterans Health Resource Fair - Jacksonville, Florida
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Oswego Vet Fest - Oswego, New York
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
U.S. Army Birthday - U.S. Army veterans receive complimentary admission to the Memorial. (Admission is always free for Active-duty service members.)
National D-Day Memorial, Bedford, Massachussets

June 14, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Participation by Board Member Ms Isabel Schnabel in Virtual Meeting of the European Fiscal Board
European Central Bank

June 14, 2024
10:35 AM EDT
U.S. Army Contracting Command Change of Command
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
10:35 AM EDT
The United States Army Birthday Wreath Laying
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Northwest Alabama Veterans' Town Hall - Fayette, Alabama
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Office Hours - 29th Ward Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
11:20 AM EDT
Army Birthday Cake Cutting and Re-Enlistment Ceremony
Department of Defense

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:41 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141325 del
June 14, 2024
11:30 AM EDT
570th Meeting, 38th Session, Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) - Closing of session
United Nations

June 14, 2024
11:30 AM EDT
The President participates in a group photo with G7 leaders and Pope Francis
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
11:50 AM EDT
2024 NORAD, USNORTHCOM Command Senior Enlisted Leader Change of Responsibility
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General
United Nations

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
The Charlie Kirk Show
Real America's Voice

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Civic Story: History of the American Flag
National Constitution Center

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Cotton and Wool Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Oil Crops Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Training: Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision Making
Department Of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Fon Du Lac, Wisconsin
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Global Processes Have Tissue Specific Effects on Development and Disease
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Machine Learning
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Compound Strength Mobility
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
NIH Library Lunch and Learn: How to Cite Data
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
12:15 PM EDT
The President holds a meeting with Pope Francis
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
12:30 PM EDT
A Festschrift Celebrating the Career and Retirement of Dr. Michael Collis
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
12:45 PM EDT
The President participates in the Closing Session of the G7 Summit
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
12:50 PM EDT
Bakers Creek Memorial Ceremony
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
LHC/LCP Seminar - Cell Identity Conversion in Liver Regeneration and Cancer Initiation
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 14, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Career Credentials for Military Spouses and Caregivers
Department of Labor

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:41 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141326 del
June 14, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Ventura, California
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
1:15 PM EDT
Panel Discussion on ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change and International Law - The panel discussion will provide an opportunity for reflections from various stakeholders on the key findings in the Advisory Opinion, including in relation to International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas' clarification of obligations under United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and engagement with states.
United Nations

June 14, 2024
1:15 PM EDT
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2024 - Combating violence, abuse and neglect of older persons during conflict situations - Many older persons living in conflict zones face heightened risks of violence, abuse, and neglect compared to other community members. Due to additional vulnerabilities such as reduced mobility, health challenges, and disability, older persons may be unable to flee violence, unlike many younger people in similar situations.
United Nations

June 14, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
Dinner Speech by Board member Ms Christine Lagarde at the 30th Dubrovnik Economic Conference in Dubrovnik
European Central Bank

June 14, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
USMC Sgt. Maj. James Porterfield Retirement
Department of Defense

June 14, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
Soldiers’ Angels Military and Veteran Food Distribution - Dallas, Texas
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien meets with American College of Sofia Trustee Avis Bohlen
Department of State

June 14, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on her Nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour: Vice President Harris continues her nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour with a moderated conversation at the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. 38th Annual Conference.
Atlanta, Georgia
https://youtube.com/watch?v=oISSxEiwiQ4 [Embed]

June 14, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Dive into the Future of Technology with Emerging Tech: Keynote Rep. Anna G. Eshoo
Public Knowledge
Forum on Emerging Technologies & Their Impact
The Public Knowledge nonprofit hosts an event at the U.S. Capitol on the latest technologies and their impact on society. Speakers include Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and tech experts.

June 14, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Author Russell Cooper Discusses "Murder On Friday Street"
Tewksbury Public Library

June 14, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Ventura Father's Day Giveaway - Ventura, California
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Santa Maria Father's Day Giveaway - Santa Maria, California
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Army Birthday Celebration - Los Angeles, California
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Feed Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:42 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141327 del
June 14, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Rice Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

June 14, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Wheat Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

June 14, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Peanut Prices - Weekly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture and Statistics Canada

June 14, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Turkey Hatchery - Monthly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture and Statistics Canada

June 14, 2024
4:30 PM EDT
Campaign 2024: Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) & Vivek Ramaswamy Speak at Turning Point Action Conference
Conservative lawmakers and thought leaders including Vivek Ramaswamy and Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) are among those speaking at The Peoples Convention, hosted by Turning Point Action in Detroit.

June 14, 2024
4:45 PM EDT
The President departs en route to the San Domenico Landing Zone
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
4:55 PM EDT
The President arrives at the San Domenico Landing Zone
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

June 14, 2024
5:00 PM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47 - 6/14/24
Right Side Broadcasting Network

June 14, 2024
5:00 PM EDT
You Are Here: Poetry in Parks With the 24th U.S. National Poet Laureate, Ada Limón: Launch Event Livestream
Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, Massachussets

June 14, 2024
5:05 PM EDT
The President departs en route to Brindisi, Italy
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
5:30 PM EDT
The President arrives to Brindisi, Italy
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
5:40 PM EDT
The President departs Brindisi, Italy en route to Joint Base Andrews
Official Schedule

June 14, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Museum of Appalachia - Clinton, Tennessee

June 14, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Film Screening: ‘The Bitter Pill’ A documentary about the biggest civil litigation in U.S. history that took on pharmaceutical companies and their role in the opioid epidemic.
Center for American Progress

June 14, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Country Current - Baltimore, Maryland
U.S. Navy Band

June 14, 2024
6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:43 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141328 del
June 14, 2024
6:45 PM EDT
WWII 80th Anniversary for the Battle of Saipan
American Memorial Park, Northern Mariana Islands

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47 - 6/14/24 - President Trump will speak at 7 pm ET.
Right Side Broadcasting Network

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Virtual - Friday Night Film Discussion: "I, Daniel Blake" (Kanopy) *For Adults
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! First Horizon Park | vs. The Firefighters, Nashville, Tennessee

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! Historic Grayson Stadium The Party Animals vs. The Visitors, Savannah, Georgia

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Crivitz Enrollment and Eligibility Fair - Crivitz, Wisconsin
Veterans Administration

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Concert Band: Salute the Sunset - National Harbor, Maryland
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Brass Quintet: Capitol Concert - West Side of U.S. Capitol | Washington, DC
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Friday Evening Parade
Marine Barracks, 8th & I, Washington, D.C.

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Air Force Strings - Alexandria, Virginia
U.S. Air Force Band

June 14, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Lady Snowblood (Toho Films, 1973)
Library of Congress

June 14, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
2024 Campaign Trail: Focus on the Biden Campaign in Wisconsin & Nevada's U.S. Senate Race
Up-to-date highlights from candidates' speeches, interviews with political insiders, the latest poll numbers, fundraising stats, and political ads. Witness the campaign unfold in every episode.

June 14, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
After Words: Ernesto Londono, "Trippy - The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics". The New York Times' Ernesto Londono looked at the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment & described his own experience with them. He was interviewed by Politico Health Care reporter Erin Shumaker.
American History/BookTV

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Defense Logistics Agency Cybersecurity Director to Umpire in College World Series

CCDI Awardee Indiana University Collaborates with Indigenous Artists to prioritize Indigenous Perspectives   | Of the People

The Empire Strikes Hats: An Ambitious Atlas from Fishing to Furs | Worlds Revealed

Celebrating a Milestone: The Adams Building Turns 85 Years Old | Inside Adams

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:43 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141329 del
A Trip to the Farmers Market | Picture This

William Wilgus: Progress, Loss, and a Divided Manuscript Collection | Unfolding History

Revealing the 2024 National Book Festival Poster | Bookmarked

Celebrating Pride Month: Poets Who Explore Identity and Authenticity Through Creative Expression | Copyright

Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 15

Word of the Day

June 15, 2024 - June 16, 2024
Wings Over Bryant Airshow 2024
Saline County Regional Airport, Bryant, Arkansas

June 15, 2024 - June 16, 2024
Deke Slayton Airfest
La Crosse Regional Airport, La Crosse, Wisconsin

June 15, 2024 - June 16, 2024
Moses Lake Airshow
Grant County International Airport, Moses Lake, Washington

June 15, 2024 - June 16, 2024
CFB Borden Armed Forces Day
Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario

June 15, 2024 - June 16, 2024
Desert Plant Sale (On-site Drop-in Event)
U.S. Botanic Garden

JUNE 15, 1995
U.S. Militia Movement
The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism held a hearing on militias in the America. Committee members heard testimony from congressional lawmakers, federal law enforcement officials and state and local militia members. The witnesses spoke about the characteristics of the militia groups, the problems the groups present, and potential solutions to these problems.

JUNE 15, 2011
Federal Gun Smuggling Sting Operation, Senator Grassley
Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Charles Grassley (R-IA) testified at a hearing on a government sting operation aimed at gun smugglers known as “Operation Fast and Furious.” Senator Grassley was investigating the issue.

JUNE 15, 2015
Campaign 2016: Jeb Bush Presidential Campaign Announcement
Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) announced his candidacy for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination at Miami Dade College in Miami. He talked about his record as governor, improving economic growth, and immigration reform.
Before Governor Bush’s speech, the event began with a one-hour rally that included a musical performance by the Chirino Sisters of Spanish-language songs, a prayer and the singing of the national anthem, and introductory remarks by the candidate’s son George P. Bush and several other Floridians.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:44 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141330 del
JUNE 15, 2017
2017 Congressional Baseball Game
C-SPAN presented live coverage from the annual congressional baseball game between Republicans and Democrats. The game took place at Nationals Park one day after Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and three others were shot at a practice session for the game in Alexandria, Virginia. President Trump did not attend the game, but he did deliver a video message prior to the game. The national anthem was sung by the Congressional Chorus, and the ceremonial first pitch was thrown by U.S. Capitol Police Officer David Bailey, who was injured in the previous day’s shooting. He was handed the ball by Joe Torre, and his catcher was Roberto Clemente, Jr. The game’s attendance was 24,959, the largest in the history of the game. The Democrats won by a score of 11-2 and gave the trophy to the Republican team to be placed in Representative Scalise’s office. Video coverage was arranged by the MLB Network, and radio commentary was courtesy Federal News Radio.

June 15, 2024
Battle of the Badges - San Diego, California
Leap Frogs - U.S. Navy Parachute Team

June 15, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: 06/15/2024

June 15, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
PACT Act Outreach Event/Fort Detrick - Frederick, Maryland
Veterans Administration

June 15, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
PACT Act Outreach Event/Winchester - Virginia
Veterans Administration

June 15, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Lectures in History: 20th Century Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Molly Worthen taught a class about the history and the intellectual underpinnings of Protestant fundamentalism in 20th century America. She began with the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, which pitted the teaching of evolution versus creationism in public schools and gained national attention. Later she delved into the origins and growth of Pentecostalism, which strives for a personal connection with the Divine and includes such aspects as faith healing and speaking in tongues.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Painesdale Mine and Shaft Workday - Keweenaw National Historical Park
Keweenaw National Historical Park, Michigan

June 15, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Birding 101 at French Creek State Park
Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, Pennsylvania

June 15, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Park Cleanup & Painting at Lincoln Park
Capitol Hill Parks, District of Columbia

June 15, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Tanks, Wings & Wheels Father's Day Weekend – Featuring American Elegance
The American Heritage Museum, Hudson, Massachussetts

June 15, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Kayak Tour from Dalton’s Ford to Reed’s Bridge on West Chickamauga Creek
Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park, Georgia

June 15, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Veteran Resource Fair and Standdown - North East, Pennsylvania
Veterans Administration

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:45 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141331 del
June 15, 2024
9:10 AM EDT
U.S. Government Information Collection and Surveillance. Matthew Guariglia, senior policy analyst at the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, talked about how the U.S. government collects information on citizens and ways that information has been used for surveillance and policing. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
Living History Event: Scots Day
Fort Ticonderoga, New York

June 15, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
Artist-in-Residence: Kelly Looking Horse
Pipestone National Monument, Minnesota

June 15, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
Juneteenth at Manassas National Battlefield Park!
Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia

June 15, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
Floyd Bennett Field Seaplane Ramp Kayaking for Beginners
Gateway National Recreation Area, New York

June 15, 2024
9:31 AM EDT
Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, Nancy Smith, "Remember the First Ladies". This look at the nation's first ladies combined biography and historical themes, and highlighted how these women influenced the country and their times. The authors - Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, and Nancy Smith - are founding members of the First Ladies Association for Research and Education.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Downrange: 249th Army Birthday Festival - National Museum of the U.S. Army | Fort Belvoir, Virginia
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Marie Zimmermann Day
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Pennsylvania

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Journey to Freedom on the Bay
Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Separation Day
First State National Historical Park, Delaware

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Family Day: Juneteenth Celebration Free
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum - Atlanta, Georgia

