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QR Bunker General #445 Retribution Edition Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:17 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No. 142092
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

Q's Latest Posts
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[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:17 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142093 del
Global Notables
BU board if 8kun goes down or place to post graphics/vids
How to Make Reports for CP, etc. >>115421, >>116414
ANONS, Please bake & note - HERE"S HOW >>113476
How to ask questions about ENDCHAN >>113474, End Admin Comments >>115424
No strobe or pulsed images or text
NOTICE TO SHILLS: NOTICE TO SHILLS: muh joos, muh girl, spam, anti-boomer & other BS will be DELETED

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:22 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142094 del
Notables are not endorsements

>>141606, >>141607, >>141608, >>141609 Clooney Foundation initiating proceeding in Europe based on criminal code banning "spreading war propaganda"
>>141614, >>141615, >>141616, >>141617, >>141618, >>141619 Swamp Today June 19, 2024
>>141622 Putin’s state visit to North Korea
>>141627 >>141628, >>141629, >>141630, >>141631, >>141660 Russia's President Vladimir Putin arrives in Hanoi
>>141632, >>141634 Trump Proposes Replacing Income Tax With Tariffs as Primary Source of Federal Revenue
>>141636, >>141637 VP Kamala Harris invites Queer Eye cast to White House
>>141640 Health Canada delays information release on contaminated COVID-19 vaccine investigation
>>141641 Jim Jordan Explodes at Birx for IMMUNITY bragging
>>141642, >>141643, >>141644, >>141645, >>141646, >>141647, >>141648, >>141649, >>141650, >>141651 Swamp Today June 20, 2024
>>141654 An Injection of Truth - Live in Calgary
>>141655 X hashing algorithm exposed
>>141659 Paul Ryan Held Steel Dossier Never Told Devin Nunes and Kash Patel
>>141662, >>141663 ‘M*A*S*H’ Actor Donald Sutherland Dies at 88'
>>141669 Cyberattack hits car dealerships across the U.S.
>>141670, >>141671, >>141672, >>141673, >>141674, >>141675, >>141676, >>141677, >>141678, >>141679, >>141680, >>141681, >>141682, >>141683, >>141684, >>141685, >>141686, >>141687, >>141688, >>141689, >>141690, >>141691, >>141692, >>141693 Swamp Today June 21, 2024
>>141715 President Trumps $500 tip at diner in Philadelphia with inscription “No Tax on Tips”
>>141716 US government pays stipend to every Taliban member's family
>>141718 Story on Corrupt Atlanta Judge Throws Citizens in Jail & POCKETS Bail Money!
>>141719 Former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Biden government gag order
>>141720 AOC, Jamaal Bowman, and Bernie Sanders driven out of Bronx by angry protestors
>>141721 USA Today cries "North Carolina is on the verge of getting a MAGA governor. Why do we let this happen?"
>>141722 Study Removed by Lancet, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot
>>141873 Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 90 at the International Space Station
>>141945 Scott Ritter: This is direct attack on Russia by US, NATO, and non-NATO European entities
>>141948 Corrupt Atlanta Judge Gets Arrested for ATTACKING Cops in Fulton County
>>141974, >>141974, >>141977, >>141978, >>141979, >>141980, >>141981, >>141982, >>141983, >>141984, >>141985, >>141987, >>141988 Swamp Today June 24, 2024
>>141992 July 2023 Resolution Plan submissions identified a weakness in plans from Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan Chase
>>142013 Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve: 33 Terabytes of Sensitive Data Allegedly Compromised
>>142021, >>142048, >>142057 Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US authorities
>>142024 FIVE U.S. States are SUING Pfizer for LYING About 'Safe and Effective' Covid Vaccines
>>142029, >>142030, >>142031, >>142032, >>142033, >>142034, >>142035, >>142036, >>142037, >>142038, >>142039 Swamp Today June 25, 2024
>>142046 War and shutting down food supply
>>142048 Julian Assange not permitted to fly commercial airlines
>>142049 U.S. and NATO attempt to maintain control over Africa
>>142051, >>142052, >>142053 Calgary, Canada: Tommy Robinson arrested after event organised by Ezra Levant
>>142054 New White House Associate Communications Director Tyler Cherry
>>142060 Tennessee election officials asks 14,000+ voters to prove citizenship
>>142061, >>142062, >>142063, >>142064, >>142065, >>142066, >>142067, >>142068, >>142069, >>142070, >>142072, >>142073, >>142074, >>142075, >>142076, >>142077 Swamp Today June 26, 2024
>>142082 Rep. Luna Holds News Conference on Holding Atty. Gen. in "Inherent Contempt"
>>142083, >>142084 "He’s not going to be able to match the acumen and readiness of Donald Trump”
>>142086 Kim Dotcom "Wikileaks deleted DNC files. Don’t worry, Pirate Bay still has them"
>>141603 #444

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:23 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142095 del
>>141188, >>141189, >>141190, >>141191, >>141192, >>141193, >>141194, >>141195, >>141196, >>141197, >>141198, >>141199, >>141200, >>141201, >>141202, >>141203, >>141204 Swamp Today June 13, 2024
>>141208 Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS bloc
>>141210, >>141228, >>141229, >>141233, >>141234, >>141236, >>141240, >>141236, >>141242, >>141303 Hearing on Manhattan District Attorney's Office
>>141211 New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus
>>141212, >>141298 Puerto Rico’s elections commission reviewing contract prior with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies
>>141213 Pres. Trump Addresses the Media in D.C.
>>141248 Nigel Farage's Reform UK overtakes Tories for first time ever in bombshell poll
>>141296 Tesla's extra, unsold inventory is just sitting in parking lots
>>141302 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children
>>141304 Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Gates Foundation
>>141315, >>141316, >>141317 1929 Stock Market Crash: "but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of "stags," amateur speculators and investors"
>>141319, >>141320, >>141321, >>141322, >>141323, >>141324, >>141325, >>141326, >>141327, >>141328, >>141329, >>141330, >>141331, >>141332, >>141333, >>141334, >>141335, >>141336, >>141337, >>141338, >>141339, >>141340, >>141341, >>141342 Swamp Today June 14, 2024
>>141347 NATO has rejected Vladimir Putin's peace deal
>>141353, >>141353 Colonel & Dr Jeffery Kunz arrested in child sex trafficking sting in WA State
>>141357 Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials
>>141358 House Committee No Longer Trusts NIH/NIAID to Oversee Risky Monkey Pox Research
>>141393 Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row under Javier Milei leadership
>>141394 Hear former U.S. Army General & Under Secretary of Defense Policy @ajtata confirm what every America can benefit from hearing
>>141395 Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself
>>141406, >>141430 Senate Armed Services Committee Proposes Mandatory Draft Registration for Women in FY25 Defense Policy Bill
>>141424, >>141425, >>141426, >>141429 [PIC]President Trump to The People’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan
>>141427 Live Fani Willis Case : New Legal Trouble for Fani
>>141442 Biden Regime's End Game Plan
>>141445 Rep. Harriet Hageman: "Climate Activist want to destroy affordable energy. This is evil."
>>141446 Rep Hagemen reveals Biden's FTC Chair Khan is not in good standing with NY Bar
>>141447, >>141449, >>141450 What’s the Real Reason E Idaho Farmers Don’t Have Enough Water? Cobalt Mining
>>141448 COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
>>141449, >>141595 X begins censoring "Likes"
>>141474, >>141475, >>141476, >>141477, >>141478, >>141479, >>141480 Swamp Today June 17, 2024
>>141577 Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."
>>141579, >>141580, >>141581, >>141582, >>141583, >>141584, >>141585, >>141586, >>141587, >>141588, >>141589, >>141590 Swamp Today June 18, 2024
>>141593 FBI Knew in 2016 of Hunter Biden’s $120 Million Deal with Burisma Owner While Joe was VP
>>141594 Hearings to examine origins of COVID-19, focusing on available evidence
>>141160 #443

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:23 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142096 del
>>140967, >>140968, >>140969, >>140970, >>140971, >>140972, >>140973, >>140974, >>140975, >>140976, >>140977 Swamp Today June 5, 2024
>>140980 Belgorod hit by US missiles
>>140981 Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained
>>140983 Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X
>>140986 Twitter disclosed to FEC they were warned of ‘a hack and leak operation involving Hunter Biden’ by federal law enforcement
>>140988 Garrett Ziegler hanging at Hunter's court appearances
>>140989 Fauci testified BOARD OF NIH approved gain of function research not him - his wife is head of NIH BIOETHICS
>>140990 GA Appeals Court HALTS Trump Case, TRUMP WIN, Fani Lost
>>140991 'What Gives You The Authority?'Massie Clashes With AG Garland About Jack Smith
>>140993, >>140994, >>140995, >>140996, >>140997, >>140998, >>140999, >>141000, >>141001, >>141002, >>141003, >>141004 Swamp Today June 6, 2024
>>141007 Brian Lilley past and present scandals of liberal government of Justin Trudeau
>>141008 Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy
>>141011 Main events in the world morning of June 6, Sputnik
>>141012 BRICS is a dialogue of cultures - Alexander Dugin
>>141013 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Western countries see relations with global South as "an opportunity to live at the expense of others, to gain unilateral advantage"
>>141014 Two African ministers who studied together in the Soviet Union meet at #SPIEF2024 decades later
>>141015 Russian foreign minister's visit to Chad will mark a turning point in the development of bilateral relations, Chadian media Alwihda says
>>141016 Burkina Faso signs three cooperation memoranda with Russian civil nuclear giant
>>141017 "Multipolarity opens up the possibility of renewing alliances that are beneficial to the population" Central African prime minister opening of #SPIEF2024
>>141018, >>141019, >>141021, >>141022, >>141023 >>141024, >>141025, >>141026, >>141027, >>141028, >>141029, >>141030, >>141031, >>141032 President Trump Rally Phoenix, AZ
>>141034 Kash Patel: Merrick Garland just told Congress he is going to break the law...
>>141035, >>141036 Swamp Today June 7, 2024
>>141040 Liberal Chelsea Handler Tells 50 Cent He Can't Vote For Trump Because He's Black
>>141049 TikTok Follower Count of President Trump v Biden-Harris HQ, Trump has 5.5 million more followers
>>141051 AZ Governor Katie Hobbs officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme
>>141053, >>141054, >>141055 John Luman Smith a.k.a. Jack Smith appointment affidavit
>>141056, >>141057 Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov calls Clooney Foundation 'madmen'
>>141058 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR
>>141082 Austrian-Canadian Billionaire Accused of Sexual Assaults Dating Back to 1980s
>>141086, >>141087, >>141088, >>141089, >>141090, >>141091, >>141092, >>141093, >>141094, >>141095 Swamp Today June 10, 2024
>>141102, >>141103, >>141104, >>141105, >>141106, >>141107, >>141108, >>141109, >>141110, >>141111, >>141112, >>141113 Swamp Today June 11, 2024
>>141118 Verdict in Hunter Biden Gun Trial: GUILTY OF ALL THREE FELONIES
>>141120 Canada Revenue Agency paid employees up to 1k per article to produce fake "news" stories
>>141121 MPs vote on motion to call Justice to investigate allegations parliamentarians collaborated with hostile foreign governments
>>141122, >>141123, >>141124, >>141125, >>141126, >>141127, >>141128, >>141129, >>141130, >>141131, >>141132, >>141133, >>141134, >>141135, >>141136, >>141137, >>141138, >>141139 Swamp Today June 12, 2024
>>141142 House Rules Committee Debates Attorney General Garland Contempt of Congress Resolution
>>141144 Steve Scalise - If the White House has nothing to hide they'd release the tape of Biden's interview
>>141145 DEVELOPING: Police point guns towards FBI Office in Seattle, WA for unknown reason
>>141149, >>141150, >>141151 Seattle police, facing manpower shortage, hire illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops
>>140965 #442

