Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:01 Id: a1f7df No.142325 del
JULY 1, 2020
Rudy Giuliani Comments to Reporters in White House Driveway
Rudy Giuliani Spoke to Reporters in the White House Driveway. He Criticized the New York Times for Reporting on the Russian Bounties Story, Called Black Lives Matter a Marxist Organization, and Questioned Joe Biden’s Cognitive Abilities.

JULY 1, 2020
National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien Speaks With Reporters
National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien Responded to Questions From Reporters in the White House Driveway and Said the President Was Not Previously Briefed on the Russian Bounties Report Because the Information Was Uncorroborated.

July 1, 2024
Happy Canada Day 2024

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