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Encampment Weekend at Salem Maritime National Historic Site
Salem Maritime National Historic Site, Massachussets

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
World War II in Miniature
National D-Day Memorial, Bedford, Massachussets

June 15, 2024
10:15 AM EDT
Family Day - Treasures Family Festival "Treasures of American Communities"
Library of Congress
10:30 AM EDT
Family Folk Music Sing-Along With Musician Natalie Merchant
Library of Congress

June 15, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Free Fishing Program
Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:45 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141332 del
June 15, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Benkadi Drum and Dance
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

June 15, 2024
10:45 AM EDT
Reel America: "An Air Raid Warden's Report" - 1942. This 1942 Office of Civilian Defense film talked about the importance of accurate reports from community air raid wardens as part of U.S. World War II home front defense efforts. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Lectures in History: 20th Century Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Molly Worthen taught a class about the history and the intellectual underpinnings of Protestant fundamentalism in 20th century America. She began with the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, which pitted the teaching of evolution versus creationism in public schools and gained national attention. Later she delved into the origins and growth of Pentecostalism, which strives for a personal connection with the Divine and includes such aspects as faith healing and speaking in tongues.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Artist-in-Residence Event
Craters Of The Moon National Monument & Preserve, Idaho

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Reading with a Ranger
Gateway Arch National Park, Missouri

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Veteran Resource Fair at Living Treasures - New Castle, Pennsylvania
Veterans Administration

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Mansfield, Texas
Veterans Administration

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Outreach event at the American Red Cross Military and Veteran Resource Brunch - Williamsville, New York
Veterans Administration

June 15, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Fly Tying Lessons
Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico

June 15, 2024
12:07 PM EDT
U.S. Government Information Collection and Surveillance. Matthew Guariglia, senior policy analyst at the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, talked about how the U.S. government collects information on citizens and ways that information has been used for surveillance and policing. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
12:15 PM EDT
Speech by Board member Ms Isabel Schnabel at Lions Club Dortmund in Dortmund
European Central Bank

June 15, 2024
12:30 PM EDT
Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, Nancy Smith, "Remember the First Ladies". This look at the nation's first ladies combined biography and historical themes, and highlighted how these women influenced the country and their times. The authors - Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, and Nancy Smith - are founding members of the First Ladies Association for Research and Education.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
12:35 PM EDT
Army Birthday Festival 2024
Department of Defense

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:46 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141333 del
June 15, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Got a boat? Join us for our 2nd Trump Flotilla on June 15th. We’ll start on Lake St. Clair by the 9 Mile Tower, at 1pm. Head down to Hart Plaza then back north to Hook SCS for the after party. Join us along the shoreline with your flags. Rain date June 16th.
Michigan Conservative Coalition

June 15, 2024
1:45 PM EDT
Reel America: "An Air Raid Warden's Report" - 1942. This 1942 Office of Civilian Defense film talked about the importance of accurate reports from community air raid wardens as part of U.S. World War II home front defense efforts. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
The Civil War: Civil War Photographs and Stereoviews. Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range of scenes and subjects available for purchase as stereoview sets during the time. The Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Family Program: Kids' Colonial Muster
Independence National Historical Park, Pennsylvania

June 15, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
North American premiere of "Apollo Thirteen: Survival" presented in partnership with DC/DOX Film Festival
National Archives William G. McGowan Theater

June 15, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
The Neverending Story (Warner Bros., 1984)
Library of Congress

June 15, 2024
2:52 PM EDT
Antisemitism History in the United States. Ruth Wisse - a professor emeritus of Yiddish Literature at Harvard University - recounted the history of antisemitism in the United States. The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
3:30 PM EDT
Artist in Residence at Kahuku: Author Leah Newsom
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

June 15, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will visit Detroit to listen to members of the community: 180 Church, Detroit, MI 48227
1:00PM – Doors Open
Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Donald Trump Visits Voters in Detroit
Former President and presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump participates in a roundtable discussion with voters in Detroit.

June 15, 2024
4:07 PM EDT
Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Decision. Law professors Sheryll Cashin and Randall Kennedy - who served as law clerks to former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall - discuss the legacy of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. This event took place at the U.S. National Archives in Washington, D.C.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:46 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141334 del
June 15, 2024
5:00 PM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Speaks at "The People's Convention" in Detroit - 6/15/24 #Peoples2024
Right Side Broadcasting Network
6:00 PM EDT
ICYMI: Special Guest President Donald J. Trump, Confirmed Headline Speaker at Turning Point Action’s The People’s Convention

June 15, 2024
5:30 PM EDT
Shakespeare on the Lawn
Historic Kenmore, Virginia

June 15, 2024
5:30 PM EDT
Revolution's Edge at Old North Church
Boston National Historical Park, Massachussets

June 15, 2024
5:34 PM EDT
"Portrait of Courage" - Afghanistan Veteran Sgt. First Class Ramon Padilla. Retired Sgt. First Class Ramon Padilla shared the story behind the painting by George W. Bush included in "Portraits of Courage," the former president's tribute to the post-9/11 veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. He lost an arm and suffered a skull fracture in an enemy attack. The Richard Nixon Foundation hosted this event in Yorba Linda, California, where the exhibit was on loan from the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Cruisers - Baltimore, Maryland
U.S. Navy Band

June 15, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
“No Nobler Effort” USCT in the Opening Assaults
Petersburg National Battlefield, Virginia

June 15, 2024
6:22 PM EDT
National World War II Museum Rare Artifacts Exhibit. American History TV toured the National World War II Museum's Malcolm S. Forbes Rare and Iconic Artifacts Gallery and new interactive oral history exhibit. The National World War II Museum is located in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! First Horizon Park | vs. The Firefighters, Nashville, Tennessee

June 15, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! Historic Grayson Stadium The Party Animals vs. The Visitors, Savannah, Georgia

June 15, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Gen Z Event - "Slice of History: Games, Food, and Music"
Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site, Missouri

June 15, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Concert Band - National Harbor, Maryland
U.S. Air Force Band

June 15, 2024
7:03 PM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: John Kennedy - 1960. Senator John Kennedy (D-MA) accepted his party's presidential nomination at the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. His remarks became known as the "New Frontier" speech.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
7:26 PM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Ted Kennedy - 1980. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) addressed the 1980 Democratic Convention in New York City after earning nearly 40 percent of his party's votes during the primaries. Kennedy later released his delegates and endorsed President Jimmy Carter for re-election.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:47 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141335 del
June 15, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King—Extended Edition (New Line Cinema, 2003)
Library of Congress

June 15, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Zephyros Winds With Audrey Andrist, Piano
Library of Congress

June 15, 2024
8:02 PM EDT
Lectures in History: 20th Century Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Molly Worthen taught a class about the history and the intellectual underpinnings of Protestant fundamentalism in 20th century America. She began with the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, which pitted the teaching of evolution versus creationism in public schools and gained national attention. Later she delved into the origins and growth of Pentecostalism, which strives for a personal connection with the Divine and includes such aspects as faith healing and speaking in tongues.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
8:30 PM EDT
Juneteenth Movie Night
Great Falls Park, Virginia

June 15, 2024
9:10 PM EDT
U.S. Government Information Collection and Surveillance. Matthew Guariglia, senior policy analyst at the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, talked about how the U.S. government collects information on citizens and ways that information has been used for surveillance and policing. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
9:31 PM EDT
Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, Nancy Smith, "Remember the First Ladies". This look at the nation's first ladies combined biography and historical themes, and highlighted how these women influenced the country and their times. The authors - Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, and Nancy Smith - are founding members of the First Ladies Association for Research and Education.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
10:30 PM EDT
Night Sky Program
Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma

June 15, 2024
10:45 PM EDT
Reel America: "An Air Raid Warden's Report" - 1942. This 1942 Office of Civilian Defense film talked about the importance of accurate reports from community air raid wardens as part of U.S. World War II home front defense efforts. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
11:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: 20th Century Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Molly Worthen taught a class about the history and the intellectual underpinnings of Protestant fundamentalism in 20th century America. She began with the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, which pitted the teaching of evolution versus creationism in public schools and gained national attention. Later she delved into the origins and growth of Pentecostalism, which strives for a personal connection with the Divine and includes such aspects as faith healing and speaking in tongues.
American History/BookTV

June 15, 2024
11:45 PM EDT
Our Fascinating Moon!
Lassen Volcanic National Park, California

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:47 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141336 del
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What’s In Their Wallets?

July 8, 2024 - July 10, 2024 Kid Detectives Family History Camp at the National Archives - Virtual Camp, National Archives Museum Online

Please share with us the names of those men - both living and deceased - who have fathered you. We will pray for them during our St. Paul Novena during the month of June.

Father's Day 2024: What to Do on Father's Day

FATHER'S DAY | Third Sunday in June

Jumble Sunday


Today in History - June 16

Word of the Day

June 16, 2024 - June 21, 2024
Understanding Risk Forum 2024
World Bank Group, International Organization Affiliated With the United Nations (UN)

JUNE 16, 1933
Milestone Documents: National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
National Archives

JUNE 16, 1992
Rap Artist's Response to Clinton Remarks
Rap artist Sister Souljah, held a news conference in New York City to respond to Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton’s speech of the previous week which mentioned and repudiated some of her public statements. Gov. Clinton stated in a speech to the National Rainbow Coalition on June 13 that Sister Souljah’s remarks on racial relations were divisive and deserved criticism. Sister Souljah sharply criticized Gov. Clinton for failing to research her remarks and recited several indictments of Gov. Clinton’s integrity.

JUNE 16, 2015
Campaign 2016: Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement
Business magnate Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the 2016 Republican presidential nomination in remarks at Trump Tower in New York. Ivanka Trump, his daughter, introduced Mr. Trump, who entered the room by riding down an escalator.

JUNE 16, 2022
January 6 Hearings: Third Hearing on Investigation of January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol
In the third hearing of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, Committee Chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said, “Thanks in part to Mike Pence, our democracy withstood Donald Trump’s scheme and the violence of January 6.” While testifying on the pressure then-Vice President Pence was subjected to by former President Trump and attorney John Eastman, former counsel to Vice President Pence, Greg Jacobs said that the vice president was urged multiple times by the former president and Mr. Eastman to reject the electors prior to the joint session of Congress, even though the vice president consistently said he did not have the authority to do so. Also testifying before the committee was Judge Michael Luttig (ret.), an unofficial adviser to Vice President Pence.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:48 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141337 del
June 16, 2024
12:10 AM EDT
U.S. Government Information Collection and Surveillance. Matthew Guariglia, senior policy analyst at the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, talked about how the U.S. government collects information on citizens and ways that information has been used for surveillance and policing. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
12:31 AM EDT
Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, Nancy Smith, "Remember the First Ladies". This look at the nation's first ladies combined biography and historical themes, and highlighted how these women influenced the country and their times. The authors - Diana Carlin, Anita McBride, and Nancy Smith - are founding members of the First Ladies Association for Research and Education.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
1:40 AM EDT
Reel America: "An Air Raid Warden's Report" - 1942. This 1942 Office of Civilian Defense film talked about the importance of accurate reports from community air raid wardens as part of U.S. World War II home front defense efforts. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
1:51 AM EDT
The Civil War: Civil War Photographs and Stereoviews. Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range of scenes and subjects available for purchase as stereoview sets during the time. The Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
2:45 AM EDT
Antisemitism History in the United States. Ruth Wisse - a professor emeritus of Yiddish Literature at Harvard University - recounted the history of antisemitism in the United States. The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
4:00 AM EDT
Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Decision. Law professors Sheryll Cashin and Randall Kennedy - who served as law clerks to former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall - discuss the legacy of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. This event took place at the U.S. National Archives in Washington, D.C.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
5:30 AM EDT
"Portrait of Courage" - Afghanistan Veteran Sgt. First Class Ramon Padilla. Retired Sgt. First Class Ramon Padilla shared the story behind the painting by George W. Bush included in "Portraits of Courage," the former president's tribute to the post-9/11 veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. He lost an arm and suffered a skull fracture in an enemy attack. The Richard Nixon Foundation hosted this event in Yorba Linda, California, where the exhibit was on loan from the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
6:20 AM EDT
National World War II Museum Rare Artifacts Exhibit. American History TV toured the National World War II Museum's Malcolm S. Forbes Rare and Iconic Artifacts Gallery and new interactive oral history exhibit. The National World War II Museum is located in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:49 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141338 del
June 16, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: 06/16/2024