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:24 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142097 del
Previously Collected Notables
>>140555 #439, >>140696 #440, >>140696 #441-B, >>140805 #441-A
>>140025 #436-B, >>140025 #436-A, >>140258 #437, >>140433 #438
>>139454 #434-B, >>139454 #434-A, >>139747 #435-B, >>139747 #435-A
>>138773 #431, >>138932 #432, >>139230 #433-A, >>139230 #433-B

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 06:27 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142098 del

Retribution often means that we eventually do to ourselves what we have done unto others. - Eric Hoffer

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 11:42 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142101 del
(51.29 KB 768x520 JrRZ9HqNVnzXpFV0.jpeg)
Presidential debate tonight at 9 pm ET
Check your local listings for your preferred TV channel or Internet options.

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:37 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142102 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Thursday June 27, 2024

The House Stands Adjourned Until June 27, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 28, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT (Pro Forma - back July 8)


Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma is on travel to Paraguay from June 26-28, 2024.
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James C. O’Brien is on travel to Azerbaijan and Croatia from June 27-29, 2024.
Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability Mallory Stewart is on travel to Kazakhstan and Switzerland from June 22-28, 2024.
Assistant Secretary for Conflict and Stabilization Operations Anne A. Witkowsky is on travel to the United Kingdom from June 24-28, 2024.

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is an Enhanced Risk of Severe Thunderstorms From Eastern Montana to Northern and Central High Plains.... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

A.F. Branco - Cartoons Etc. Ep #58 06/26/24

Chewchew @Chewche51506331 - Debate bingo card

Dana Loesch @DLoesch - Ladies and Gentlemen... Your OFFICIAL Dana Show Debate Bingo Card!! Feel Free to Print and Share!

Doug TenNapel (blue check implied) @DougTenNapel - The White House only loves you for your suicide rate. Your parents love you even when you are wrong.

Eric Weathers @eric_weathers - We're about $650 away from $50k. We're Putting everything we have into this book.

Gary Varvel - Why seniors are un-retiring

Gretchen Whitmer @gretchenwhitmer - What’s on your debate bingo card for tomorrow?

Mark Parisi - Evolution

Michael Ramirez - Devilish Heat Wave

Michael Ramirez - Creating Diversions

Michael Ramirez - Shopping Spree

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Lowered Expectations

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Ass-sits

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Biden’s Deplorables
1 and txt file

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:39 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142103 del
RealityBites by Broc Smith - The Bronx Cheerleader

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon

Paul Bedard @SecretsBedard - C'Mon man, check out this great debate bingo card drawn up by our @dcexaminer Joana Suleiman @OneGodPerJar https://washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential/3059842/presidential-debate-bingo-card-play-along-trump-biden-face-off/ via @dcexaminer

Skscartoon @skscartoon - My prediction

Spank @mentaldischarge - Rife with Trumpisms, Bidenisms, and CNNisms, here's my 2024 Presidential Debate Bingo card.

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 19

The Daily Cartoonist - CSotD: Cartoonists Take Debate

The Right To Bear Memes @grandoldmemes - Debate

Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 27

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

Register to Vote

Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

What Can We Learn From Ask-a-Librarian Questions?

Preservation Staff at the 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference

A Summer Music Odyssey

Free and Affordable Virtual Summer Camps

20+ Free Online Summer Camps + DIY Activities for Kids

Celebrating Summer Fun With the Library of Congress' Collections

The U.S. Copyright Office Is Announcing Receipt of a Notice of Intent to Conduct an Audit Pursuant to the Section 115 Blanket License.

Election Results - House Primaries in NY, CO, & UT

Election Results - House Primaries in NY, CO, & UT

Election Results - House Primaries in NY, CO, & UT

The Southern Border Debate Presented by ZeroHedge - 6/26/24

LIVE REPLAY: Trump Campaign Hosts Black American Business Leaders at Barbershop in Atlanta - 6/26/24

ICYMI: SURROGATE ONLY EVENT Trump Campaign To Host Black American Business Leaders at Barbershop Roundtable in Atlanta, Georgia

Trump Campaign Statement on Election Interference from North Carolina’s Democrat-controlled Board of Elections

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:39 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142104 del
Palm Beach Playbook - June 26, 2024

BIDEN LIES: Taxes Edition

Let’s Talk Numbers Ahead of the Presidential Debate in Atlanta

BIDEN LIES: Abortion Edition

Crooked Biden Recap: Biden’s Weakness Increases Terror Threat

June 26, 2024
C-SPAN's The Weekly
Debate Moderators to Debate Audiences: SILENCE!

June 26, 2024 - June 27, 2024
The Fourth United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS 2024)
United Nations

June 27, 2024 - July 2, 2024
2024 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition
American Library Association

JUNE 27, 1778
Congress Leaves York, Pennsylvania for Philadelphia

JUNE 27, 2011
The Library of Congress
C-SPAN’s Original Feature Documentary, the Library of Congress, Is a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the National Repository, Providing the History of the Institution, a Tour of Its Iconic Jefferson Building, and Glimpses of Some of the Library’s Rare Book, Photo, and Map Collections. The Film Also Featured Some of the Presidential Papers Housed at the Library of Congress, Ranging From George Washington Through Calvin Coolidge. Viewers Learned How the Library Uses Technology to Preserve Its Holdings and Expand Public Access to Them, as Well as How Technology Is Helping to Uncover New Information About Some of the Items in Its Collections.

JUNE 27, 2016
Tarmac Meeting: Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Former President Bill Clinton

JUNE 27, 2018
President Trump Remarks at Rally in Fargo, North Dakota
President Trump Spoke at a Campaign Rally for Representative Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Who Was Running for the U.S. Senate Against Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D).

JUNE 27, 2023
Campaign 2024: Former President Trump Remarks at Republican Women's Lunch in New Hampshire
Former President Trump Spoke at a Republican Women’s Luncheon in Concord, New Hampshire. He Criticized State and Federal Indictments Against Him and Suggested Others May Be Coming. “I’m Being Indicted for You,” He Said.

June 27, 2024
National PTSD Awareness Day

June 27, 2024
National HIV Testing Day - June 27
FDA-approved HIV prevention and treatment options are available. The first step is getting tested.

June 27, 2024
Interagency Valdosta Community Development Forum - Georgia
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Department of the Treasury

June 27, 2024
1:00 AM EDT
Cybersecurity in the Indo-Pacific: Republic of Korea
Center for a New American Security With the Asan Institute for Policy Studies

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:39 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142105 del
4:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session, 830 Meeting - Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
15th Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Human-Centered Impact: Advancing the UN SDGs through Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) - Celebrating MSME Day 2024, this event brings together global experts to explore "Human-Centered Impact: Advancing the UN SDGs through MSMEs".
United Nations

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers responded to the question “Do presidential debates still matter?”

7:15 AM EDT
HRC – Press conference: UN Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity - World at critical juncture, urgent need for international solidarity
United Nations

8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show
Real America's Voice

8:00 AM EDT
The Online Symposium in the UN on Abductions Issue - Ways Towards an Immediate Resolution of the Abductions Issue With Time Constraint.
United Nations

8:00 AM EDT
Mouse Workshop: Safe Handling and Techniques
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

8:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Norfolk, Virginia
Veterans Administration

8:00 AM EDT
Subcommittee Markup of Fiscal Year 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Act
House Appropriations Committee
Subcommittee Mark
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EAz2a53LctI [Embed]

8:15 AM EDT
Speech by Board Member Mr Frank Elderson on Banking Supervision at Conference by Allen & Overy in Neu Isenburg, Germany
European Central Bank

8:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

8:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) Discusses Biden-Trump Debate & News of the Day
Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), a member of the Armed Services Committee, discusses Thursday’s presidential debate, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and news of the day.

8:30 AM EDT
Weekly Export Sales - Weekly Report Release
Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture

8:30 AM EDT
U.S. Agriculture in Drought - Released After 8:30 a.m. ET Every Thursday
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:40 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142106 del
8:30 AM EDT
Subcommittee Markup of FY25 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Act
House Appropriations Committee
Subcommittee Mark
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ak_v_sg_qxU [Embed]

8:45 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Rep. Erin Houchin (R-IN) Discusses Biden-Trump Debate & News of the Day
Rep. Erin Houchin (R-IN discusses Thursday’s presidential debate, Congress’s role in crafting artificial intelligence policy, and congressional news of the day.

9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:00 AM EDT
16th Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
United Nations International MSMEs Day: Trade for Climate Change - International Celebration of Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day 2024
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session, 831 Meeting
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Tenth Annual Building a Competitive US-Mexico Border Conference
Woodrow Wilson Center

9:00 AM EDT
Learn the Fundamentals of the Patent Application Process - Virtual
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

9:00 AM EDT
Understanding Current Use of Ketamine for Emerging Areas of Therapeutic Interest
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Partnership With the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA

9:00 AM EDT
FDIC and HUD Host Bankers Round Table Supporting Affordable Housing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

9:00 AM EDT
Veteran Benefits Seminar - Bennington, Vermont
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Lowell, Massachussetts
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
Caregiver Resource Fair - Columbus, Ohio
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
757 Military Community Education | DoD Skillbridge Connect (Peninsula) - Newport News, Virginia
Veterans Administration

9:00 AM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: House Session
The House is expected to continue work on the 2025 state department-foreign operations spending bill and begin work on the defense spending bill for next year.

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:41 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142107 del
9:00 AM EDT
In-Town Pool Call Time
The White House

9:30 AM EDT
Morning Keynote - AFCEA TechNet Cyber 2024
Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA)
Army Lt. Gen. David T. (Todd) Isaacson, Joint Staff director for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers/Cyber, and Chief Information Officer, J-6, provides keynote remarks at 9:30 a.m. EDT; and other senior officials speak at AFCEA TechNet Cyber 2024 at the Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland.
Department of Defense

9:30 AM EDT
Australia and the Two Koreas: Capital Cable #96
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=hwBS7yOOU-Q [Embed]

June 26, 2024
9:30 AM EDT
CSIS-DAPA 2024: The Potential for Expanding Defense Cooperation Within the ROK-U.S. Alliance
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) of the Republic of Korea
https://youtube.com/watch?v=VTj1uM9WqmA [Embed]
9:40 AM EDT
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology Douglas R. Bush provides keynote remarks at 9:40 a.m. EDT
Department of Defense
11:15 AM EDT
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Jedidiah P. Royal joins a panel discussion at 11:15 a.m. EDT
Department of Defense

9:30 AM EDT
Together in Innovation: Opportunity Is Knocking – Are You Ready? - Kennesaw, Georgia
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

9:30 AM EDT
Legislative Hearing on 6 Bills
House Natural Resources Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lZuFIDazHSg [Embed]

9:30 AM EDT
Legislative Hearing on 4 Bills
House Natural Resources Committee
H.R. 6841 (Rep. Levin), to Amend the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 to Allow the Secretary of Commerce to Establish a Coastal and Estuarine Resilience Program, and for Other Purposes;
H.R. 7925 (Rep. D’Esposito), “Modernizing Access to Our Public Oceans Act”;
H.R. 8704 (Rep. Carter of GA), to Require the Secretary of Commerce to Establish a Grant Program to Foster Enhanced Coexistence Between Ocean Users and North Atlantic Right Whales and Other Large Cetacean Species; And
H.R. 8705 (Rep. Graves of LA), “Fisheries Data Modernization and Accuracy Act of 2024.”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lZuFIDazHSg [Embed]

9:35 AM EDT
Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation
Navy Boot Camp Graduation From Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:41 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142108 del
10:00 AM EDT
(Part 1) ICPD30 Global Dialogue on Technology - as We Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (ICPD PoA), the Governments of the Bahamas and Luxembourg With UNFPA, the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency, Are Convening Key Stakeholders to Celebrate Achievements, Address Polarization, and Position for the Future.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Leveraging Power and Resilience of Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to Accelerate SDGs and Eradicate Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises - in Its Resolution a/RES/71/279, the United Nations General Assembly Designated 27 June as "Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day" to Raise Public Awareness of the Tremendous Contributions of Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to Sustainable Development.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(Part 1) United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS 2024) Geopolitical Tensions, the Climate Crisis, Global Mistrust and the Dark Side of Technology, Which Secretary-General António Guterres Has Called the "Looming Threats of the 21st Century", Are Affecting the Well-Being and Livelihoods of Communities Worldwide and the Planet Itself. National and United Nations Police Are on the Frontlines of Averting and Addressing These Transnational Threats.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
War Room With Stephen K. Bannon
Real America's Voice

10:00 AM EDT
New Trends in African Migration: Case Studies From Morocco and Nigeria
Atlantic Council
https://youtube.com/watch?v=jR_SmBJ1DJs [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
2024 NIH Three Minute Talk (TmT) Competition
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
Introduction to EndNote Desktop
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
NIH Intramural Core Spotlight Seminar: NIAID Mouse Genetics and Gene Modification Section
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
NIH Library Workshop: Qiagen Ask Me Anything (AMA)
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
The US Department of Homeland Security Career Expo - Chantilly, Virginia
Veterans Administration

10:00 AM EDT
Open Meeting
Federal Election Commission
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7oc4dV1xWsE [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
House Democrats News Conference on Dobbs Decision
House Democratic Leader Jeffries (NY), Minority Whip Clark (D-MA), Caucus Chair Aguilar (CA), and Pro-Choice Caucus leaders hold a news conference to mark two years since the Dobbs decision reversing Roe v. Wade.

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:42 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142109 del
10:00 AM EDT
The Role of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank of the United States Amid Intensifying Economic Competition With China
House Financial Services Committee
The Honorable Reta Jo Lewis, President and Chair of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of the United States
H.R.___, the "Nuclear Energy Assistance Trust Fund Act of 2024"
H.R.___, the "BRAVE Burma Act"
H.R.___, the "Securing Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2024"
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pN0v-gWEGF4 [Embed]
U.S. Export-Import Bank President Testifies on U.S.-China Economic Competition
Reta Jo Lewis, president and chair of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, testifies before a House Financial Services subcommittee on oversight of bank operations and U.S.-China economic competition.

10:00 AM EDT
Ending Illegal Racial Discrimination and Protecting Men and Women in U.S. Employment Practices
House Oversight and Accountability Committee
The Honorable Todd Rokita
Attorney General
Jonathan Berry
Managing Partner
Boyden Gray PLLC
Inez Feltscher Stepman
Senior Policy and Legal Analyst
Independent Women’s Forum
https://youtube.com/watch?v=z0Vlc_aao [Embed]
Hearing on Gender Workplace Protections & Racial Discrimination
State officials and policy advocates testify before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on gender workplace protections and stopping racial discrimination in employment practices.

10:00 AM EDT
Oversight of the Department of Transportation’s Policies and Programs and Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
The Honorable Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tm9huZuLfDo [Embed]
Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Testifies Before Congress
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg testifies on oversight of his department and its 2025 budget request before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

10:00 AM EDT
Markup on Pending Legislation
House Veterans' Affairs Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=fksy5pz9Yik [Embed]

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:43 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142110 del
10:00 AM EDT
Markup on Pending Legislation
House Ways and Means Committee
H.R.4818 - Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023
H.R.2407 - Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act
H.R.1691 - Ensuring Patient Access to Critical Breakthrough Products Act of 2023
H.R.8816 - American Medical Innovation and Investment Act of 2024

10:00 AM EDT
Full Committee Markup of 11 Bills
House Energy and Commerce Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=qgexnt4G79M [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
Markup of Report Recommending that the House Cite Mark Zwonitzer for Contempt of Congress
House Judiciary Committee
H.R.115 - Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2023
H.R.2833 - Pretrial Release Reporting Act
H.R.358 - Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act
H.J.Res.144 - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice, relating to "Definition of 'Engaged in the Business' as a Dealer in Firearms".
https://youtube.com/watch?v=yYBOiUamKo4 [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
The President receives the President’s Daily Brief
Camp David

10:15 AM EDT
Examining the Policies and Priorities of the Employee Benefits Security Administration
House Education and the Workforce Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=N0BfJC-LD9U [Embed]

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:43 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142111 del
10:15 AM EDT
Legislative Hearing
Natural Resources Committee
H.R. 390 (Rep. Stefanik), “Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Enhancement Act”
H.R. 3971 (Rep. Hill), “Flatside Wilderness Additions Act”
H.R. 6826 (Rep. Mfume), to Designate the Visitor and Education Center at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine as the Paul S. Sarbanes Visitor and Education Center
H.R. 6843 (Rep. Scalise), to Expand the Boundaries of the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area to Include Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
H.R. 8206 (Rep. Franklin), to Ensure That Big Cypress National Preserve May Not Be Designated as Wilderness or as a Component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, and for Other Purposes
H.R. 8219 (Rep. Tokuda), “Lahaina National Heritage Area Act
https://youtube.com/watch?v=19lwyN6Kb0w [Embed]

10:30 AM EDT
VIRTUAL: The Landscape as Canvas - Earth Art
Tewksbury Public Library

10:30 AM EDT
Discover Native Plants (On-Site Tour)
U.S. Botanic Garden

10:30 AM EDT
NIMH IRP Speaker Series: Alternative Strategies for CNS Drug Discovery
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:30 AM EDT
Meeting With X-Energy Pertaining to Project Long Mott
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

10:30 AM EDT
Exploring the Use of Data-Driven Methods and Community Collaboration to Reduce Veteran Homelessness
House Veterans' Affairs Committee
Dr. Thomas O'Toole
Deputy Undersecretary for Health for Clinical Services, VHA, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. Jeff Olivet
Executive Director, U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Ms. Rosanne Haggerty
President, Community Solutions
Truth in Testimony Disclosure Form - Ms. Haggerty [PDF 68KB]
Mr. Ray Carville
Public Affairs Manager, Veterans Inc
Truth in Testimony Disclosure Form - Mr. Carville [PDF 823KB]
Dr. Randy Withrow
Site Director, Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan
Mr. Nick Wood
Regional Site Director, Nation’s Finest
https://youtube.com/watch?v=oS0p2sN6pMk [Embed]

11:00 AM EDT
Informal Working Group 1: Maritime, Aeronautical and Radar Services
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Veterans Coffee Social - Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
NIH Sex and Gender Differences in Cancer Virtual Workshop Series - Population Sciences
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Music Connection - Columbus, Ohio
Veterans Administration

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:44 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142112 del
11:00 AM EDT
VA Claims Clinic - Orem, Utah
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
Job Fair at Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall/DC Area - Ft. Myer, Virginia
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
Montana VA Summer Vet Fest 2024 - Day 2 - Glasgow, Montana
Veterans Administration

11:30 AM EDT
Amb. Julianne Smith on NATO’s Priorities and the Russia-Ukraine War
Washington Post Live
https://youtube.com/watch?v=sjdrhyPRGr4 [Embed]

11:30 AM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Joint Base Andrews Overhang

12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
NIH LMWG Vendor Capabilities Series: Cytiva, Planet-Safe® From Diversified Biotech, Mettler-Toledo Rainin
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
PTAB Inventor Hour - Episode 29 Virtual
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

12:00 PM EDT
The President departs Camp David en route to Joint Base Andrews
Camp David

12:15 PM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Wall Strtech
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:35 PM EDT
DA/GO Retirement Ceremony
Department of Defense

12:50 PM EDT
MACS-1 Change of Command
Marine Air Control Squadron 1 (MACS-1)

12:50 PM EDT
The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Atlanta, Georgia
Joint Base Andrews

1:00 PM EDT
War in Sudan: Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes Against Humanity in West Darfur
Atlantic Council
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ymwr89ulV-U [Embed]

1:00 PM EDT
FY24 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant and Substance Use Program Overdose Fatality Review Training and Technical Assistance Solicitation Webinar
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice; Bureau of Justice Assistance National Training and Technical Assistance Center (BJA NTTAC)

1:00 PM EDT
DA/GO Retirement Ceremony
Department of Defense

1:00 PM EDT
In-Person Fitness - Stretch & Flow
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
NITAAC Monthly IT GWAC Training
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
National STEM Teacher Corps: Webinars Information
National Science Foundation

1:00 PM EDT
Live from the Arctic: Unlocking Earth's Environmental History
National Science Foundation

1:00 PM EDT
Introduction to the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
Department of Labor

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:45 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142113 del
1:00 PM EDT
Exigency or Emergency Circumstances
Federal Emergency Management Agency

1:00 PM EDT
2024 Waging Peace Program -June 2024 Lunch & Learn: Chief Justice Earl Warren: Protecting People
Eisenhower Presidential Library
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nsAtI991mjk [Embed]

1:00 PM EDT
Office Hours - 12th Ward Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
Military Community Job Fair at Fort Carson - Colorado
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Brookings, South Dakota
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts an LGBTQI+ Foreign Policy convening
Department of State
Secretary Blinken Remarks at LGBTQI+ Event at State Department
Secretary Blinken hosts an LGBTQI+ Foreign Policy convening at the State Department.