June 16, 2024
7:01 AM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: John Kennedy - 1960. Senator John Kennedy (D-MA) accepted his party's presidential nomination at the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. His remarks became known as the "New Frontier" speech.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
7:24 AM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Ted Kennedy - 1980. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) addressed the 1980 Democratic Convention in New York City after earning nearly 40 percent of his party's votes during the primaries. Kennedy later released his delegates and endorsed President Jimmy Carter for re-election.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
8:01 AM EDT
Corey DeAngelis, "The Parent Revolution". American Federation for Children's Corey DeAngelis argued that parents need to get more involved in their children's education and regain control from the teachers' unions over the curriculum in public schools. This event was hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
9:05 AM EDT
Garrett Bucks, "The Right Kind of White - A Memoir". Garrett Bucks reflected on lessons he's learned from his own ideas about whiteness & privilege while working to build community with others. Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
After Words: Ernesto Londono, "Trippy - The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics". The New York Times' Ernesto Londono looked at the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment & described his own experience with them. He was interviewed by Politico Health Care reporter Erin Shumaker.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Daily Activities At Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota

June 16, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
From Bunker Hill to Penn's Hill
Adams National Historical Park, Massachussets

June 16, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Excursion to Jessup: Father's Day Event in Partnership with the Iron Horse Society
Steamtown National Historic Site, Pennsylvania

June 16, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Aspet Open House
Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park, New Hampshire

June 16, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Battlefield & Ballot Box
Cedar Creek & Belle Grove National Historical Park, Virginia

June 16, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Dont Give Up the Arts
Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial, Ohio

June 16, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Juneteenth Celebrations
First State National Historical Park, Delaware

June 16, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Dead Men Do Tell Tales: Captain Jim Stinchcomb’s Story
Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park, Georgia

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:49 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141339 del
June 16, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
B.A.R.K. Ranger Event: Landscape Walk
Gateway Arch National Park, Missouri

June 16, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Au Sable Light Station Tours
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan

June 16, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Encampment Weekend at Salem Maritime National Historic Site
Salem Maritime National Historic Site, Massachussets

June 16, 2024
11:02 AM EDT
Corey DeAngelis, "The Parent Revolution". American Federation for Children's Corey DeAngelis argued that parents need to get more involved in their children's education and regain control from the teachers' unions over the curriculum in public schools. This event was hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
11:30 AM EDT
"Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill" Book Talk and Signing
Hamilton Grange National Memorial, New York

June 16, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Sunday Public Affairs Programs
Reairs beginning at 12pm ET of programs from NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN and CBS.

June 16, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Juneteenth Celebration
Cedar Creek & Belle Grove National Historical Park, Virginia

June 16, 2024
12:05 PM EDT
Garrett Bucks, "The Right Kind of White - A Memoir". Garrett Bucks reflected on lessons he's learned from his own ideas about whiteness & privilege while working to build community with others. Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
12:30 PM EDT
New Mexico Highlands University Program: Mindfulness at Pecos National Historical Park
Pecos National Historical Park, New Mexico

June 16, 2024
12:30 PM EDT
Bunker Hill Parade
Boston National Historical Park, Massachussets

June 16, 2024
12:30 PM EDT
Juneteenth Gathering
Longfellow House Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site, Massachussets

June 16, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
After Words: Ernesto Londono, "Trippy - The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics". The New York Times' Ernesto Londono looked at the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment & described his own experience with them. He was interviewed by Politico Health Care reporter Erin Shumaker.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Informal Instruction in Watercolor and Landscape Painting
Weir Farm National Historical Park, Connecticut

June 16, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Go Fishing With Dad! (Wilderness)
Fire Island National Seashore, New York

June 16, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Poetry Reading with Lisa Samia
Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia

June 16, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
Afternoon Visit at Mont Sec House
Gateway National Recreation Area, New York

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:50 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141340 del
June 16, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Juneteenth Celebration
George Washington Carver National Monument, Missouri

June 16, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Author Talk and Book Signing: C.W. Goodyear, Author of President Garfield: From Radical to Unifier
James A Garfield National Historic Site, Ohio

June 16, 2024
2:02 PM EDT
Travis Rieder, "Catastrophe Ethics". Bioethics professor Travis Rieder looks at the morals of personal choice in an interconnected world. This event was part of the 2024 Gaithersburg Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
2:48 PM EDT
McKay Coppins, "Romney - A Reckoning". Atlantic staff writer McKay Coppins chronicled the life and political career of Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT). This event was part of the 2024 Gaithersburg Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Caring for the Wounded
Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania

June 16, 2024
3:30 PM EDT
Cruisers - Baltimore, Maryland
U.S. Navy Band

June 16, 2024
3:30 PM EDT
Commodores - Baltimore, Maryland
U.S. Navy Band

June 16, 2024
3:37 PM EDT
Carlos Lozada, "The Washington Book". Pulitzer Prize-winning book critic and columnist Carlos Lozada talked about the insights he gleaned from reading the memoirs, biographies, and reports written by politicians and government officials. This event was part of the 2024 Gaithersburg Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
Up Close and Personal
Colorado National Monument, Colorado

June 16, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
Complicated Legacy: Being Gay During the Roosevelt Administration
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

June 16, 2024
4:30 PM EDT
"Books Through Bars". Historians and activists talked about the prison book movement - the challenges of getting books into prisons, teaching in prisons, and dealing with censorship. This program was part of the 2024 Organization of American Historians conference in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
4:30 PM EDT
Nauset Light Tour
Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachussets

June 16, 2024
5:30 PM EDT
Shakespeare on the Lawn
Historic Kenmore, Virginia

June 16, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Amanda Collins Johnson, "Beyond Survival". Crime Prevention Research Center fellow Amanda Collins Johnson talked about being raped in college, her healing process, and her advocacy for "campus carry" gun laws. This event was hosted by the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women in Virginia.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:50 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141341 del
June 16, 2024
6:50 PM EDT
Jen Psaki, "Say More - Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World". MSNBC's Jen Psaki spoke about her time as White House press secretary for the Biden Administration & offers advice on how to communicate effectively. The Commonwealth Club of California hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Untimely Death: Murder in the American Civil War
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

June 16, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
100 Nights of Taps Program
Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania

June 16, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Q&A: Christina Swarns, Executive Director of the Innocence Project
Attorney and Innocence Project executive director Christina Swarns talk about the history of the organization, the root causes of wrongful convictions, and some of the clients the Innocence Project has successfully represented over the years.

June 16, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Corey DeAngelis, "The Parent Revolution". American Federation for Children's Corey DeAngelis argued that parents need to get more involved in their children's education and regain control from the teachers' unions over the curriculum in public schools. This event was hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Landform Detectives
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan

June 16, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
The Miniscule Menace
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan

June 16, 2024
9:05 PM EDT
Garrett Bucks, "The Right Kind of White - A Memoir". Garrett Bucks reflected on lessons he's learned from his own ideas about whiteness & privilege while working to build community with others. Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
10:00 PM EDT
After Words: Ernesto Londono, "Trippy - The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics". The New York Times' Ernesto Londono looked at the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment & described his own experience with them. He was interviewed by Politico Health Care reporter Erin Shumaker.
American History/BookTV

June 16, 2024
10:00 PM EDT
Colter Bay Evening Talk with a Ranger
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

June 16, 2024
10:30 PM EDT
Night Sky Program
Badlands National Park, South Dakota

June 16, 2024
10:30 PM EDT
Lodgepole Evening Program
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks, California

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:51 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141342 del
June 16, 2024
10:30 PM EDT
Heart O' the Hills Campground Evening Program
Olympic National Park, Washington

June 16, 2024
11:00 PM EDT
Q&A: Christina Swarns, Executive Director of the Innocence Project
Attorney and Innocence Project executive director Christina Swarns talk about the history of the organization, the root causes of wrongful convictions, and some of the clients the Innocence Project has successfully represented over the years.

June 16, 2024
11:02 PM EDT
Corey DeAngelis, "The Parent Revolution". American Federation for Children's Corey DeAngelis argued that parents need to get more involved in their children's education and regain control from the teachers' unions over the curriculum in public schools. This event was hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

24 END

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 12:53 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141344 del

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 13:08 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141345 del

CIA conversations

Dr. Keith Ablow treated Hunter Biden for cocaine addiction. In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office, took his patient records as well as another Hunter Biden laptop, and never charged him with a crime. Dr. Ablow talks about it for the first time.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 14:09 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141346 del
(909.71 KB 1689x922 514.PNG)
The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours
And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 14:31 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141347 del
BREAKING: NATO has rejected Vladimir Putin's peace deal.


NATO is so fucked.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 15:08 Id: 3ddef5 [Preview] No.141348 del
vlad is being very patient.
this planet though...

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 17:40 Id: eebcb4 [Preview] No.141349 del
another instance where career choice fits the surname. I've heard of a coach Wynn, podiatrist Dr Foote, and he's someone to help with coke addiction, Dr Ablow.....

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 17:48 Id: eebcb4 [Preview] No.141350 del
This anon is here every day, mainly lurking. Count me as part of the 10.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 20:40 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141351 del

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 20:59 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141352 del

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:17 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141353 del
Colonel & Dr Jeffery Kunz arrested in child sex trafficking sting in WA State

Here’s the first part to Colonel & Dr Jeffery Kunz. He is currently shown in good standing and available to work in Washington
#investigation #info #busted #court #prison #pnw

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:32 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141354 del

Here’s part 2 on Colonel Jeffery Kunz. He is still a free man, but with some restrictions. Though Washington’s licensing board shows none.
#washington #investigation #info #update #pnw #military #army #suspect

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 22:15 Id: 6c8ec0 [Preview] No.141355 del
Vlad is a better man than the majority of people realize.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 23:07 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141356 del
CIA interviews CIA

NEW: Tucker Carlson (https://t.me/TuckerCarlsonNetwork) Breaks The Internet In Powerful Interview With Alex Jones (https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1801347500449927217)
In this next level interview with Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson talks stopping WW3, the battle between good and evil and taking humanity to the next level.


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 01:38 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141357 del

The Gateway Pundit

CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana

READ: https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/calls-justice-criminal-referral-requests-against-anthony-fauci/
8:12 AM · Jun 14, 2024

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 01:49 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141358 del
(627.90 KB 1200x1200 9992.png)

House Committee No Longer Trusts NIH/NIAID to Oversee Risky Monkey Pox Research

by: Wendi Strauch Mahoney 06/14/2024 Source: uncoverdc.com

Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 01:59 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141359 del
Edward Snowden

Holy f—


Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China vaccines

The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
Jun 14, 2024 · 11:55 PM UTC


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 07:46 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141360 del
checked vlad is on a mission from God

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:49 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141361 del
(430.67 KB 601x848 515.png)


Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

This may surprise you, but even Joe Biden allowed those prohibitions to remain
Now we find out Huawei has been funding DC non-profits with connections to elite universities

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:18 Id: afa984 [Preview] No.141362 del
PROTO on due for 8kun in response to intense shilling.
Encourage anons to get a Proto pass.
If you have any problems, post them here please.

PROTO is on for obvious reasons.

Proto Signup & Activation
1 - buy Proto membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/
2 - Enter your email address: https://sys.8kun.top/membership.php
3 - Set Proto credentials: https://8kun.top/proto-memberaccess.html

Regular QResearch bakers can get a Proto pass by contacting BO @[email protected]

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:26 Id: 143e1c [Preview] No.141365 del

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:37 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141366 del
a bit overambitious
Was it spam?
Doesn't look like it.
I'd love to know the real reason.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:38 Id: 1203c9 [Preview] No.141367 del
Fuck proto

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:38 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141368 del

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:39 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141369 del
No, I know it can't be helped if it's really bad spam.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:41 Id: df8c6f [Preview] No.141371 del
>was it spam?

Gay spam. 5 pictures each post

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:42 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141372 del
I think the spam had in the past was worse.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:44 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141373 del
I think that's pretty normal since it's called the dark web and all.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:47 Id: a42c07 [Preview] No.141374 del

Someone posts jew spam 200 times

but your feels get hurt when someone
posted pics of neo nazi groomer fags?


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:49 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141375 del
And I can't say because I can't see it.
Damn - I should have watched this all along.
I can't say what the conclusion is.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:49 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141376 del
(424.18 KB 362x400 coffee-snow-white.gif)

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:51 Id: df8c6f [Preview] No.141377 del

No it was just gay spam. Not trolling the muh nazi spambotfags

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:51 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141378 del
200 for this could certainly be tough.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:52 Id: afa984 [Preview] No.141379 del
At least you have a place to complain.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:53 Id: afa984 [Preview] No.141380 del
You can't see an effing thing if you're looking now.
Poster was reposting the dough countless times.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:54 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141381 del
Can you please make this proto mode limited to catalogs with SPAM?

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:54 Id: a42c07 [Preview] No.141383 del
OH, you don't like it?
Well, skinheads are fags So......

neo nazi skinhead groomer fags.


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:55 Id: 978f8c [Preview] No.141384 del
Bet that man is a genius.
True story

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:55 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141385 del
Then maybe I don't have a choice.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:57 Id: df8c6f [Preview] No.141386 del

Both gays and nazis have nothing to do with Q research

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:58 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141387 del
It's like saying I'm scared already.
Or maybe you can't talk anymore and you're spamming.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 12:59 Id: 414ba7 [Preview] No.141388 del

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 13:00 Id: a42c07 [Preview] No.141389 del
Well then the GAY NAZIS should stop posting.