1:00 PM EDT
Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell meets with Philippine Ambassador Jose Manuel del Gallego Romualdez
Department of State

1:00 PM EDT
Properly Resourcing the Indo-Pacific in an Era of Great Power Competition
House Foreign Affairs Committee
The Honorable Daniel J. Kritenbrink
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
U.S. Department of State
The Honorable Michael Schiffer
Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Asia
U.S. Agency for International Development
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y8tX_MfeIF0 [Embed]

1:30 PM EDT
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Atlanta, Georgia
Air Force One
https://youtube.com/watch?v=LvtzC83Hwr0 [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
Japanese Automakers: Driving Investment in the US and Strengthening Bilateral Ties
Hudson Institute
https://youtube.com/watch?v=qezufDJn1Oc [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
Swarms Over the Strait: Drone Warfare in a Future Fight to Defend Taiwan
Center for a New American Security
https://youtube.com/watch?v=OLl5xgPl7VA [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
Foreign and Comparative Law Webinar on “Going Smokefree: Cigarette Bans in New Zealand and the United Kingdom”
Law Library of Congress

2:00 PM EDT
Getting Started With Patent Public Search - Virtual
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

2:00 PM EDT
Attend DOCX Filing Training - Virtual
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:45 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142114 del
2:00 PM EDT
Braxton County Veteran Town Hall - Sutton, West Virginia
Veterans Administration

2:00 PM EDT
Military Community Job Fair at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Lewis-McChord, Washington
Veterans Administration

2:00 PM EDT
Meeting With NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

2:00 PM EDT
The Curse of Socialism in Central America and the Caribbean
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Mr. Eric Jacobstein
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Mr. Greg Howell
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
U.S. Agency for International Development
https://youtube.com/watch?v=k-5nr9YA-KE [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
Sector Down: Ensuring Critical Infrastructure Resilience
House Homeland Security Committee
Frank Cilluffo
McCrary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security
University of Auburn
Matthew McCabe
Managing Director
Cyber Broking
Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC
Kimberly Denbow
Vice President
Security and Operations
American Gas Association
Jack Kudale
Chief Executive Officer
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2o9-gKNT25k [Embed]

2:00 PM EDT
Cutting Competition in Contracting: The Administration’s Pricey Project Labor Agreement Mandate
House Oversight and Accountability Committee
Ben Brubeck
Vice President of Regulatory
Labor and State Affairs
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Glenn P. Ledet, Jr.
Executive Director
Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
Aric Dreher,
Vice President and General Manager
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kKbXDrBiUBc [Embed]

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:46 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142115 del
2:00 PM EDT
Solutions in Search of a Problem: Chair Gensler’s Equity Market Structure Reforms
House Financial Services Committee
Professor Jonathan Brogaard, Professor, David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah
Mr. Kevin Kennedy, Executive Vice President, Head of North American Market Services, Nasdaq, on behalf of the Equity Markets Association
Mr. Ari Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Global Trading Systems (GTS)
Mr. Justin Schack, Partner and Head of Market Structure, Rosenblatt Securities
Mr. John Ramsay, Chief Market Policy Officer, IEX
H.R. 5273, to permit a registered investment company to omit certain fees from the calculation of Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, and for other purposes
H.R. 8222, the Regulation Advancement for Capital Enhancement Act of 2024, to automatically approve certain offerings statements filed with the SEC under Regulation A tier 2
H.R. 6726, the Responsible Accounting Standards Act of 2023, to require the accounting principles standard setting body to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act and the Government in the Sunshine Act, to require the head of such body to testify annually before Congress
https://youtube.com/watch?v=LxgQSA0htv8 [Embed]

2:15 PM EDT
The President arrives in Atlanta, Georgia
Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta, GA

3:00 PM EDT
(Part 2) United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS 2024) - Geopolitical Tensions, the Climate Crisis, Global Mistrust and the Dark Side of Technology, Which Secretary-General António Guterres Has Called the "Looming Threats of the 21st Century", Are Affecting the Well-Being and Livelihoods of Communities Worldwide and the Planet Itself. National and United Nations Police Are on the Frontlines of Averting and Addressing These Transnational Threats.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(Part 2) ICPD30 Global Dialogue on Technology - as We Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (ICPD PoA), the Governments of the Bahamas and Luxembourg With UNFPA, the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency, Are Convening Key Stakeholders to Celebrate Achievements, Address Polarization, and Position for the Future.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Livestock and Meat Domestic Data - Monthly Report Release
Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Hogs and Pigs - Quarterly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing
House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY) briefs reporters and responds to questions on his party’s legislative agenda.

3:20 PM EDT
RIMPAC Opening Press Conference
29th Biennial Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC)

3:30 PM EDT
Airmen of Note - George Mason University - Fairfax, Virginia
U.S. Air Force Band

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:47 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142116 del
4:00 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at a room dedication and naming ceremony
Department of State
Secretary of State Blinken gives remarks at a room dedication ceremony at the State Department.

5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

5:00 PM EDT
Luxury Beliefs and Two-Parent Privilege: A Conversation With Rob Henderson and Melissa Kearney
Manhattan Institute

5:00 PM EDT
Live! At the Library
Library of Congress

6:00 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts a Pride Month reception
Department of State
Secretary Blinken Hosts Pride Month Reception at State Department
Secretary of State Blinken gives remarks at a Pride Month reception at the State Department.

6:00 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy Elizabeth M. Allen attends a Pride Month reception
Department of State

6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

6:30 PM EDT
Dr. Lena Andrews "Valiant Women: The Extraordinary American Servicewomen Who Helped Win World War II"
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Missouri

6:30 PM EDT
2024 "Press vs. Politicians" National Press Club Spelling Bee
National Press Club (NPC)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5um2IFyJeVE [Embed]

7:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Frida Kahlo - Love, Pain & Painting
Tewksbury Public Library

7:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Inside Deepfakes & Artificial Intelligence Media
Tewksbury Public Library

7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Historic Grayson Stadium | the Party Animals vs. The Firefighters, Savannah, Georgia

7:00 PM EDT
Honoring the Native Americans Who Served in Vietnam and Korea
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

7:00 PM EDT
Commodores - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
U.S. Navy Band

7:00 PM EDT
Country Current - Martinsburg, West Virginia
U.S. Navy Band

7:00 PM EDT
Sea Chanters - National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, Virginia
U.S. Navy Band

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:47 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142117 del
7:00 PM EDT
Live! At the Library: The House of Blues Moves Into the Library of Congress
Library of Congress

7:30 PM EDT
Free Country at Glen Echo Park - Glen Echo, Maryland
U.S. Marine Band "The President's Own"

8:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Victory Field | vs. The Visitors, Indianapolis, Indiana

8:00 PM EDT
RAV Presidential Debate Watch Party
Real America's Voice

8:00 PM EDT
Preview of CNN Presidential Debate
C-SPAN previews the CNN presidential debate.

9:00 PM EDT
CNN to Host 2024 Election Presidential Debate Between President Joe Biden and Former President Donald J. Trump on June 27
CNN’s Atlanta Studios - CNN Anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash Will Serve as Moderators.
9:00 PM EDT
The President participates in the First Presidential Debate; The First Lady attends
CNN Studios, Atlanta
Simulcast - CNN Presidential Debate
President Biden and Former President Donald Trump Participate in the First General Election Presidential Debate of the 2024 Cycle, Hosted by CNN. Anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash Serve as Moderators.

Campaign 2024: CNN Presidential Debate Spin Room
Surrogates of the Biden and Trump campaigns speak to reporters following the conclusion of the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta.

9:00 PM EDT
Hybrid Town Hall for Veterans - Los Angeles, California
Veterans Administration

10:00 PM EDT
Guam VA PACT ACT / Claims Workshop - Tumon, Guam
Veterans Administration

10:40 PM EDT
Reaction to CNN Presidential Debate
Viewer calls and social media reaction is featured following the conclusion of the CNN presidential debate.

11:10 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady drop by a campaign event
17 END

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:49 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142119 del
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Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 14:17 Id: 3acd3d [Preview] No.142120 del
The racist legacy media won't show the public this, because they want more of it.


Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:51 Id: 3acd3d [Preview] No.142121 del
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“Just shameful”: Kevin O’Leary slams Trudeau, Freeland over economic record


Canadian businessman and Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary is the latest to come out against the Liberals’ capital gains tax hike.

O’Leary said in an interview with BNN Bloomberg on Tuesday, that the solution is to ditch the country’s current leaders and start from scratch.

“I mean no disrespect, but I wouldn’t let them run a bodega. They don’t know what they’re doing,” he said.

O’Leary specifically called out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Continue

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 22:31 Id: 3acd3d [Preview] No.142122 del
CNN Faces Billion Dollar Nightmare Lawsuit that Could Crush Network Forever

https://youtube.com/watch?v=yQN71dZ4JWg [Embed]

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 22:42 Id: 3acd3d [Preview] No.142123 del
🚨BREAKING: The Supreme Court has just ruled in a 6-3 vote that when the


seeks penalties for fraud, a defendant is entitled to a jury trial in federal court, as opposed to being subjected to the agency’s “in-house” legal proceedings.


Unelected bureaucracy takes a big hit.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 00:42 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142124 del
Watch Live: Biden and Trump face off in first 2024 presidential debate, hosted by CNN
CBS News

President Biden and former President Donald Trump are facing off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 race. The debate, hosted by CNN, will take place without an audience and the presumptive party nominees' microphones will be muted except when it's their turn to speak. CBS News will simulcast the debate starting at 9 p.m. ET.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XxAU0K94fpw [Embed]

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 00:53 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142125 del
>The debate, hosted by CNN, will take place without an audience and the presumptive party nominees' microphones will be muted except when it's their turn to speak.

worried much...

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 00:56 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142126 del
LIVE Presidential Debate preview full coverage: Biden & Trump face off in Atlanta
LiveNOW from FOX

It's almost debate time, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump battle it out on CNN's stage tonight in Atlanta, GA. This will be the first debate Trump has participated in since losing the 2020 election to Biden. The CNN Presidential Debate begins at 9PM Eastern Time and will be streaming live right here on LiveNOW from FOX.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=axZAtOxx-aA [Embed]

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:06 Id: 3a2740 [Preview] No.142127 del
and as soon as it started
proto gets turned on.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:07 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142128 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:07 Id: e7f9a9 [Preview] No.142129 del
(10.72 KB 566x235 prosiodhsaufg.png)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:07 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142130 del
containment complete.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:08 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142131 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:08 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142132 del
wonder haow many monarchs are popping off right naow

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:09 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142133 del
Mask Biden looking like shit. Coofin every second.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:10 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142134 del
don is admirable
a depth unseen in the 70s and 80s

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:10 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142135 del
he is on the defensive already

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:11 Id: e7f9a9 [Preview] No.142136 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:11 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142137 del
define lost.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:11 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142138 del
he's on an 8ball

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:12 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142139 del
that laid back throat gulping oxy.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:13 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142140 del
and they step in when he wanders

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:14 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142142 del
hail moolock

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:15 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142143 del
men in the west allow child murder.
are they men?

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:18 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142144 del
Xiden looks lost as fook, kek

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:18 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142145 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:19 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142146 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:20 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142147 del
evil is ascendant
it is epic

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:21 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142148 del
The Father has Wought wondrously and terribly

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:22 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142149 del
(35.95 KB 736x672 83TUAlulfLIcVHDD.jpeg)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:22 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142150 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:22 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142151 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:23 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142152 del
safest border
lowest inflation
highest wage growth across all sectors

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:24 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142153 del
that daughter fucker needs strangled with his own entraild.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:26 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142154 del
got booted cuz proto

ya'll got debate bingo cards?

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:26 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142155 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:27 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142156 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:28 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142157 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:29 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142158 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:30 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142159 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:30 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142160 del
biden looks like he's reading from his contact lens

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:32 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142161 del
one truly hates biden

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:33 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142162 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:33 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142163 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:34 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142164 del
Over 200 Billion Dollars to Ukraine!!!

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:34 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142165 del
thousands of nazis ye fuck

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:35 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142166 del
it is a war
started by palestine

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:37 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142167 del
wanted to watch russell talk shit
fuck you rumble

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:39 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142168 del
truly absurd theatre.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:41 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142169 del
they are not behaving to type.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:45 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142170 del
he has naow covered all projected talking points.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:47 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142171 del
russell is up.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:48 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142172 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:48 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142173 del
come on joe...
call [us] all nazis

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:51 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142174 del
don is just chock full of deplorable $s.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:53 Id: c9a4ae [Preview] No.142175 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:54 Id: 95cdcd [Preview] No.142176 del
You can always count on proto being turned on at critical times

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:54 Id: 5ba7f4 [Preview] No.142177 del
PROTO during the debate? UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE (but so believable)
QR compd.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:54 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142178 del
(99.77 KB 1355x649 trump debate.JPG)
he is reading something

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:55 Id: 6c5fc9 [Preview] No.142179 del
tha absolute state

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:57 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142181 del
(860.25 KB 710x572 THSkqvDcfxsBpGIk.png)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:57 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142182 del
free kabuki

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:57 Id: 5ba7f4 [Preview] No.142183 del
If you could paste from clipboard here, I'd be comfy @bunker

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:57 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142184 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:57 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142185 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:58 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142186 del
he's sewing more division

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:58 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142187 del
where is the poor white folks money you fucking nigger

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:59 Id: ddf691 [Preview] No.142188 del
(93.64 KB 683x1024 1668486277910894.jpg)
good fucking thing i saved Endchan Qbunker, FUCK PROTO WTF. How are we supposed to get hyped without good memes??? /pol/ has utterly failed me in that.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:59 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142189 del
din almost said bullshit

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:00 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142190 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:00 Id: a8ce56 [Preview] No.142191 del
"we provided thousands of millions of jobs..."

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:00 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142192 del
a must for him.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:00 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142193 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:01 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142194 del
he fucks kids
why is civility still a thing

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:03 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142195 del
the cognitive dissonance of the redpilled is truly abhorrent.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:03 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142196 del
Xiden is glitching
Voice strained
Prob has ear bud and other devices

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:03 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142197 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:04 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142198 del
can't undo fucking your daughter joe

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:05 Id: ddf691 [Preview] No.142199 del
(65.16 KB 640x505 72e.jpg)
Who wouldn't want clean air and water? Climate crises has NOTHING to do with cleaning the earth at all

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:05 Id: 6c5fc9 [Preview] No.142200 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:05 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142201 del
Reading from a teleprompter

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:05 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142202 del
(112.40 KB 1344x757 Trump_Biden_debate.JPG)
the idea...clutch my pearls

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:06 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142203 del
or your son.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:07 Id: c9a4ae [Preview] No.142204 del
(1.02 MB 1214x683 The Idea!.png)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:07 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142205 del
despicable organism

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:09 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142206 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:11 Id: c9a4ae [Preview] No.142207 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:13 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142208 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:14 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142209 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:15 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142210 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:15 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142211 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:16 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142212 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:17 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142213 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:20 Id: c9a4ae [Preview] No.142214 del
(1.09 MB 1214x683 machines.png)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:21 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142215 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:22 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142216 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:23 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142217 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:24 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142218 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:25 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142219 del
Aww shit

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:26 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142220 del
it is not as bad as one thought it would be.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:27 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142221 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:28 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142222 del
Election results

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:28 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142223 del
ghosts of ussr

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:30 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142224 del
muh fukn russsshhhhhaaaaaa

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:34 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142225 del
Closing Statement

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:37 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142226 del
(65.12 KB 202x202 20240627_203708.gif)
fucking nonsense.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:40 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142227 del
over an hour of cnnbyproxy
haven't done that since the gulf war

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:42 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142228 del
Spin Cycle gonna be lit

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:43 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142229 del
(44.20 KB 507x512 Trump_Lionheart.JPG)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:43 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142230 del
God Bless russell brand.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:44 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142231 del
it already is

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:48 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142232 del
>>142227, >>142228
yep, NBC debate wrapup and word for the day is "double down"

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:53 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142233 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:54 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142234 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:54 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142235 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:54 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142236 del
painful levels of cogdiss.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:55 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142237 del
kamala harris is about to be your president.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 03:12 Id: c9a4ae [Preview] No.142238 del
(1.13 MB 1214x683 Not kiddin'.png)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 03:13 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142239 del
fuck joe biden

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 03:17 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142241 del
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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 03:20 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142242 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 03:35 Id: 377b97 [Preview] No.142243 del
and [we] are saving the sheep that swallow this shit

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 05:55 Id: 3a2740 [Preview] No.142244 del
Note: Will collect all fuckery and statements and add later. Mic cuts inbetween turns
dough below
CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump
President Joe Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump meet in the key battleground state of Georgia for their first debate of the 2024 election cycle, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-v-8wJkmwBY [Embed]
President Trump: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, We have never done so well.
Mr. Biden: I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.
President Trump: I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out [Biden]; it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life.
President Trump: He [Biden] did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it. When the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people most objected to about the vaccine.
President Trump: He's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in; they're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security., He will wipe out Medicare…what this man has done is absolutely criminal.
Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.
Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.
President Trump: We have to get a lot of these people out [illegals], and we have to get them out fast, because they are going to destroy our country.
President Trump destroying Biden's fake 'suckers and losers' comment.
djt: first of all our veterans and troops can't stand this guy
President Trump: He's given two hundred billion dollars now, or more, to Ukraine…that's a lot of money. I don't think there's ever been anything like it. Every time that Zelenskyy comes to this country, he walks away with sixty billions dollars.
djt: we have spent over a 100 billion moar that the rest of the world together.
President Trump: You should let 'em go [Israel], and let 'em finish the job. He [Biden] doesn't want to do it, he's become like a Palestinian.
President Trump: You [Biden] ought to be ashamed of yourself. What you have done. How you have destroyed the lives of so many people.
>>21099513, >>21099594, >>21099769, >>21099839 what did trump mean when he said he would haveevery right to go after his political opponents if elected? - screenshot
President Trump: Hundreds of millions [[donations] came pouring in because the public knows it's a scam [framing Trump with bogus charges], and it's a guy that's after his political opponent because he can't win fair and square.
President Trump: He [Biden] didn't run because of Charlottesville. He didn't run because of Charlottesville. He ran because it was his last chance; he's not equipped to be president. You know it, and I know it. It's ridiculous, We're trying to justify his presidency. His presidency is; without question, the worst president, the worst presidency, in the history of our country. We shouldn't be having a debate about it. There's nothing to debate. He made up the Charlottesville story…it's a nonsense story and he knows it.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 05:56 Id: 3a2740 [Preview] No.142245 del
(773.31 KB 500x281 eye shift...gif)
President Trump: His big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he's allowed to come in through the border. They're taking black jobs now, and it could be eighteen, it could be nineteen, and even twenty million people. They're taking black jobs, and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet, but you;re going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history.
President Trump: I heard him say before; Insulin. I'm the one that got the Insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors. What he's doing is destroying all of our medical programs because the migrants coming in.
djt: did you fire anyone for the Afghanistan joe our country is being destroyed.
President Trump: Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn't be a debate…he's the worst president in the history of our country. He's destroyed our country…he wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed, or he wants to pick up those people as voters. And we just can't let it happen. If he wins this election, our country doesn't have a chance, not even a chance, of coming out of this rut. We probably won't have a country left anymore, that's how bad it is. He is the worst in history, by far.
Mr. Biden: I got my handicap down to a six [golf].
President Trump: That's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all.
Mr. Biden: I was eight handicap. Eight. I had, you know how many.
President Trump: I've seen your swing. I know your swing.
President Trump: He's got us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia, because Ukraine's not wining that war…they're running out of people, they're running out of soldiers; they've lost so many people…all because of him and stupid decisions.
Question: Will you accept the results of the election, regardless of who wins?
President Trump: If it's a fair, and legal, and good election, absolutely…the fraud, and everything else [2020] was ridiculous, and if you want, we'll have a news conference on it in a week.
biden closing statement
Mr. Biden: We have to make sure that we have a fair tax system.
[by raising taxes even more]
Trump closing statement
end and cnn hanging biden out to pasture.
>>21100631, >>21100633 souces: dem saying we have a problem after biden's performance tonight

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 06:41 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142246 del

mercy is long gone. consequence is incoming

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 06:43 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142247 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 11:04 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142248 del
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🚨 #NEWS: Judiciary Committee Releases Transcripts of Intelligence Officials Who Discredited Hunter Biden Story

John Brennan transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

James Clapper transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Andrew Makridis transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Michael Morell transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Marc Polymeropoulos transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Nicholas Rasmussen transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Nicholas Shapiro transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Kristin Wood transcript: judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subs…

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 11:15 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142249 del
(382.18 KB 596x925 538.PNG)
wow that was fast

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 11:53 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142250 del
(278.55 KB 1406x1700 GRIf970WoAAS9Bw.jpeg)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 11:59 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142251 del

(no account needed to view)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:03 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142252 del
(273.21 KB 768x404 fiM50qtedyJtBPzf.png)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:53 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142253 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Friday June 28, 2024

The House Stands Adjourned Until June 28, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 28, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT (Pro Forma - back July 8)


Department of State Public Schedule

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is a Slight Risk of Severe Thunderstorms Over Portions of the Central Plains and Mid Missouri Valley... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

A.F. Branco - Debate Fallout

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Broken Wide Open

Bob Moran @bobscartoons - From two years ago:

Bob Moran @bobscartoons - "I just watched two mass-murderers pretending to debate each other, and one of them seemed like he didn't regularly shit in his pants, so I guess I'll vote for that one."