Anon won't stop until they do.


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 13:02 Id: 978f8c [Preview] No.141390 del
Qresearch is back

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 13:03 Id: df8c6f [Preview] No.141391 del

You are not countering real nazis. They are deranged lefties and/or clowns, larping to be nazis

And they just giggle when you counter them that way

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 13:10 Id: a42c07 [Preview] No.141392 del
(46.88 KB 962x692 nazi-spam.png)
(486.89 KB 979x1241 PWN-parakletos.png)
Whatever it takes. THIS IS WAR

Watch and learn newfag

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:10 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141393 del

Wall Street Silver

Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row. Javier Milei was sworn in December 10, 2023 just 7 months ago.

Down from 25.5% to just 4.2%
How did Argentina's President Javier Milei do it?
Slashing government spending.


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:15 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141394 del

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

Yes! You bet there is a Plan. @ajtata
Former Brig. General Tata, author of his new book The Phalanx Code & Double Crossfire confirms the plan is in place.

Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show

🎙️There Has Always Been a Plan.
Hear former U.S. Army General & Under Secretary of Defense Policy @ajtata confirm what every America can benefit from hearing.
I encourage all to listen to every single minute of this 32 minute interview.
This 3-part @X post includes:
9:03 AM · Jun 13, 2024

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:22 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141395 del
Patel previously served as chief of staff for Fort Bend County Judge KP George from 2018 to 2021, according to his LinkedIn. In a statement to ABC13, George wrote:


"As a public official, I address the recent events involving a former employee with a deep sense of concern. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, I emphasize the vital importance of upholding the principles of due process and impartial investigation. I trust that this matter will be examined without prejudice. While awaiting additional information, I reaffirm my commitment to ensuring justice and accountability. I look forward to gaining a complete understanding of the circumstances surrounding this unfortunate incident."

Requests for comment from Patel were not answered. A spokesperson for Meyers' office said they had no comment and deferred any official statement to law enforcement.

Patel's bond was set at $20,000 for the felony and $2,500 for the misdemeanor. He bonded out of the Fort Bend County Jail early Thursday morning. His next court appearance is scheduled for July 22.

His election website is still up collection money:


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:34 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141396 del

Riley Gaines reposted
Elon Musk

We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Puerto Rico’s primary elections just experienced hundreds of voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines, according to the Associated Press.

Luckily, there was a paper trail so the problem was identified and vote tallies corrected.
What happens in jurisdictions
2:58 AM · Jun 15, 2024

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:34 Id: afa984 [Preview] No.141397 del
captchas activated for now to slow shill activity.
-- BO

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:36 Id: a42c07 [Preview] No.141398 del
(1020.90 KB 1125x1122 andrew-paul-wangtown.png)

Wang Town faggots

>>20507125 PB
>>20507254 PB
>>20507452 PB
>>20507494 PB
>>20507125 PB

BB a Paul town sig


Paul Town


>>20507125 PB
>>20507254 PB

Paul Town

BB Big Bongo

All the same person

>>20507452 PB

Paul Towns partner is Andrew Anglin

>>20483403 PB
>>20483399 PB

Andrew Anglin is Doge

>>20481954 PB
>>20481996 PB
>>20481961 PB
>>20482021 PB

And brags about it.

>>20482051 PB



Anglin runs The Daily Stormer (Neo-Nazi) Website


deletions of above Archived

>>20510592 PB
>>20510626 PB


NEO NAZI BUTT rangers>>141392

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:37 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141399 del
They're frantic. I don't see why. Wonder if it has something to do with how revealed the Pedowood pedophiles and traitors will be tonight at the fundraiser for Joe Hollywood is putting on for him.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:39 Id: a42c07 [Preview] No.141401 del

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:50 Id: 7092ab [Preview] No.141404 del
(465.21 KB 1300x869 Andrew_Anglin2.png)
(594.15 KB 1125x591 Andrew_Anglin3.png)
Who uses the black sun as symbolism?

Neo nazis do

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:53 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141405 del
It's included in a lot of memes too, some moar subtly displayed than others.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:54 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141406 del
Hey Feminist Your Wanted EQUALLY

BREAKING: Senate Armed Services Committee Proposes Mandatory Draft Registration for Women in FY25 Defense Policy Bill

The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has proposed to include a provision in the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that mandates draft registration for women.

Under the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), not only will men aged 18 to 26 be automatically registered for selective service, but an amendment also proposes mandatory draft registration for women.

Please note that the version of the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House of Representatives is distinct from the version advanced by the Senate Armed Services Committee.

In May, the FY25 NDAA received strong bipartisan support as it was approved by the House Armed Services Committee (HASC). The vote was overwhelmingly in favor, passing 57 to 1.


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:57 Id: df8c6f [Preview] No.141408 del

Who audits billions for war? Income tax gone with Trump, 17, Ballot fraud arrest? Pray


Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:58 Id: 42f428 [Preview] No.141409 del
is eric trump a woman?

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:58 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141410 del
so what trigger Proto?

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:00 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141411 del
Spam. Not sure if it was turned on or the autotrigger went off, as I was only on the board for about 5 minutes of so before it activated.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:01 Id: df8c6f [Preview] No.141412 del

Last proto was during attack BO red text and reddit space spamming

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:01 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141413 del
The latest thing is to turn it on every time a BRT attack habbens.
So, in essence, every single day on QR from now own unless it ceases.
Good way to kill the image board side of all things Q since few gaf about coming to The Bunker.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:01 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141414 del
Huh. Moar like 10 minutes or so when I actually go and look at the timestamps.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:03 Id: c453aa [Preview] No.141415 del
Remember the cock spam of 2022? You shouldn't whine about it, because that's what it kind of sounds like. Think of it like an optics reset. The clowns use CP and gore, the good guys have Proto.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:05 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141416 del
fresh bread proto off

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 15:07 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141418 del
Keep turning on proto for SSDD stuff and watch how fast even moar anons say eh fuck it outtahere.
Prolly overdue to go ded anyway so whatev.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 21:37 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141419 del
a damned mess

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 21:41 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141420 del
donot know.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 22:13 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141421 del
(566.91 KB 435x773 20240615_161108.png)
>reveal something of the monster that is
your enemy.
the eventual physical mutations are unstoppable past a certain point after the introduction of the gold.
the benefits, haowever, are considerable.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 22:17 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141422 del
none naow remember.

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 23:48 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141423 del
"Fulton County Judge is OFF THE RESERVATION" Johnny Depp Lawyer Reacts to Trial & Ashleigh Merchant

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4Zi8ThbIh0Y [Embed]

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 01:16 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141427 del
Live Fani Willis Case : New Legal Trouble for Fani| Donald Trump | Georgia Case Hearing | US News

https://youtube.com/watch?v=oFRizTGMGGo [Embed]

Do you believe in coincidences?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 01:39 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141428 del
Despite being very loyal fans of your favorite President, ME, the time has come to finally set the record straight about QAnon, or “Q” as some like to put it. The truth is, my Administration was never involved in the movement. In fact, some believe, and probably correctly so, that this political movement was disingenuously started by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA as a way to discredit me and my Administration’s agenda. Make no mistake, I appreciate the support of those in the movement who are Patriots, but again, QAnon (or Q) is a disinformation camapaign meant to hurt me. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours
And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 03:59 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141430 del
(44.85 KB 430x419 Armed Forces_women.JPG)
2025 NDAA will require the selective service registration of women

Historic change in US military policy regarding women and the draft. So are they admitting that there are only 2 genders since they only include ‘men and women’ in the selective service registration requirement🧐
Because if there truly were 27 other genders, wouldn't they need to be addressed in this document as well?
Or, is our DOD creating a loophole for those who identify as other genders for them to be excluded as protected class?

This is one big mess!
The 2025 NDAA will require the selective service registration of women.

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
[pg 4]
• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for
Selective Service.


Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:06 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141431 del
told you.
it gets better.

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:11 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141432 del
droll, wilma...
very droll.

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:46 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141433 del

wanna bet how fast females can get pregnant in 2025...

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 06:11 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141434 del

#443 @277
>>141188, >>141189, >>141190, >>141191, >>141192, >>141193, >>141194, >>141195, >>141196, >>141197, >>141198, >>141199, >>141200, >>141201, >>141202, >>141203, >>141204 Swamp Today June 13, 2024
>>141208 Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS bloc
>>141210, >>141228, >>141229, >>141233, >>141234, >>141236, >>141240, >>141236, >>141242, >>141303 Hearing on Manhattan District Attorney's Office
>>141211 New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus
>>141212, >>141298 Puerto Rico’s elections commission reviewing contract prior with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies
>>141213 Pres. Trump Addresses the Media in D.C.
>>141248 Nigel Farage's Reform UK overtakes Tories for first time ever in bombshell poll
>>141296 Tesla's extra, unsold inventory is just sitting in parking lots
>>141302 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children
>>141304 Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Gates Foundation
>>141315, >>141316, >>141317 1929 Stock Market Crash: "but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of "stags," amateur speculators and investors"
>>141319, >>141320, >>141321, >>141322, >>141323, >>141324, >>141325, >>141326, >>141327, >>141328, >>141329, >>141330, >>141331, >>141332, >>141333, >>141334, >>141335, >>141336, >>141337, >>141338, >>141339, >>141340, >>141341, >>141342 Swamp Today June 14, 2024
>>141347 NATO has rejected Vladimir Putin's peace deal
>>141353, >>141353 Colonel & Dr Jeffery Kunz arrested in child sex trafficking sting in WA State
>>141357 Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials
>>141358 House Committee No Longer Trusts NIH/NIAID to Oversee Risky Monkey Pox Research
>>141393 Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row under Javier Milei leadership
>>141394 Hear former U.S. Army General & Under Secretary of Defense Policy @ajtata confirm what every America can benefit from hearing
>>141395 Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself
>>141406, >>141430 Senate Armed Services Committee Proposes Mandatory Draft Registration for Women in FY25 Defense Policy Bill
>>141424, >>141425, >>141426, >>141429 [PIC]President Trump to The People’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan
>>141427 Live Fani Willis Case : New Legal Trouble for Fani

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 06:57 Id: d4d516 [Preview] No.141435 del
make motherhood great again.

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 07:45 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141436 del
move over Kardashian's it's Suzy Homemaker

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 07:49 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141437 del

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 08:02 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141438 del

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 08:05 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141439 del
(126.44 KB 213x256 Believe Me_Walensky .PNG)

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 13:22 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141440 del
(182.98 KB 589x832 517.png)

One of the many avoidable tragedies committed by faceless bureaucrats in 2020…

Elon Musk
Replying to @Rothmus

I tried telling people this!
When I talked to doctors in Wuhan after the first wave hit China, their top recommendation was to avoid using intubated ventilators for extended periods at 100% O2, as it damages the lungs.


I got the “you’re not a doctor”
Rate proposed Community Notes

Elon Musk

There needs to be a reckoning

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 13:39 Id: 61fe7c [Preview] No.141441 del
The utter treason has gotten so bad in the West our nations are inevitably going to collapse, there is no way to stop it, not even if Trump is re-elected. You all better just be getting prepared as best you can.

Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 14:12 Id: 61fe7c [Preview] No.141442 del
(630.47 KB 753x815 143666.png)
Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked

The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women, putting in place the mechanism for a mandatory military draft of those women.

This news comes on the heels of the US House Armed Services Committee just approving an amendment to the NDAA that automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafted into war.

So now, mechanisms are in place to draft both men and women, thus making sure that young "woke" men don't evade the draft by simply "self-identifying" as women. It's not yet clear whether America's woke youth may attempt to self-identify as imaginary fantasy creatures, since there's nothing in the NDAA that authorizes mandatory military service for wood fairies, tree elves or rainbow gnomes.

Equal opportunity = Equality opportunity to DIE for this corrupt regime. This is how "replacement theory" works. The mass murderers in charge send citizens to die in foreign wars which were entirely avoidable, while illegal immigrants take over their homes, jobs, communities and political leaders.

Notably, this NDAA authorization effort also: "Requires a DOD plan for deterring and defeating simultaneous aggression by two near-peer nuclear competitors, including requirements for nuclear force sizing." This means the USSA is preparing for nuclear war with both Russia and China [which is staged to destroy America and the West].

The draft is on. Men and women will be sent to war (if they allow this to happen!). The dollar will be printed into oblivion, leaving the American masses impoverished. The government will invoke the NDAA to seize all food and fuel supplies nationwide, and they will weaponize the scarcity of food and energy to inflict a mass die-off of the American people.

The occupying, illegitimate US federal government, after all, is not merely at war with Russia and China. It's at war with the American people. And there's nothing it won't do to achieve mass death and destruction on a global scale.

As America's psychopathic warmongers like Sen. Lindsay Graham are begging for global nuclear war with Russia, Iran and China, the rest of the pro-war government establishment is getting things ready to throw millions of young American men and women into the global war meat grinder.