End Wokeness @EndWokeness - Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights:

FreedomToons - Trump and Biden DEBATE!
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HJuDd-fdEew [Embed]

Gary Varvel - The Debate Knockout Punch

Mark Parisi - Therapy

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon

Rothmus @Rothmus - Real.

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - Twitch

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 20

The Daily Cartoonist - Paul Conrad June 27, 1924 – Sept 4, 2010

The Daily Cartoonist - Racial Insensitivity in Pre-WWII Comics and the Missing Vintage Barney Google Strips

The Right To Bear Memes @grandoldmemes - Debate DNC

Wokely Correct Comics @WokelyCorrect - Dear @JoeBiden, I’d like to apologize for all the nasty drawings I made of you in the past year. I was not familiar with your condition
1 and txt file

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:53 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142254 del
Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 28

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

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Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

Archbishop Viganò’s Schism Case: 5 Issues to Consider

RAV Presidential Debate Watch Party

RAV Special: Presidential Debate Night Discussion

Trump, Biden presidential debate live updates: Jill leads Joe off stage after calamitous night; Dems freak out

Biden’s candidacy in doubt after weak, frozen debate performance against Trump leaves Dems in ‘aggressive panic’

9 hr 15 min ago - "We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

ICYMI — BIDEN LIES: Abortion Edition

Palm Beach Playbook - June 27, 2024

ICYMI—BIDEN LIES: Economy Edition

ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump

BIDEN LIES: Crime Edition

FACT CHECK: President Trump Will ALWAYS Defend Social Security

FACT CHECK: Evidence Shows Biden Was FULLY INVOLVED In Hunter’s Corrupt Deals

FACT CHECK: The Greatest Threat To Democracy Is Joe Biden

FACT CHECK: Biden Has Brought Us To The Brink Of WWIII

FACT CHECK: “Suckers And Losers” Hoax Is *Still* A Hoax

FACT CHECK: No, Biden Didn’t “Create” Record Jobs

FACT CHECK: Biden Is The Real Abortion Extremist

FACT CHECK: Biden Promised A Border Crisis — And That’s Exactly What We Got

FACT CHECK: No, Biden Didn’t “Cut The Deficit” — He ADDED To It

FACT CHECK: Biden Fueled The Inflation Crisis

Trump Campaign Announces New TV Ads Airing During CNN Debate

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:54 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142255 del
Trump Campaign Statement on President Trump’s Historic Debate Victory

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Crooked Joe Biden’s Horrible, Humiliating Night

Top MUST WATCH Moments From CNN Debate

June 28, 2024 - June 29, 2024
NRLC Conference 2024 #NRLC2024
National Right to Life Conventions

June 28, 2024 - July 2, 2024
Aspiring Educators Conference
National Education Association NEA

JUNE 28, 1778
The Battle of Monmouth

JUNE 28, 1919
Treaty of Versailles: Primary Documents in American History
Library of Congress

JUNE 28, 2016
Debate on "Radical Islam" and Terrorism
A Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts Convened a Hearing on the Use of the Term “Radical Islam” in Government Documents and Combating Terrorism Strategies. Officials With the Justice Department and FBI Were Called on to Testify but Unable to Do So Because of Scheduling Constraints. Witnesses Who Did Appear Included Former Law Enforcement Officials, the President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, and the President of Muslim Advocates.

JUNE 28, 2019
Faith and Freedom Coalition, Vice President Mike Pence
Vice President Mike Pence Addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition Gala.

JUNE 28, 2022
January 6 Hearings: Sixth Hearing on Investigation of January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol
In the Sixth Hearing of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, Cassidy Hutchinson, Former Senior Aide to Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Testified That Former President Trump Said, “I Don’t Even Care That They Have Weapons. They Aren’t Here to Hurt Me.” Ms. Hutchinson Shared Her Experiences of the Days Leading Up to and After the Attack, Including President Trump’s Alleged Altercation With Secret Service in the Back of the Presidential Limo When the an Agent Refused His Demands to Go to the Capitol After His Rally Speech. Ms. Hutchinson Replied, “Yes,” When Asked if Rudy Giuliani and Mr. Meadows Had Asked for Presidential Pardons, in Her Closing Remarks, Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) Addressed Allegations of Committee Witnesses Being Influenced by Those in Mr. Trump’s Circle, Saying, “I Think Most Americans Know That Attempting to Influence Witnesses to Testify Untruthfully Presents Very Serious Concerns.”

JUNE 28, 2022
President Biden Meeting With Japanese Prime Minister and South Korean President
Prior to a Trilateral Meeting With Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Seok-Youl, President Biden Praised Both South Korea and Japan for Their Efforts to Combat Russia for Its Invasion of Ukraine.

June 28, 2024
International Lightning Safety Day

June 28, 2024
4th Friday: Summer Evening Hours - Enjoy Extended Evening Hours at the National Arboretum This Summer! The Arboretum Will Stay Open to the Public Until 8 PM
United States National Arboretum

June 28, 2024
Mongolia Legislative Election

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:55 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142256 del
June 28, 2024
San Diego Wave Soccer - San Diego, California
Leap Frogs - U.S. Navy Parachute Team

June 28, 2024
Rep. Kat Cammack and Others Attend National Right to Life Conference
Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) and anti-abortion advocates attend the National Right to Life Conference in Arlington, Virginia.

June 28, 2024
12:00 AM EDT
NIH Principles of Clinical Pharmacology 2023 2024 Course
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
12:45 AM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart Atlanta, Georgia en route to Raleigh, North Carolina
Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta, Georgia

June 28, 2024
1:50 AM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive in Raleigh, North Carolina
Raleigh-Durham International Airport

June 28, 2024
3:45 AM EDT
Global Launch of the "Ending Child Labour in Supply Chains (CLEAR Supply Chains)" Project - Presentation of the Project Strategy and Objectives Followed by Panel Discussions on Responsible Business Conduct and Addressing the Vulnerabilities to Child Labour in the Coffee Supply Chain.
United Nations

June 28, 2024
4:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session, 832 Meeting - Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session
United Nations

June 28, 2024
4:00 AM EDT
17th Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

June 28, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Balance & Strength
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers commented on the first presidential debate of the 2024 election.

June 28, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show
Real America's Voice

June 28, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Mouse Workshop: Safe Handling and Techniques
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Fiscal Year 2025 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Bill
House Appropriations Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=yn_y6qJ7Vj8 [Embed]

June 28, 2024
8:30 AM EDT
Public Meeting to Discuss XFEM Modeling of Crack Growth (Hybrid)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

June 28, 2024
8:30 AM EDT
Fiscal Year 2025 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Bill
House Appropriations Committee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5Pqxqto1d58 [Embed]

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:55 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142257 del
June 28, 2024
8:50 AM EDT
DAY 2: Vietnam War Annual Government Brief 2024, Part 1
(Day 2) The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) provides briefings and updates to the families of American service members who served in the Vietnam War and remain unaccounted for. These events feature guest speakers, including senior leaders, experts, and scientists, who are actively engaged in the POW/MIA mission.

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session, 833 Meeting - Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th Session
United Nations

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
18th Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: House Session
The House is expected to vote on 2025 federal spending bills, funding the defense, homeland security and state depts. as well as foreign operations. There may also be a vote on an inherent contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Garl

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24
Right Side Broadcasting Network
3:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Incompetent Presidency in Chesapeake, Virginia
Doors Open 11:00 AM EDT
3:00 PM EDT
Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA
2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. It’s his first public appearance following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first of the cycle.

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
First Look With the Post’s Jonathan Capehart
Washington Post Live
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z5X0e4I9c40 [Embed]

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Approaches to Digital Public Infrastructure in the Global South
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SxELKxPDxUo [Embed]

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Production Diplomacy for Indo-Pacific Deterrence, Readiness, and Resilience
Indo-Pacific Security Initiative (IPSI) of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZfhlfO32KKo [Embed]
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy Dr. Vic S. Ramdass participates in a panel discussion at 9 a.m. EDT at an in-person/online Atlantic Council event on "Production Diplomacy for Indo-Pacific Deterrence, Readiness and Resilience," 1030 15th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Department of Defense

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Trade Secrets Protection and Enforcement Practice in China - Alexandria, Virginia
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:56 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142258 del
June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Secretary Blinken participates in “A Conversation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 9:00 AM
Department of State
https://youtube.com/watch?v=OpZOXYHtT9k [Embed]

June 28, 2024
9:15 AM EDT
Literature Selection Technical Review Committee LSTRC Meeting
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly (AHWG) - General Assembly, 78th session - The Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) on the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly will have an interactive dialogue between permanent missions of the United Nations Secretariat.
United Nations

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Oral Pronouncement of the Outcome of United Nations Appeals Tribunal Judgments
United Nations

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
War Room With Stephen K. Bannon Morning Edition
Real America's Voice

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Family Archaeology Day
George Washington's Ferry Farm, Virginia

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Germany and the World: A Foreign Policy Conversation With State Secretary Thomas Bagger
Hudson Institute
https://youtube.com/watch?v=FUHB-_ckj38 [Embed]
Discussion on Germany's Foreign Policy and Global Outlook
German State Secretary Thomas Bagger sits down with the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC, for a discussion on foreign policy and Germany’s global outlook.

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council IX Meeting
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
2024 Annual Force-Based Manipulation Investigator Meeting
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Advanced PubMed
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Greenville HCC PACT Act and PRIDE Event - Greenville, North Carolina
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Tomah VA 1st Annual Outpatient Veteran Fishing Day - Tomah, Wisconsin
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Veterans Coffee Break With Southside Strong - Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
The President receives the President’s Daily Brief
Official Schedule

June 28, 2024
10:30 AM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Official Schedule

June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Statistical Review of World Energy 2024
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HrOVYRFYOuo [Embed]

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:56 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142259 del
June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Grove City VA Clinic Veterans Appreciation Event - Grove City, Ohio
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Office Hours - 12th Ward Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Harlingen VA 4th of July Event - Harlingen, Texas
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
MATLAB Training and Resources
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
"H Is for Hawkeye" Family-Friendly Book Talk & Activity
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, West Branch, Iowa

June 28, 2024
11:20 AM EDT
ISS Expedition 71 In-Flight Event for the Yahoo Finance Network With NASA Flight Engineers Tracy Dyson and Jeanette Epps. Stream on NASA+
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg [Embed]

June 28, 2024
11:30 AM EDT
How OCHA's Pooled Funds Advance Meaningful Partnerships for Innovations in Humanitarian Response (HAS 2024 Side Event) - This Side Events to Be Convened During the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment Will Seek to Reaffirm the Need for Trusted Funding Tools Such as the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country Based Pooled Funds (CBPF) as Pivotal Instruments Within the Global Humanitarian Architecture for Enabling Rapid and Effective Responses.
United Nations

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Bombing Hitler's Hometown -- an Untold Story From World War II
Tewksbury Public Library

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly
United Nations

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
VIRTUAL: Mindfulness & Meditation Class
Tewksbury Public Library

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Can a Leaf Make Music? (Online Demonstration)
U.S. Botanic Garden

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Discussion - Governor Michelle W. Bowman: Conversation With Governor Bowman at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute Leadership Council Conference (Virtual)
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
NIH OLAO Lean Six Sigma Jump Start Training
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
NIH - CMS 101: Introduction to Medicare and Medicaid Coverage HHS Only
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Standing Abs
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
How the “Indian Removal” Triggered the Women's Rights Movement
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:57 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142260 del
June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Acreage - Annual Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Grain Stocks - Quarterly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Rice Stocks - Quarterly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
U.S. Senate: Senate Pro Forma Session
The Senate is holding a brief pro forma session. No legislative business or votes will take place until the Senate returns from its 2-week state work period on Monday, July 8th.