Those who do not see this coming, and who do not prepare accordingly to get out of dodge and protect themselves and families, will be destroyed by it.

Watch the recent emergency interview with Steve Quayle here to learn the full details of what's about to go down:


Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 21:01 Id: 6c8ec0 [Preview] No.141443 del
Somebody please wake me up when this sofa king nightmare is over?

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:01 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141444 del
The video in this post was shot on that day, during the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket for the Starlink mission 6-52 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida.

The video opens with a view from the cockpit of an F-22 Raptor. The camera angle provides a clear view of the landscape below, the coastal region of Florida near Kennedy Space Center.

At 00:56, as the rocket ignites and lifts off, the F-22s are seen flying in a protective pattern around the launch area.

As the rocket climbed, the two F-22 Raptors escorted the Falcon 9 going vertical in full afterburner up to an altitude of 18,000 feet, providing a breathtaking and unique aerial perspective.

After reaching this altitude, the two 5th generation stealth jets veered off and flew west towards the 2024 Orlando Air Show.

The footage of the F-22s chasing the Falcon 9 rocket up to Class A Airspace was shot from Captain Samuel “RaZZ” Larson’s cockpit, alongside Safety Officer Sawyer Murray in exclusive for Air Dot Show Tour Youtube channel.


Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:03 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141445 del
@The HighlandHorn

Rep. Harriet Hageman: "Climate Activist want to destroy affordable energy. This is evil."

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 00:47 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141446 del
Biden's FTC Chair SHAKING After Jim Jordan Details Her Threats Against Witness

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_3QRV0LjOKw [Embed]

Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!
The Choice To Know Will Be Yours

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 01:45 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141447 del
What’s the Real Reason E Idaho Farmers Don’t Have Enough Water? Cobalt Mining

500,000 acres of farmland are now without water due to the shutoff order.

The shutoff order affects 6,400 groundwater users.

The decision is linked to a predicted yearly shortfall and noncompliance with mitigations.

Jervois, a company mining for cobalt, received approval to operate 24/7 shortly after the water curtailment order.

The mining operation requires significant water usage, contributing to water scarcity concerns.


Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 01:50 Id: ed80c1 [Preview] No.141448 del

Landmark Court Ruling Opens Door for LAWSUITS Against COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers

The COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers “willfully misled the public.”

“The manufacturers willfully misled the public by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine.” This is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical Practices Act internationally, he emphasized.

But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in mandating and administrating the mRNA injections.

“What this also does is [it] starts to give us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that actually injected people for the first time. We actually now have the ability to say that the 9th Circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this did not stop infection, did not stop transmission, and as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 04:51 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141449 del

The Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff Rabbit Hole

“Wanna come down a rabbit hole with me? If you haven't heard, right now in Eastern Idaho, 500,000 acres of farmland is without the use of water. This happened on May 30th when the Department of Water Resources ordered 6,400 groundwater users to shut off their water. They're saying it's due to a predicted yearly shortfall and to noncompliance to mitigations. But this is a half a million of farmland.
That's our food supply. And Idaho farmers are asking for our help. They are asking that we call the governor and let him know that water curtailment is not the answer. Here's where the rabbit hole comes in. Buckle up.
And again, I am nobody. I'm just an American. These videos are for entertainment purposes only, and none of this is my opinion.
Here are some facts that can be found with an Internet search:
There's a company called Jervois Operating out of Salmon, Idaho.
This is a $150 million dollar facility (see video) that was then given an additional $15 million from the Department of Defense.
And as of June 2024, today, now, they've been given the green light to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they're mining for cobalt.
Cobalt's used for lithium batteries, and they need to use a lot of water to do so. But that's been known. There were numerous articles warning about this situation.
It's known that the extraction process leads to water scarcity, and that water curtailment order came one day prior to that company getting the green light to mine 24/7.
But remember, lithium is used for the batteries in our phones, the batteries in electric cars, and for military infrastructure.
So do with that information what you will. But the farmers, they're simply asking that we call and let the governor know that water curtailment is not the answer.”


Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:17 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141450 del
(30.49 MB 540x558 Water Rights_Idaho.mp4)

Advice To The Idaho Farmers Having Their Crops Destroyed By Water Shutoff

American Rancher Has Advice To The Idaho Farmers Having Their Crops Destroyed By The Half A Million Acres Of Farmland Water Being Shutoff By The US Government

“Group up together and go open those valves up and guard them. — Go get your water. Turn it on. Keep guards on all the head gates and, take your water. That's your water”

“I've got the question here. I'd like some of you folks to answer it. It's about Idaho over there in Idaho. The, uh, so called authorities are threatening to shut the water off the potato growers and the grain growers and the and the people.

Hey., the way I understand it, that's your water right farmers, not theirs. They're stepping in. They're acting like they're they're in charge. Go get your grouped up. Group up together, and, uh, go open those valves up and guard them.

They haven't got enough people over there to fight you. Go get your water. Turn it on. Keep guards on all the head gates, and, uh, take your water. That's your water.

If you don't take it, it becomes theirs. That's the way most of water law is written. If you don't physically go ahead and take it, it becomes the person holding it. Maybe I'm wrong. This is a question.

Like I say, give me some answers. But that's how you get your crop in the in the warehouse. Okay? Do you hear me now?”

This is true because if water rights are not used they can be taken. In Idaho this takes 5 years, so if the Government drags this out, it’ll destroy these farms forever.


Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:21 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141451 del
(30.81 KB 649x679 Xwitter_censors.JPG)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:28 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141452 del
Twitter is now "X-rated"

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:33 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141453 del
(297.92 KB 1005x590 Pepe_defender.PNG)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:35 Id: 4f8633 [Preview] No.141454 del
Ebenin’ anon.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:39 Id: 4f8633 [Preview] No.141455 del
Hey I thought anons would be here from QR coz it looks like there is no new QR bread from looking at catalog. But watch, prolly will appear as I poast ‘is.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 07:41 Id: 4f8633 [Preview] No.141456 del
Just posted a new QR. See? What’d I say.
GB this bunker.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:06 Id: ba02a1 [Preview] No.141457 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:07 Id: a186f7 [Preview] No.141458 del
(50.20 KB 731x269 Proto.png)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:08 Id: 9e4f79 [Preview] No.141459 del
Any questions about Proto?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:45 Id: d835e0 [Preview] No.141466 del
Don't forget that you're bothering the people who voluntarily pay to use it.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:45 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141467 del
(1.29 MB 1209x713 bless.png)
God bless you and keep you from harm this day and forever.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:46 Id: 7ab399 [Preview] No.141468 del
6 ways from Sunday
Of getting at you

Started memeing chuck chock
And proto results

Locker room.humor over phd arrogance

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:47 Id: 9e4f79 [Preview] No.141469 del
Good morning, Swordy.
God bless you too.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:49 Id: 393de5 [Preview] No.141470 del
Shilling to take out morning shift on a panic Monday.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 12:50 Id: dae940 [Preview] No.141471 del
>>21036306 QR board owner
Based on screencaps BO must be one time zone east of US east coast. Very interesting.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:00 Id: dae940 [Preview] No.141472 del
Does that mean even the account owner can't see who liked their post? In that case it is only between you and the algos? Otherwise there is no point to even having the feature at all.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:08 Id: dae940 [Preview] No.141473 del
proto off

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:12 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141474 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Monday June 17, 2024

The House Stands Adjourned Until June 18, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 17, 2024 at 3:00 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell is on travel to India from June 17-18, 2024.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma is on travel to Armenia from June 17-19, 2024.
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Michelle Sison is on travel to Malta and Japan from June 17-21, 2024.

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is a Slight Risk of Severe Thunderstorms From the Northern/Central Plains to the Upper Midwest/Upper Great Lakes... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Bleeding Our Future

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Squeezed

A.F. Branco - Cartoons Etc. 06/13/24

Bob Gorrell - Lead Balloon

grrrgraphics - Cartoon Commentary Episode 5 With Ben And Tina

Mark Parisi - 4 Lives

Mark Parisi - Storm Clouds

Mark Parisi - Wacky

meme bastard @mask_bastard - The Constitution

Michael Ramirez - An Age Old Problem 06-14-24

Michael Ramirez - Family Ties 06-16-24

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Contemptuous

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Dancing Bears

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Beautiful Thing

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Dogged

RealityBites by Broc Smit - Could It Get Any Worse?

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon

Skscartoon @skscartoon - If #garyplauche does it in today's America...

Skscartoon @skscartoon - "The enemy can not push the button, if you disable his hand" - starship troopers.
1 and txt file

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:13 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141475 del
Skscartoon @skscartoon - one step at a time

Stephan Pastis @stephanpastis - Percentages

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - how a new york cartoonist think bullets work

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - the books they forced you to read in school were propaganda with no basis in reality

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 9

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 8

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 7

The Daily Cartoonist - The Daddy Post

The Daily Cartoonist - CSotD: A Mostly Merry Monday

Tomics Comics @TomicsComics - Happy (almost) Father's Day!

BARITUS Catholic Illustration @BaritusCatholic - Worked on six holy cards for priestly ordinations this year. Deo gratias!

WarNuse @WarNuse - Get Well Soon

Wokely Correct Comics @WokelyCorrect - The History

Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 17

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

Register to Vote

Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

Most-Viewed Bills
The Congress.gov Top Ten Most-Viewed Bills List Is Compiled Each Monday From the Previous Week's Metrics.

Schedule for Monday, June 17, 2024

ARRL Audio News, June 14, 2024

“Song of Freedom” performed by Aslanian’s Armenian Orchestra, Bedros Haroutunian on qanun, Fresno, California, April 23, 1939.

Census Bureau Announces Updates for Current Population Survey Modernization Efforts: Annual Social and Economic Supplement

Over Half of Spouses in Same-Sex Marriages Tied the Knot After 2014

"Canned Childhood": Encouraging Student Understanding of Progressive Era Issues and Reform Strategies Through a Poem Related to Child Labor | Teaching with the Library

"Agile feels safe to me": An Interview with Amanda Lehman | The Signal

Treasures Gallery: The AIDS Quilt | Timeless

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:13 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141476 del
European Union: New Pact on Migration and Asylum Enters into Force

FALQs: The Danish Constitution of 1849 – 175th Anniversary | In Custodia Legis

Ukrainian NGO ‘Arm Women Now’ Exhibit on Display at NATO HQ

June 15, 2024 Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at Summit on Peace in Ukraine, Lucerne, Switzerland
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bcShf-Pe8UE [Embed]

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Palm Beach Playbook - June 14, 2024

New Poll Shows President Trump Leading in Minnesota

Trump Campaign Statement on Biden’s Embarrassing G7 Trip

Trump Campaign Announces “Black Americans for Trump” Coalition

LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Speaks at Community Roundtable in Detroit - 6/15/24

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Speaks at "The People's Convention" in Detroit - 6/15/24

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Speaks at Community Roundtable in Detroit - 6/15/24

JUNE 17, 1775

Battle of Bunker Hill

Who Said, "Don't Fire Till You See the Whites of Their Eyes"?

June 17, 1775
Patriots Lose the Battle of Bunker Hill

JUNE 17, 1972
Watergate Break-in

June 17, 2024 - June 21, 2024
The USA Security and Defense Pavilion 2024
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA)

June 17, 2024 - June 21, 2024
Stochastic Thermodynamics and Computer Science Theory
Santa Fe Institute

June 17, 2024 - June 21, 2024
NATO Secretary General to Visit the United States of America and Canada
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

June 17, 2024
Bunker Hill Day (Suffolk Co., Mass.)

June 17, 2024
12:05 AM EDT
Garrett Bucks, "The Right Kind of White - A Memoir". Garrett Bucks reflected on lessons he's learned from his own ideas about whiteness & privilege while working to build community with others. Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:15 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141477 del
June 17, 2024
1:00 AM EDT
After Words: Ernesto Londono, "Trippy - The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics". The New York Times' Ernesto Londono looked at the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment & described his own experience with them. He was interviewed by Politico Health Care reporter Erin Shumaker.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
2:02 AM EDT
Travis Rieder, "Catastrophe Ethics". Bioethics professor Travis Rieder looks at the morals of personal choice in an interconnected world. This event was part of the 2024 Gaithersburg Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
2:48 AM EDT
McKay Coppins, "Romney - A Reckoning". Atlantic staff writer McKay Coppins chronicled the life and political career of Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT). This event was part of the 2024 Gaithersburg Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
3:37 AM EDT
Carlos Lozada, "The Washington Book". Pulitzer Prize-winning book critic and columnist Carlos Lozada talked about the insights he gleaned from reading the memoirs, biographies, and reports written by politicians and government officials. This event was part of the 2024 Gaithersburg Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
4:30 AM EDT
"Books Through Bars". Historians and activists talked about the prison book movement - the challenges of getting books into prisons, teaching in prisons, and dealing with censorship. This program was part of the 2024 Organization of American Historians conference in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
Q&A: Christina Swarns, Executive Director of the Innocence Project
Attorney and Innocence Project executive director Christina Swarns talk about the history of the organization, the root causes of wrongful convictions, and some of the clients the Innocence Project has successfully represented over the years.

June 17, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
Amanda Collins Johnson, "Beyond Survival". Crime Prevention Research Center fellow Amanda Collins Johnson talked about being raped in college, her healing process, and her advocacy for "campus carry" gun laws. This event was hosted by the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women in Virginia.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Maximum Strength - Focus: Back & Biceps
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 17, 2024
6:50 AM EDT
Jen Psaki, "Say More - Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World". MSNBC's Jen Psaki spoke about her time as White House press secretary for the Biden Administration & offers advice on how to communicate effectively. The Commonwealth Club of California hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 17, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers responded to the question “How important are cultural issues to your 2024 vote?”

June 17, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Jeff Brabant Discusses State of Small Businesses in the U.S.
Jeff Brabant of the National Federation of Independent Business discusses the state of small business in the U.S. and economic policies they would like to see from Washington.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:15 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141478 del
June 17, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show
Real America's Voice

June 17, 2024
8:30 AM EDT
Safety Risk Management and Safety Assurance Workshop – Virtual
Department Of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration

June 17, 2024
8:45 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

June 17, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

June 17, 2024
9:15 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Tavis Smiley Discusses Climate Justice Movement
Talk show host and author Tavis Smiley discusses the climate justice movement and the Biden campaign’s outreach to black voters.

June 17, 2024
9:15 AM EDT
Veterans Food Pantry - Lyons, New Jersey
Veterans Administration

June 17, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
War Room With Stephen K. Bannon
Real America's Voice

June 17, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
American Democracy Is Under Threat. How Do We Protect It?
Brookings Institution
Discussion on Threats to American Democracy
The Brookings Institution holds a discussion on threats to American democracy.

June 17, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
The President Receives the President’s Daily Brief
The White House

June 17, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Transportation Dept. Officials and Academics Discuss Climate Smart Transportation Policy
Officials from the U.S. Transportation Department join academics and policy advocates for a discussion on climate-related transportation policy during an event hosted by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.

June 17, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Republic of Cyprus Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos
Department of State

June 17, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
What to Expect from the Washington Summit: A Conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Woodrow Wilson Center

June 17, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
NIDDK Juneteenth Webinar - Pathways to Health for All: Legacy and Future Role of Genomics and Population Descriptors in Health Equity Research
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 17, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 17, 2024
11:30 AM EDT
Sea Chanters
Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
U.S. Navy Band

June 17, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
The Charlie Kirk Show
Real America's Voice

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:17 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141479 del
June 17, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Biting the Apple: Technologies of Liberation and Control at Our Fingertips
Hopkins at Home

June 17, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Feed Grains: Yearbook Tables - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

June 17, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Non-Sleep Deep Rest: Slow Down and Celebrate Oneness
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 17, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Managing Data in Excel
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 17, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
On Juneteenth: Reflections on African Descendants' Freedom, Hair, and the Law
American Bar Association (ABA))
American Bar Association Discussion on Hair Discrimination & Civil Rights
The American Bar Association holds a discussion on natural hair discrimination and civil rights at an event to celebrate Juneteenth.

June 17, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Human Events With Jack Posobiec M-F AT 2PM ET.
Real America's Voice

June 17, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room
https://youtube.com/watch?v=hRkaQElaZ5c [Embed]
White House Daily Briefing
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.

June 17, 2024
2:30 PM EDT
Veterans Meal Distribution
Veterans Administration

June 17, 2024
2:30 PM EDT
Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
Department of State

June 17, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
America's Voice Live With Steve Gruber
Real America's Voice

June 17, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Bill Information Service (BIS) and NCSL Legislation Database Training
National Conference of State Legislatures

June 17, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Potato Stocks - Quarterly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 17, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
U.S. Senate: Senate Session
The Senate will debate the nomination of Katherine Oler to be an Associate Judge on the D.C. Superior Court.

June 17, 2024
3:30 PM EDT
The President Hosts a Bilateral Meeting With Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg of NATO
Oval Office

June 17, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Bestselling Author Maria DiRico Discusses "The Witless Protection Program"
Tewksbury Public Library

June 17, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
Crop Progress - Weekly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:17 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141480 del
June 17, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
Elder Abuse Online Presentation
Veterans Administration

June 17, 2024
4:00 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken attends President Biden’s meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
The White House

June 17, 2024
4:30 PM EDT
OFCCP Overview
Department of Labor

June 17, 2024
4:30 PM EDT
Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
The White House
https://youtube.com/watch?v=uzMIUyodMV4 [Embed]

June 17, 2024
5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

June 17, 2024
6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

June 17, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Concert Band - Concert At The Capitol, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C
U.S. Navy Band

June 17, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
The Un-Presidented Speaker Series: Luke Nichter, Watergate @ 50: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Hoover Institution

June 17, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
The Wolves of K Street: Author Conversation - Ron Robinson Theater, Little Rock, Arkansas
Presented in partnership with the Clinton Presidential Center

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:18 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141481 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:19 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141482 del
(181.84 KB 268x378 coffee pepe.png)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:23 Id: 393de5 [Preview] No.141483 del
Qresearch is back

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:32 Id: a3f267 [Preview] No.141484 del
This is about people donating to 8kun.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:37 Id: a3f267 [Preview] No.141485 del
And those of us who feel it is important to post here.(8kun)
I am not talking about those who just want to say what they want to say, but those who find meaning and significance in what they post.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 14:28 Id: 59cd52 [Preview] No.141486 del
shutdown is the norm

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 16:34 Id: eebcb4 [Preview] No.141487 del
great. starve so you can have batteries for electric cars. can't make this shit up.
however this water issue isn't new. I know someone in Idaho who has used the irrigation water for decades. Within the past 4 years the authorities have been decreasing the days when this water will be available, so much that said friend has decreased the area they plant. perhaps that was testing the waters for this

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:30 Id: a6b202 [Preview] No.141488 del
Fatuous and Garrulous

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:34 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141489 del
Anyone got any idea what is habbenin over at the kun?
Jim post anything?
Looks like QR got deleted.
Babyfist rage quitting again?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:36 Id: f102d9 [Preview] No.141490 del
What is triggering the recent flood of shill attacks the past few days?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:37 Id: 61fe7c [Preview] No.141491 del
This is the most arrogant ridiculous state of government we have ever had in American history. As if people will be able to afford EVs when they have to pay 3x the price for food in the future?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:39 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141492 del
(7.89 KB 450x61 BO Post.png)
Posted moments ago.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:41 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141493 del
Bakers union hates COMMSfags
Schizo is promoting COMMSfags to the exclusion of bakers union preferred content. False binary choice.

you know the new normal

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:42 Id: 61fe7c [Preview] No.141494 del
I think the Q creators made a hell of a lot of money on that idea honestly. I'm not saying they are evil or hate Trump or anything like that, they were con-artists loving all the merch they could sell from it. I hope you all were getting yourselves prepared for harder times, dedicated followers or not.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:43 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141495 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:47 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141496 del
That said....
Baker went on to post a ton and started Board Warring.
So, legit claim / shitty Baking / Proto On is where things are.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:48 Id: 6d5a4e [Preview] No.141497 del
I'm pretty sure this guy would be wildly popular at one of Diddy's freakoffs

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:55 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141498 del
nobody was hurt.
just let the coms flow organically.
include the msm bloat. whatever.

the panic to shut the board speaks volumes.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:59 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141499 del
It was a total Tranime style chatty Bake.
Arguing with anons the whole way just like Tubbs.
But, unlike BakerT, the Board War shit was goofy had to go at that point.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:05 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141500 del
QResearch is fucked. No captcha, shills run the show. bot central, BO with an ego problem. Deleter extraordinaire.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:07 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141501 del
This is Trudeau's BIGGEST scandal and could bring down Canadian government | Redacted News

https://youtube.com/watch?v=8yuZ7hPlJtw [Embed]

Canada has a massive spy scandal on its hands

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:08 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141502 del
Damn! These servers are fast for posting.
14.4kps is all I need

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:08 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141503 del
Kek. Faggots lost control of the board again, so they activated Proto. Muh shekels!

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:09 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141504 del
I'm getting tired of winning.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:10 Id: 0210ff [Preview] No.141505 del

I will be quite content if that was the stupidest thing I read all day

Really unfamiliar with the history and workings of the QR aren't you?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:11 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141506 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:12 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141507 del
(127.03 KB 500x522 theres your problem.png)
>Bakers union
How's the negotiations for better conditions working out for their little "Union".

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:12 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141508 del
Nightmares of the DEATHTOTHETRIUMVIRATE persona

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:13 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141509 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:13 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141510 del
can someone summarize said attack, puhleeze.
Looks like the same old shit to me.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:14 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141511 del
>can someone summarize said attack, puhleeze.
>Looks like the same old shit to me
BO/BV couldn't do narrative control, so OPOPRD:SHUTITDOWN was activated and Proto enabled.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:16 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141512 del
Sounds about right.
Facebook is more raunchy than QR.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:16 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141513 del
The new spergout competition to Vatty claimed the Bake legit.
Then started spreging out legit had to go but the Notes weren't THAT bad.
Then BO pulled the plug (I mean, come on, Proto On is the same thing almost) and looks like is gonna take an hour to collect Notes and go Proto Off with a new ghosted bread.
Of course it's gonna be framed as Big Glowie Attack because that sells newspapers.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:17 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141514 del
>BO/BV couldn't do narrative control, so OPOPRD:SHUTITDOWN was activated and Proto enabled

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:18 Id: 55d686 [Preview] No.141515 del
(846.26 KB 260x204 be like water anon.gif)
test icicles

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:18 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141516 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:18 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141517 del
>Of course it's gonna be framed as Big Glowie Attack because that sells newspapers.
Proto on - It's going to severely impact the sales of anime pussies from Japan.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:19 Id: e3d470 [Preview] No.141518 del
think we will be crossing the head of the cross rather soon.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:20 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141521 del
and that's the thing. I keep coming back for more.
(No homo)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:21 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141522 del
>Emergency meeting at PSYOP control

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:21 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141523 del
(6.02 KB 808x138 Layer 1.png)
>Sounds about right.
>Facebook is more raunchy than QR.
Kek. BO isn't even being transparent about it. That bread was picked by Anons. BV agreed and shut down G's bread. BO didn't like that it was passed over Gerbil's so shut it down!

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:23 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141524 del
The faggotry is off the charts

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:25 Id: f102d9 [Preview] No.141526 del
If this was just a LARP, why the intense shilling? That's what keeps my resolve on this board, plus I love you faggots <3!!!

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:25 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141527 del
>War is hell.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:26 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141528 del
Another day, another tour.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:27 Id: e3d470 [Preview] No.141529 del
cliff hangers are cool.
cooler than a lawn mower engine on a hang glider.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:28 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141530 del
Can confirm, (checks clipboard) zero anons have Proto.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:28 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141531 del
This is how anon image boards are.
There's always drama on the dedicated (ie specific topic) ones.
This one was dram moar than strait shilling.
Pretty good idea that was an oldfag femanon last seen't making a scene as NikkiFag.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:28 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141532 del
>panicking over comms inclusion seems over the target.

during that time frame EVERYBODY posted. Even B fucking O. I was a bread behind from doing nothing but comms scraping.

Now crickets.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:29 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141533 del
(204.53 KB 828x501 911_Paragliders.jpg)
(524.64 KB 828x509 Hitler_Paragliders.png)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:29 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141534 del
someone buy me protato

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:29 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141535 del
Baked Protatus

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:30 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141536 del
Proto has to be all or nothing.
Either nobody buys it or everybody must have it.
Nobody is constantly winning every showdown.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:31 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141537 del
BO over there posting on his own, making notables and pretending he's not been abandoned.
The ship needs some tidying.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:32 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141538 del
Pierre Poilievre Is Right People Are DONE With Canada

https://youtube.com/watch?v=YT7JT7uGZG8 [Embed]

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:33 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141539 del
kind of by definition, yathink?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:35 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141540 del
The one thing Proto is functional at is as a time-out for QR.
Past admins would have loved that tool.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:35 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141541 del
(6.68 KB 808x138 Layer 2.png)
Kek. "Wrong Think" (tm). BO is an absolute fag.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:36 Id: 46330a [Preview] No.141542 del
took out ALL COMMS.
a reasonable actor would have combined the breads.


Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:37 Id: 87f8e8 [Preview] No.141543 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:37 Id: 0210ff [Preview] No.141544 del
(746.15 KB 500x784 8kf7zy.png)

What did get your collective /halfwit/ panties in a bunch today?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:37 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141545 del
Fuck Trudeau's Canada. Why has he not been thrown in the slammer?