June 28, 2024
12:10 PM EDT
Campaign 2024: President Biden Campaigns in Raleigh, NC
President Biden and first lady Jill Biden speak at a campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina. It’s President Biden’s first public appearance following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first general election debate of the cycle.
12:30 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady participate in a campaign event
Official Schedule

June 28, 2024
12:15 PM EDT
Army Chorus: Music at Midday - Washington, DC
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 28, 2024
12:45 PM EDT
MCRD San Diego Echo Company Graduation Ceremony
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California

June 28, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Women's Health Hiking Event - Battle Creek, Michigan
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
"H Is for Hawkeye" Family-Friendly Book Talk & Activity
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum - West Branch, Iowa

June 28, 2024
1:40 PM EDT
Promotion Ceremony IHO BG Jonathan C. Rice
Department of Defense

June 28, 2024
1:40 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart Raleigh, North Carolina en route to Queens, New York
Raleigh-Durham International Airport

June 28, 2024
1:40 PM EDT
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Queens, New York
Air Force One
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2pMZsvy4KHk [Embed]

June 28, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
All Rivers Have a Beginning
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

June 28, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Media teleconference providing an update on the Boeing Starliner’s return from the International Space Station. (This teleconference will not be carried on NASA TV; the public will be able to listen via a player that will be embedded on this page. https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/ )
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

June 28, 2024
2:55 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive in Queens, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:57 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142261 del
June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Incompetent Presidency in Chesapeake, Virginia
Doors Open 11:00 AM EDT
3:00 PM EDT
Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA
2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. It’s his first public appearance following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first of the cycle.
9:00 AM EDT
LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24
Right Side Broadcasting Network

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Emergency Call for Action for Children in Gaza and the West Bank (ECOSOC HAS Side event) - The humanitarian impact of the ongoing hostilities is of unprecedented severity and magnitude in Gaza, and with repercussions in West Bank. Food insecurity has reached never before seen levels. Severe child food poverty affects nine in ten children in the Gaza Strip.
United Nations

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Agricultural Prices - Monthly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Egg Products - Monthly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Agriculture Census Operators by Race - Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Peanut Prices - Weekly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture and Statistics Canada

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
WWII Code Talkers
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

June 28, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
NASA Science Live: Climate Edition–Rising Heat. Stream on NASA+
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg [Embed]

June 28, 2024
3:05 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart Queens, New York en route to New York, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport

June 28, 2024
3:20 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive in New York, New York
Official Schedule

June 28, 2024
4:30 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady deliver remarks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center Grand Opening Ceremony
New York, New York
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZehWeyuZ7Q4 [Embed]
President Biden Remarks at Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center Grand Opening Ceremony
President Biden gives remarks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center grand opening ceremony in New York.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:58 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142262 del
June 28, 2024
5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

June 28, 2024
6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

June 28, 2024
6:30 PM EDT
Savannah Bananas vs The Visitors in Indianapolis, Indiana!
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
https://youtube.com/watch?v=iqU6oLAyps8 [Embed]

June 28, 2024
6:58 PM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism"
Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.

June 28, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Historic Grayson Stadium | the Party Animals vs. The Firefighters, Savannah, Georgia

June 28, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Metropolitan Opera Summer Free Recital Series
Socrates Sculpture Park - Queens, New York

June 28, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Virtual - Friday Night Film Discussion: "The Fencer" (Kanopy) *For Adults
Friends of the Ashland Public Library

June 28, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
VA Guam PACT Act / Claims Workshop - Tumon, Guam
Veterans Administration

June 28, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Friday Evening Parade
Marine Barracks, 8th & I, Washington, D.C.

June 28, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Brass Quintet: Capitol Concert - West Side of U.S. Capitol | Washington, DC
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 28, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
Swamp Romp: Summer on the Green Concert - Vienna, Virginia
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 28, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
The Green Knight (A24, 2021)
Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center - Packard Campus Theater

June 28, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Victory Field | vs. The Visitors, Indianapolis, Indiana

June 28, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
U.S. Coast Guard Band Tour "Heartland Harmonies" - Urbana, Illinois
U.S. Coast Guard Band

June 28, 2024
8:30 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady participate in a campaign reception
Official Schedule

- - - - -


- - - - -

Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VI: Calcutta, India

Hidden No Longer: Expanding Our Knowledge on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:59 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142263 del
How to Find Currently Received Newspapers

AFC Fellowship and Award Recipients 2024

Freud's Notebook: "To Remember is to Relive"

Spotlight on 342-C: Color Photographs of U.S. Air Force Activities, Facilities, and Personnel, Domestic and Foreign, ca. 1940–ca. 1980

What’s New Online at the Library of Congress: June 2024

New Treasures Gallery: Music Division Collections on Display

Majority of Older Adults in Poverty in 2021 Lived Alone

Jumble Daily


Today in History - June 29

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

June 29, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Quinte International Air Show 2024
8 Wing/CFB Trenton, Ontario

June 29, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Warriors Over the Wasatch
Navy Legacy Flight

June 29, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Warriors Over the Wasatch 2024
Hill Air Force Base, Utah

JUNE 29, 1776
The Brig Nancy Explodes at the Battle of Turtle Gut Inlet

JUNE 29, 1956
Milestone Documents: National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956)
National Archives

JUNE 29, 2022
President Biden Meeting With Japanese Prime Minister and South Korean President
Prior to a Trilateral Meeting With Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Seok-Youl, President Biden Praised Both South Korea and Japan for Their Efforts to Combat Russia for Its Invasion of Ukraine.

JUNE 29, 2022
Rep. Liz Cheney at Reagan Library
“Republicans Cannot Both Be Loyal to Donald Trump and Loyal to the Constitution,” Said Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) During Remarks on the State of the Republican Party at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California. Representative Cheney, Who Is Vice Chair of the January 6 Committee, Went on to Talk More About Former President Trump’s Alleged Role in Trying to Overturn the 2020 Election on January 6. “As the Full Picture Is Coming Into View With the January 6 Committee, It Has Become Clear That the Efforts Donald Trump Oversaw and Engaged in Were Even More Chilling and More Threatening Than We Could Have Imagined.” She Also Praised the Witnesses Who Have Testified Before the Committee and Talked About the Value of Working With Democrats to Defend Constitutional Principles.

June 29, 2024
Mauritania Presidential Election

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 12:59 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142264 del
June 29, 2024
12:35 AM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism"
Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.

June 29, 2024
5:56 AM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism"
Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.

June 30, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

June 29, 2024
7:00 AM EDT
PACT Act Outreach Event - Cumberland, Maryland
Veterans Administration

June 30, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Frank Luntz Discusses Campaign 2024
Pollster, author, and communication strategist Frank Luntz discusses Campaign 2024 and political news of the day.

June 29, 2024
8:00 AM EDT
Lectures in History: Army Explorers of the West. Texas Woman's University history professor Cecily Zander discussed the federal government's efforts to explore and control the American west from the early 1800's through the Civil War. Texas Woman's University is located in Denton.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Amy Howe Discusses Key Supreme Court Decisions This Term
SCOTUSblog Co-Founder and Reporter Amy Howe discusses key Supreme Court decisions from the term

June 29, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Stewardship Saturday: World's End
Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, Massachussets

June 29, 2024
9:00 AM EDT
Dublin, Georgia PACT Act Summer Vet Fest - Food, Games, Fun!
Veterans Administration

June 29, 2024
9:15 AM EDT
Participation by Board Member Ms Isabel Schnabel in Petersberger Sommer-Dialog in Königswinter (Bonn), Germany
European Central Bank

June 29, 2024
9:19 AM EDT
FBI Historian John Fox. John Fox talked about his role as the FBI historian and discussed how the FBI was formed and the legacy of J. Edgar Hoover. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
9:32 AM EDT
Edward O'Keefe, "The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation CEO Edward O'Keefe talked about the women who shaped Theodore Roosevelt's character, life, and politics. Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Pride at the Wayside: Home of Authors
Minute Man National Historical Park, Massachussets

June 29, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Carolina Day 2023
Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park, South Carolina

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:00 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142265 del
June 29, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
2024 Bike Hike Series: These Are the Flora in Your Neighborhood
Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park, South Carolina

June 29, 2024
10:25 AM EDT
Reel America: "Tunnel Destruction" - 1969. This 1969 U.S. Army film showed how teams of soldiers can destroy enemy tunnels through grenades, special charges, and other explosives. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Lectures in History: Army Explorers of the West. Texas Woman's University history professor Cecily Zander discussed the federal government's efforts to explore and control the American west from the early 1800's through the Civil War. Texas Woman's University is located in Denton.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Why Are North Carolinians Known as Tar Heels?
Moores Creek National Battlefield, North Carolina

June 29, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Battlefield Tour
Ninety Six National Historic Site, South Carolina

June 29, 2024
11:00 AM EDT
Marching to the Beat: African American Music and America's Wars
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

June 29, 2024
11:05 AM EDT
Hill Air Show 2024 - Day 1
Department of Defense

June 29, 2024
11:30 AM EDT
Blank Firing Demonstration
Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Massachussets

June 29, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Summer 2024 VetFest - Farmington, Missouri
Veterans Administration

June 29, 2024
12:17 PM EDT
FBI Historian John Fox. John Fox talked about his role as the FBI historian and discussed how the FBI was formed and the legacy of J. Edgar Hoover. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
12:30 PM EDT
Department of Veterans Affairs of Salt Lake City at the Utah Air Show
Veterans Administration

June 29, 2024
12:31 PM EDT
Edward O'Keefe, "The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation CEO Edward O'Keefe talked about the women who shaped Theodore Roosevelt's character, life, and politics. Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Pride 2024 Resource Fair - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Veterans Administration