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:37 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141546 del
Fungus would have been turning Proto On/Off all day.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:38 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141547 del
>took out ALL COMMS.
Kek. But they all throw a fit when we call them Jews. Look at BO's "notes." This is fucking TRASH.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:38 Id: ba02a1 [Preview] No.141548 del
Please open up 8kun

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:39 Id: e3d470 [Preview] No.141549 del
rodrigo will get it going once suzi divorces the corp big wig and makes a show of tossing his ring in the canyon.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:40 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141551 del
Faggotry and Incompetence often start shit off.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:40 Id: 3fe965 [Preview] No.141552 del
similar snark seent

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:42 Id: a4e5e2 [Preview] No.141553 del
(12.33 MB 544x306 rbg.gif)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:42 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141554 del
(119.98 KB 1280x877 518.jpg)
(153.32 KB 1061x837 513.jpg)
>This is Trudeau's BIGGEST scandal and could bring down Canadian government | Redacted News

the same reason Biden is in power still
>https://youtube.com/watch?v=8yuZ7hPlJtw [Embed]
>Canada has a massive spy scandal on its hands

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:42 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141555 del
Only approved posts will make it thru.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:44 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141556 del
Kek. I love how it's the "inexperienced BV's" fault and then Gerbil's bread is shit and then Revolution Anon's bread is shit. But it was BV (allegedly) who poasted those trash fucking notabrus. Either BO's AI is having a short or his multiple personalities are conflicting with one another.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:44 Id: 25653d [Preview] No.141557 del
(35.00 KB 487x492 Bunker-QR.jpg)
>Why The Bunker is always ded
For some reason it's QR or bust for many anons.
You moran The Bunker doesn't have any bots all the anons ARE here.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:44 Id: bb1afa [Preview] No.141558 del
(48.52 KB 890x894 prtssbisc.webp)
This is why we can't have nice things

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:45 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141559 del
from the BO on kun;

>will take Proto off while I prep a bake
>anons, let me know if anything is missing please

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:45 Id: 5bdcd5 [Preview] No.141560 del
I think it's about the trip code white list, mostly

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:46 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141561 del
>For some reason it's QR or bust for many anons.
You have to admit, though, it's fucking hilarious when BO sperges out like this. It's getting moar and moar frequent.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:47 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141563 del
> I think it's about the trip code white list, mostly
Zing! Give the anon a shekel.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:47 Id: 070f7a [Preview] No.141564 del
>Either BO's AI is having a short or his multiple personalities are conflicting with one another.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:48 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141565 del
this is BO
Then you're a fucking faggot. Anon's picked that bread, Asshole.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:48 Id: 7e9991 [Preview] No.141566 del
Yo Proto is off

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:49 Id: 070f7a [Preview] No.141567 del

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:51 Id: 1f257d [Preview] No.141568 del
Likely thinking
I can't tell the women from the men

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:54 Id: e4463d [Preview] No.141569 del
back to normal on 8 - proto off

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:56 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141570 del
(517.95 KB 1813x822 519.PNG)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:57 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141571 del
Meh. I'll stay here for a while. Fuck BO's bullshit.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:57 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141572 del
(335.48 KB 1023x767 520.png)

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:58 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141573 del
(739.99 KB 1476x1002 521.PNG)

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 00:00 Id: e3d470 [Preview] No.141574 del
thread locked msg, might be a while.
comfy here.

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 00:00 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141575 del
(3.34 MB 1571x1320 494.png)
But what is to say what normal is lol

Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 00:11 Id: 2b5f9d [Preview] No.141576 del
>thread locked msg, might be a while.
>comfy here.
Kek. BO baked us a (((fresh))) Bread, Anon. It's safe. There is no aids.

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 02:20 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141577 del

Jason Blair


BREAKING: Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."

The announcement alleges Pfizer mislead Kansans on vaccine risks, such as with pregnant women and myocarditis, and that Pfizer claimed the vaccines protected against COVID variants when data showed differently. And additionally that Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented COVID transmission, but the company later admitted they never did the proper studies to back up that claim, the statement says.

The release also alleges that "Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight."

Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in the announcement, “Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth."

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 06:01 Id: 309808 [Preview] No.141578 del
the abject need expressed...

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:52 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141579 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Tuesday June 18, 2024


The House Stands Adjourned Until June 18, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT (Pro Forma - back June 25)
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 18, 2024 at 10:00 AM EDT

Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell is on travel to India from June 17-18, 2024.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma is on travel to Armenia from June 17-19, 2024.
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Michelle Sison is on travel to Malta and Japan from June 17-21, 2024.

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is a Slight Risk of Severe Thunderstorms From the Upper Mississippi Valley to the Central High Plains... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

Bob Moran in Conversation - Today I had a long overdue catch-up conversation with cartoonist Bob Moran. We discussed the UK General Election, Gaza, Nigel Farage and much, much more.

Gary Varvel - Weekend at the G7

George Alexopoulos @GPrime85 - Illustration for the new Strudel book

Mark Parisi - Compost

Michael Ramirez - Technicalities

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Pooped

RealityBites by Broc Smith - International Embarrassment

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Chopping Away

RealityBites by Broc Smith - This Way Joe

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon

Rothmus @Rothmus - The Regime

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 10

The Daily Cartoonist - The All New Flash, The Same Old Phantom

The Daily Cartoonist - CSotD: Puzzles and Punditry

Jumble Daily

1 and txt file

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:53 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141580 del
Today in History - June 18

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

Register to Vote

Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

Dead Dolphin Found with Missing Fins and Tail in Queens, New York - NOAA Office of Law Enforcement is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information.

Bracing for an Active 2024 Hurricane Season

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) seeks member nominations for the sixth term of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee (Committee) (2024-2026 term)

National Historical Publications and Records Commission NHPRC Awards May 2024, Archival Projects, Public Engagement, and Publishing Historical Records in Collaborative Editions

Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) AudioVisual Working Group News: Recap of Recent Projects and Publications

Putin Arrives in North Korea for the First Time in 24 Years

Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos @SimonaMangiante - BIDEN sleeps listening to Bocelli in Italy singing “Nessun dorma” ( None shall sleep) >>21040514 pb

Black Voters Are Abandoning Crooked Joe Biden and Throwing Their Support Behind President Trump

Crooked Biden Recap: Millions Wasted On Dishonesty

Palm Beach Playbook - June 17, 2024

June 18, 2024 - June 20, 2024
FDA Clinical Trial Requirements, Regulations, Compliance, and GCP Conference
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA)

June 18, 2024 - June 20, 2024
FEMA National Integration Center OneResponder Webinars
Federal Emergency Management Agency

June 18, 2024 - June 20, 2024
National Resource Hub: OneResponder Webinar
Federal Emergency Management Agency

June 18, 2024 - June 20, 2024
From June 18 to 20, 2024, the National Archives Museum will display the original Emancipation Proclamation and General Order No. 3, a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States that all slaves are free.
National Archives Museum, East Rotunda Gallery

June 18, 1778
The Americans Retake Philadelphia

JUNE 18, 1798
Naturalization Act of 1798 Signed Into Law by U.S. President Adams
Library of Congress

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:53 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141581 del
JUNE 18, 1798
Milestone Documents: Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
National Archives

JUNE 18, 1798
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Bill of Rights Institute

JUNE 18, 1998
Senator Leahy on 1998 Sotomayor Nomination
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) spoke about Senate delays in considering the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals. In his remarks, he alleged that Republicans were holding the nomination for fear that President Clinton would later appoint her to the Supreme Court.

JUNE 18, 2018
Justice Department OIG Report on Clinton Email Probe
The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, testified on his first report on how the Justice Department and FBI handled investigations ahead of the 2016 elections.

June 18, 2024
National Go Fishing Day

June 18, 2024
Georgia Runoff Elections

June 18, 2024
US Army Golden Knights - Washington Nationals Army Day
Nationals Park, District of Columbia

June 18, 2024
Sen. Mark Warner Speaks at Christian Science Monitor Breakfast Series
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), chair of the Intelligence Committee, joins the Christian Science Monitor’s breakfast series to discuss security challenges facing the U.S.

June 18, 2024
Senate Democratic Agenda
Senate Democratic leaders speak to reporters following their weekly conference luncheon at the U.S. Capitol.

June 18, 2024
Senate Republican Agenda
Senate Republican leaders speak to reporters following their weekly conference luncheon at the U.S. Capitol.

June 18, 2024
4:00 AM EDT
1st Meeting, 10th Session GIEE on the Implementation of the Durban Declaration - 10th Session Group of Independent Eminent Experts on the Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
1st Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th regular session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

4:30 AM EDT
Geneva Press Briefing: UNDP, UNCTAD, HRC, UNHCR, WHO - UN Geneva press briefing chaired by Alessandra Vellucci, Director, UN Information Service.
United Nations

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers responded to the question “Do you support raising or cutting taxes on corporations or wealthy earners?”

8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Paul Dans Discusses the 2025 Presidential Transition Project
Former Trump administration official Paul Dans discusses the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project that serves as a compilation of policy proposals for the next conservative administration.

8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show
Real America's Voice

8:00 AM EDT
Defense One: Tech Summit
Defense One

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:54 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141582 del
8:00 AM EDT
Chairing of Session 2 "A single EU financial markets supervision - Approaches and potential benefits" by Board member Mr Piero Cipollone at joint conference of the European Commission and the European Central Bank on European Financial Integration in Frankfurt, Germany
European Central Bank

8:00 AM EDT
Red, White, and Blue Employment Spectacular - Miami, Florida
Veterans Administration

8:45 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Jake Faleschini Discusses Supreme Court Decisions & Ethics Questions
Alliance for Justice’s Jake Faleschini discusses upcoming Supreme Court decisions and ethics questions surrounding the court.

8:50 AM EDT
U.S. Army Financial Management Command Change of Command
Department of Defense

9:00 AM EDT
2nd Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th regular session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Religious Freedom and Integral Human Development: A New Global Platform
Atlantic Council

9:00 AM EDT
2024 USDOT IT Industry Day
Department of Transportation’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) with the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)

9:00 AM EDT
Hampton Roads Military Community Employer Connect (Peninsula) - Newport News, Virginia
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
Hampton Roads Military Community Employer Connect (Southside) - Norfolk, Virginia
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
Structural Biology Symposium
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

9:30 AM EDT
Air & Space Warfighters in Action: Lt. Gen. Adrian Spain
Air & Space Forces Association
Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations Lt. Gen. Adrian L. Spain speaks at 9:30 a.m. EDT at an in-person and virtual Air & Space Forces Association "Air & Space Warfighters in Action" event in Arlington, Virginia. Register at afa.org.
Department of Defense

9:30 AM EDT
Speech by Board member Mr de Luis de Guindos at joint conference of the European Commission and the European Central Bank on European Financial Integration in Frankfurt, Germany
European Central Bank

9:45 AM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout (Sudan; Other matters)
United Nations

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:56 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141583 del
9:50 AM EDT
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Presidential Rank Award Ceremony
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 established the Presidential Rank Awards Program to recognize a select group of career members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) for exceptional performance over an extended period of time.

10:00 AM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24
Right Side Broadcasting Network
4:00 PM EDT
Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Donald Trump Holds Rally in Racine, WI
2024 Republican presumptive presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Racine, Wisconsin.
4:00 PM EDT
President Trump Racine Wisconsin MAGA Rally Live
Real America's Voice
4:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Failed Presidency at a Campaign Event in Racine, Wisconsin
Doors Open: 11:00 AM EDT (US/Central)

10:00 AM EDT
1st meeting, UN Women Executive Board, Annual Session 2024 (18-20 June) - The UN-Women Executive Board is the Governing Body of the Entity and provides intergovernmental support to and supervision of its operational activities.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(8th plenary meeting) Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) - 2024 resumed session - The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples is also known as the Special Committee on Decolonization, or C-24. The 2024 resumed session will meet in New York from 10 to 21 June.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(1st meeting) Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons — Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) - The Fourth United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects will take place from 18 - 28 June 2024.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Sudan and South Sudan - Security Council, 9659th meeting - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Virtual - Author Talk: Adam Smyth Discusses "The Book-Makers - A History of the Book in Eighteen Lives"
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library and in partnership with a multitude of MA Libraries.

10:00 AM EDT
NIH R&W Community Market
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
U.S.-India Clean Energy Partnership for 450 GW
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=J6qWXCeHvpU [Embed]

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:57 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141584 del
10:00 AM EDT
Compliance Assistance for Federal Supply and Service Contractor “What to Expect: Compliance Reviews”
Department of Labor

10:00 AM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Department of State

10:00 AM EDT
Origins of Covid-19: An Examination of Available Evidence
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Gregory D. Koblentz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director, Biodefense Graduate Program
George Mason University
Robert F. Garry, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Dean School of Medicine
Tulane University
Steven C. Quay, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. and Former Faculty
Stanford University School of Medicine
Richard H. Ebright, Ph.D.
Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Laboratory Director, Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Rutgers University

10:00 AM EDT
Unlocking Department of Transportation Financing for More Transit-Oriented Housing Development
Senate Appropriations Committee
Dr. Tracy Hadden Loh
Brookings Institute
Mr. Adhi Nagraj
Chief Development Officer
McCormack Baron Salazar
Dr. Morteza Farajian
Executive Director
Build America Bureau at the U.S. Department of Transportation

10:00 AM EDT
Work and Social Security Disability Benefits: Addressing Challenges and Creating Opportunities
Senate Finance Committee
William R. Morton
Analyst, Income Security
Congressional Research Service
Washington, DC
Susan B. Wilschke
Associate Commissioner, Office Of Research, Demonstration, And Employment Support
Social Security Administration
Baltimore, MD
Erin Godtland
Assistant Director, Education, Workforce, And Income Security
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC
Katherine Zuleger
President, Chicago Social Security Management Association
Executive Committee Member, National Council of Social Security Management Associations
Wausau, WI
Federal Officials Testify on Social Security Disability Benefits Challenges
Federal and state officials with analysis expertise in administering Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits testify on how Congress can help address the challenges during a public hearing before the Senate Finance Committee.

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:57 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141585 del
10:00 AM EDT
A Review of the President's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the National Guard and Reserves
Senate Appropriations Committee
General Daniel R. Hokanson
National Guard Bureau
Lieutenant General Jody J. Daniels
Army Reserve
Vice Admiral John B. Mustin
Navy Reserve
Lieutenant General Leonard F. Anderson IV
Marine Corps Reserve
Lieutenant General John P. Healy
Air Force Reserve
Army Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, chief, National Guard Bureau; Chief of Army Reserve Lt. Gen. Jody J. Daniels; Chief of Navy Reserve Vice Adm. John Mustin; Chief of Marine Corps Reserve Lt. Gen. Leonard F. Anderson; and Chief of Air Force Reserve Lt. Gen. John P. Healy provide testimony at 10 a.m. EDT at a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense hearing on the fiscal 2025 budget request for the National Guard and Reserves, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
Department of Defense

10:00 AM EDT
Business Meeting to Consider S.4207, to Reauthorize the Spectrum Auction Authority of the Federal Communications Commission.
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
S.4207, Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024

10:00 AM EDT
In-Town Pool Call Time
The White House

10:20 AM EDT
Carbon-Free Electricity With Duke Energy
Department of Defense

11:00 AM EDT
Investing in the Power of Youth for Countering and Addressing Hate Speech - High-level event to mark the 3rd International Day for Countering Hate Speech highlighting the importance of investing in the power and voice of youth to counter hate speech.
United Nations

11:00 AM EDT
Office Hours - 36th Ward Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
Eastern Region Virtual Career Fair for the Military Community
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
2024 NIH Safety, Health & Wellness Day -"Fostering Safety, Belonging and Well-Being"
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
2024 Safety, Health and Wellness Day: Fostering Safety, Belonging and Well-Being
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: House Pro Forma Session
The House will meet in a pro forma session. Members are on a district work period over the Juneteenth federal holiday. No votes will take place until Tuesday, June 25.

11:15 AM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Department of State
Secretary of State & NATO Secretary General Hold News Conference
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discuss a host of topics at a joint news conference in Washington, DC.

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 12:58 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141586 del
12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly - Noon briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
Live from the Museum: Juneteenth and the Fight for Abolition
National Constitution Center

12:00 PM EDT
Fruit and Tree Nuts Data - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

12:00 PM EDT
Vegetables and Pulses Data - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

12:00 PM EDT
In-Person Fitness - Dance Vibes
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
NIH Psychedelic Science and Medicine Interest Group Monthly Speaker Series
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Methods and Techniques for Clinical and Preclinical Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) Research
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Media teleconference: NASA, Boeing discuss Starliner’s mission and departure from the International Space Station
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nA9UZF-SZoQ [Embed]

12:00 PM EDT
Weekly International Weather and Crop Highlights - Released Tuesday (Or Second Business Day) Afternoon
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

12:15 PM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Bodyweight Balance & Sculpt
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:30 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Elizabeth M. Allenattends a luncheon with the International Club of D.C.
Department of State

12:30 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya meets with Spanish Ambassador to the United States Angeles Moreno Bau
Washington D.C.

12:30 PM EDT
Senator Murray News Conference on Reproductive Rights
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) holds a news conference on reproductive rights.

12:35 PM EDT
TRADOC Leadership Professional Development - Army 2030: Our Near Peer Adversarial Capabilities
Department of Defense

12:50 PM EDT
Brigadier General(s) Zachary S. Warakomski Promotion Ceremony
Department of Defense

1:00 PM EDT
In-Person Fitness - Hatha Yoga
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Introduction to Rapid Reviews
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:00 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141587 del
1:00 PM EDT
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Program Evaluation at NIH
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:15 PM EDT
Workshop: Cultural and linguistic diversity in the era of digitalization and emerging technologies - Cross-perspectives on the challenges of cultural and linguistic diversity in the context of developing a new roadmap for digital cooperation.
United Nations

1:30 PM EDT
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room
https://youtube.com/watch?v=jQXQ6lcRdyc [Embed]
White House Daily Briefing
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.

2:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: The Power & Perils Of Travel - A Truthful Look At The Tourism Industry
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.

2:00 PM EDT
Inclusive Excellence: Strategies to Unlocking Engagement and Broadening Participation in STEM Disciplines
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
The Vital Role of Survivors in Advancing Cancer Survivorship Research
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
Juneteenth Event - Los Angeles, California
Veterans Administration

2:00 PM EDT
Geriatrics and Extended Care: Care for All Veterans - Webinar
Veterans Administration

2:00 PM EDT
Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien meets with Special Assistant to the Deputy Director of the Peace Corps Pablo Rasmussen
Department of State

2:00 PM EDT
Boeing’s Broken Safety Culture: CEO Dave Calhoun Testifies
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Boeing Company
Boeing CEO Testifies on Safety Issues
Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun testifies before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations following a series of safety issues at his company, including an incident in January when a door plug blew off a 737 MAX 9 jet mid-flight.

2:00 PM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington

2:00 PM EDT
Vice President Harris Participates in a Moderated Conversation at the Rocket Foundation Summit: Vice President Harris continue her leadership on preventing gun violence and keeping communities safe. The Vice President joins GRAMMY-nominated artist and philanthropist Quavo for a moderated conversation at the first-ever Rocket Foundation Summit that is taking place on Takeoff’s birthday.
Atlanta, Georgia
https://youtube.com/watch?v=80x5fC_ocqk [Embed]

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:00 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141588 del
2:15 PM EDT
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona will travel to Aguada, Puerto Rico where he will host a meeting with members of the Asociación de Alcaldes and Federación de Alcaldes, hosted by Aguada mayor Christian Cortés to discuss educational challenges and opportunities faced by local leaders and the positive impact of decentralization at the local level.
Department of Education

2:30 PM EDT
FY 2025 Budget Request for the Middle East and North Africa
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The Honorable Barbara Leaf
Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C.
Ms. Jeanne Pryor
Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for the Middle East
United States Agency for International Development
Washington, D.C.

2:30 PM EDT
To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters Committee
Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee

2:35 PM EDT
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Director Dr. Stefanie Tompkins: closing keynote, Defense One: Tech Summit
Department of Defense

2:45 PM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout
United Nations

2:45 PM EDT
Oversight of the Smithsonian Institution
Senate Rules and Administration Committee
Mr. Lonnie G. Bunch III
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Smithsonian Institution Secretary Testifies on Oversight and Operations
Smithsonian Institution Secretary Lonnie Bunch testifies on the oversight and operations of the Smithsonian before the Senate Rules and Administration Committee.

2:45 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady host an event at the White House marking the 12th Anniversary of DACA
East Room
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-mUCKDvxL7w [Embed]

3:00 PM EDT
2nd meeting, UN Women Executive Board, Annual Session 2024 (18-20 June) - The UN-Women Executive Board is the Governing Body of the Entity and provides intergovernmental support to and supervision of its operational activities.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(Segment 1, Discussion Panel) Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (ICP24) - The twenty-fourth meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, in 2024, will, in its deliberations on the Report of the Secretary-General on oceans and the law of the sea, focus its discussions on the theme "The ocean as a source of sustainable food" from June 18 to 21, 2024, in Conference Room 4 at the UN Headquarters in New York.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(9th plenary meeting) Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) - 2024 resumed session - The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples is also known as the Special Committee on Decolonization, or C-24. The 2024 resumed session will meet in New York from 10 to 21 June.
United Nations

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:01 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141589 del
3:00 PM EDT
(2nd meeting) Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons — Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) - The Fourth United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects will take place from 18 - 28 June 2024.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine - Security Council, 9660th meeting
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Paint & Snack - Los Angeles, California
Veterans Administration

3:00 PM EDT
NASA, Nat Geo Photographers Present the Power of Photography in Science Communication
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

3:00 PM EDT
Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook: June 2024 - Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Fresh Apples, Grapes, and Pears: World Markets and Trade - Bi-Annual Report Release
Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Juneteenth Celebration with Playback Theater
National Archives - William G. McGowan Theater
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dL0Dxb11lks [Embed]

3:30 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya meets with German Minister of State Tobias Linder
Department of State

3:45 PM EDT
The President receives the President’s Daily Brief
Oval Office

4:00 PM EDT
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin - Released No Later Than 4:00 p.m. ET Every Tuesday (Or Second Business Day)
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

4:00 PM EDT
Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Donald Trump Holds Rally in Racine, WI
2024 Republican presumptive presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Racine, Wisconsin.
4:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Failed Presidency at a Campaign Event in Racine, Wisconsin
Doors Open: 11:00 AM EDT (US/Central)
4:00 PM EDT
President Trump Racine Wisconsin MAGA Rally Live
Real America's Voice
10:00 AM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24
Right Side Broadcasting Network

5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:02 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141590 del
5:30 PM EDT
Love & Whiskey: An Evening with Fawn Weaver
National Press Club (NPC)

5:40 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart the White House en route to McLean, Virginia
South Grounds

6:15 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady participate in a campaign reception
Private Residence of Dorothy and Terry McAuliffe, McLean, VA

6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

6:30 PM EDT
Veteran Resource Fair - Town Hall - ELKS Lodge Mt. Vernon Illinois
Veterans Administration

7:00 PM EDT
Climate Justice Symposium
Town Hall on Climate Change & Racial Equity
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D), media personalities Van Jones and Tavis Smiley, and others discuss climate change and racial equity at an event hosted by KBLA broadcast radio station in Los Angeles.

7:00 PM EDT
Virtual: Magical Girls & Fighting Dreamers: An Exploration of Queer Representation in Manga & Anime
This virtual event is hosted by the Norwood Public Library and a collaboration between the several Massachusetts libraries.

7:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: LGBTQ+ Rights In An Increasing Cultural Divide
Tewksbury Public Library

7:00 PM EDT
Concerts On The Avenue - U.S. Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Navy Band

7:00 PM EDT
Tuesday Sunset Parade
United States Marine Corps War Memorial, Arlington, Virginia

8:00 PM EDT
Laugh and Learn about Grammy's Climate Action Bike Ride Across the USA with the Improv Comedy of Tane Danger and the Theater of Public Policy
Climate Generation

8:00 PM EDT
2024 Metropolitan Opera Summer Free Recital Series
SummerStage in Central Park - Manhattan, New York

8:30 PM EDT
Veterans Townhall - Yountville, California
Veterans Administration

9:15 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart McLean, Virginia en route Fort Lesley J. McNair
Private Residence of Dorothy and Terry McAuliffe, McLean, VA

9:45 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive at Fort Lesley J. McNair
Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington

9:55 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart Fort Lesley J. McNair en route to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington

10:50 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Gordons Pond State Park, Rehoboth Beach, DE
12 END

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:04 Id: 3a5817 [Preview] No.141592 del

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:57 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141593 del
(122.74 KB 1001x1280 523.jpg)

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 14:30 Id: 8cbdac [Preview] No.141594 del
Hearings to examine origins of COVID-19, focusing on available evidence.


Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 20:57 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141595 del

What happened to the likes? X is now hiding which posts you like from other users

NEW YORK (AP) — Social media platform X is now hiding your likes.

In an update posted on the platform formerly known as Twitter earlier this week, X’s engineering team said it would be “making Likes private for everyone to better protect your privacy.” That means that users will still be able to see their own likes, but others will not — putting an end to a feature that many had long used.
The change went into effect Wednesday. As of the afternoon, the “Likes” tab appeared to only be available on users’ own profile page. But when visiting other accounts, that tab is no longer available.
Users also received a pop-up notification that seemed to suggest the change would result in more user engagement.
“Liking more posts will make your ‘For you’ feed better,” the message read.
According to the engineering team’s update, like counts and other metrics for a user’s own posts will still show up under notifications. Posts still appear to show how many likes they have — but the author will be the only person who can see a list of those who liked it.


Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 21:07 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141596 del
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Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 21:25 Id: aabf7b [Preview] No.141604 del
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