June 29, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
Madison VA at Veteran Block Party - Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
Veterans Administration

June 29, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) Virtual Patient & Caregiver Summit: Localized Prostate Cancer
Veterans Administration

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:01 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142266 del
June 29, 2024
1:25 PM EDT
Reel America: "Tunnel Destruction" - 1969. This 1969 U.S. Army film showed how teams of soldiers can destroy enemy tunnels through grenades, special charges, and other explosives. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
1:30 PM EDT
Blank Firing Demonstration
Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Massachussets

June 29, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
The Civil War: Lieber Code and the Modern Law of War. Marquette University law professor Paul Finkelman talked about Abraham Lincoln's "General Order No. 100," which was commonly known as the Lieber Code. This updated codification of the laws of war governed soldier conduct, prisoner of war treatment, and civilian rights. This program was part of the 2024 Civil War Institute conference at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Fantasia (Walt Disney Pictures, 1941)
Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center - Packard Campus Theater

June 29, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Summer Vet Fest - Leeds, Massachussetts
Veterans Administration

June 29, 2024
3:10 PM EDT
Reel America: American Industry During World War II - 1943. This 1943 War Department film showed how America's industrial labor force supported the Word War II effort and contrasts it with the subjugated labor forced under Axis powers. It was released as "The Arm Behind Army." Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
3:20 PM EDT
Johnette Howard on Billie Jean King. Author and journalist Johnette Howard talked about the life and career of tennis player Billie Jean King. Howard co-wrote King's 2021 autobiography, "All In." This talk was part of the University of Mary Washington's "Great Lives" lecture series in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
4:45 PM EDT
Women's History in Historical Records. This discussion looked at the influx of women into the federal government from the time of the Nixon administration through the late 20th century and how women's history is documented in historical records - including the substantive role played by America's first ladies. The Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Recruiting Women in Presidential Administrations. This conference considered the influx of women into the federal government from the time of the Nixon administration through the late 20th century - including the substantive role played by America's first ladies. This session focused on efforts to bring women into presidential administrations. The Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Jimmy Carter - 1976. Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter accepted his party's nomination at the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Following the Watergate & Vietnam War eras, Governor Carter said "we have been a nation adrift too long.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:01 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142267 del
June 29, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Historic Grayson Stadium | The Party Animals vs. The Firefighters, Savannah, Georgia

June 29, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Concert Band - National Harbor, Maryland
U.S. Air Force Band

June 29, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Cruisers - Upper Marlboro, Maryland
U.S. Navy Band

June 29, 2024
7:30 PM EDT
Jaws (Universal Pictures, 1975)
Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center - Packard Campus Theater

June 29, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Army Explorers of the West. Texas Woman's University history professor Cecily Zander discussed the federal government's efforts to explore and control the American west from the early 1800's through the Civil War. Texas Woman's University is located in Denton.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Victory Field | vs. The Visitors, Indianapolis, Indiana

June 29, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
U.S. Coast Guard Band Tour "Heartland Harmonies" - Moline, Illinois
U.S. Coast Guard Band

June 29, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Concert Band: Independence Day Celebration at the Delaware River Waterfront With Fireworks - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

June 29, 2024
8:06 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Army Explorers of the West. Texas Woman's University history professor Cecily Zander discussed the federal government's efforts to explore and control the American west from the early 1800's through the Civil War. Texas Woman's University is located in Denton.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
9:17 PM EDT
FBI Historian John Fox. John Fox talked about his role as the FBI historian and discussed how the FBI was formed and the legacy of J. Edgar Hoover. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
9:24 PM EDT
Edward O'Keefe, "The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation CEO Edward O'Keefe talked about the women who shaped Theodore Roosevelt's character, life, and politics. Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
9:31 PM EDT
Edward O'Keefe, "The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation CEO Edward O'Keefe talked about the women who shaped Theodore Roosevelt's character, life, and politics. Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
10:25 PM EDT
Reel America: "Tunnel Destruction" - 1969. This 1969 U.S. Army film showed how teams of soldiers can destroy enemy tunnels through grenades, special charges, and other explosives. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:02 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142268 del
June 29, 2024
10:49 PM EDT
Reel America: "Tunnel Destruction" - 1969. This 1969 U.S. Army film showed how teams of soldiers can destroy enemy tunnels through grenades, special charges, and other explosives. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
11:24 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Army Explorers of the West. Texas Woman's University history professor Cecily Zander discussed the federal government's efforts to explore and control the American west from the early 1800's through the Civil War. Texas Woman's University is located in Denton.
American History/BookTV

June 29, 2024
11:29 PM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Jimmy Carter - 1976. Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter accepted his party's nomination at the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Following the Watergate & Vietnam War eras, Governor Carter said "we have been a nation adrift too long.
American History/BookTV

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Build a Brood of Cicadas: Origami Collections & Activity

Play Ball! America’s Pastime in the National Archives

More Formats and More About Formats: New Entries, Format Accessibility Features and Other Updates

Lee Resolution: Declaring the Thirteen Colonies Free

New BARD Additions: June 2024

Jumble Sunday


Today in History - June 30

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

June 30, 2024 - July 1, 2024
Conference on Racial and Social Justice
National Education Association NEA

JUNE 30, 1783
Congress Reconvenes in Princeton, New Jersey

JUNE 30, 2011
Crack Cocaine Sentencing
the U.S. Sentencing Commission Held a Public Meeting on Lowering Crack Cocaine Sentencing Guidelines. The Commission Voted in Favor of the Change. Members Voted, Unanimously to Retroactively Modify Sentences Pertaining to Federal Drug Offenses, Including Reduction in Term of Imprisonment as a Result of the Amended Guideline Range Recently Adopted by Congress. Additionally, Commissioners Voted on Provisions of the Fair Sentencing Act, Which Recently Reduced the Disparities in Penalties Between Powder and Crack Cocaine, for Some Prisoners Already Serving Time for Crack Cocaine Offenses

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:03 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142269 del
JUNE 30, 2014
President Obama on Immigration
President Obama Announced Plans to Take Executive Actions on Immigration Reform After House Speaker Boehner Told the President That Congress Would Not Be Voting on Any Immigration Legislation in 2014. The Two Main Actions Included Directing Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder to Shift Immigration Enforcement Resources From the Interior Section of the U.S. To the Border, and Getting Recommendations on Additional Legal Actions He Could Make Unilaterally. Topics Included the Naturalization of Members of the Armed Services.

JUNE 30, 2020
Campaign 2020: Joe Biden on COVID-19 and the Economy
Joe Biden, the Presumptive 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee, Delivered Remarks in Wilmington, Delaware, on COVID-19 and Reopening the Nation’s Economy. In Addition to Criticizing President Trump’s Response to the Spread of the Coronavirus That Causes COVID-19, Mr. Biden Announced the Release of an Updated Five-Point Plan Aimed at Safely Reopening Businesses While Preventing Spread of the Disease. Following His Remarks, He Answered a Number of Questions From Reporters on a Variety of Topics, Including Foreign Policy and the Removal of Confederate-Era Statues and Monuments Throughout the U.S. During the Question-And-Answer Session, Mr. Biden Said He Was “Looking Forward” to Facing President Trump in Debates.

June 30, 2024
National Meteor Watch Day

June 30, 2024
12:17 AM EDT
FBI Historian John Fox. John Fox talked about his role as the FBI historian and discussed how the FBI was formed and the legacy of J. Edgar Hoover. C-SPAN conducted this interview at the Organization of American Historians meeting in New Orleans.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
12:30 AM EDT
Edward O'Keefe, "The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation CEO Edward O'Keefe talked about the women who shaped Theodore Roosevelt's character, life, and politics. Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
1:25 AM EDT
Reel America: "Tunnel Destruction" - 1969. This 1969 U.S. Army film showed how teams of soldiers can destroy enemy tunnels through grenades, special charges, and other explosives. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
1:46 AM EDT
Lectures in History: Army Explorers of the West. Texas Woman's University history professor Cecily Zander discussed the federal government's efforts to explore and control the American west from the early 1800's through the Civil War. Texas Woman's University is located in Denton.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
2:00 AM EDT
The Civil War: Lieber Code and the Modern Law of War. Marquette University law professor Paul Finkelman talked about Abraham Lincoln's "General Order No. 100," which was commonly known as the Lieber Code. This updated codification of the laws of war governed soldier conduct, prisoner of war treatment, and civilian rights. This program was part of the 2024 Civil War Institute conference at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia.
American History/BookTV

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:04 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142270 del
June 30, 2024
3:05 AM EDT
Edward O'Keefe, "The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation CEO Edward O'Keefe talked about the women who shaped Theodore Roosevelt's character, life, and politics. Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
3:10 AM EDT
Reel America: American Industry During World War II - 1943. This 1943 War Department film showed how America's industrial labor force supported the Word War II effort and contrasts it with the subjugated labor forced under Axis powers. It was released as "The Arm Behind Army." Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
3:21 AM EDT
Johnette Howard on Billie Jean King. Author and journalist Johnette Howard talked about the life and career of tennis player Billie Jean King. Howard co-wrote King's 2021 autobiography, "All In." This talk was part of the University of Mary Washington's "Great Lives" lecture series in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
4:20 AM EDT
Historical Transmitter SAQ Grimeton Transmission 09:00 UTC - Alexanderson Day 2024
World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-xxFHA5lWbU [Embed]

June 30, 2024
4:45 AM EDT
Women's History in Historical Records. This discussion looked at the influx of women into the federal government from the time of the Nixon administration through the late 20th century and how women's history is documented in historical records - including the substantive role played by America's first ladies. The Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
5:10 AM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Jimmy Carter - 1976. Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter accepted his party's nomination at the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Following the Watergate & Vietnam War eras, Governor Carter said "we have been a nation adrift too long.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
Recruiting Women in Presidential Administrations. This conference considered the influx of women into the federal government from the time of the Nixon administration through the late 20th century - including the substantive role played by America's first ladies. This session focused on efforts to bring women into presidential administrations. The Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
7:01 AM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Jimmy Carter - 1976. Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter accepted his party's nomination at the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Following the Watergate & Vietnam War eras, Governor Carter said "we have been a nation adrift too long.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
7:20 AM EDT
Historical Transmitter SAQ Grimeton Transmission 12:00 UTC - Alexanderson Day 2024
World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UBh-4d7aR6M [Embed]

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:04 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142271 del
June 30, 2024
8:01 AM EDT
Ali Velshi, "Small Acts of Courage - A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy". MSNBC host Ali Velshi talked about social justice and reflected on his own family's journey in advocacy & public service. The Commonwealth Club of California hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
9:10 AM EDT
Carl Higbie, "Profiles in Freedom". Newsmax host Carl Higbie argued that the Left wants to rewrite American history to exclude or demonize those who don't live up to contemporary progressive standards. This event was hosted by the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York City.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism"
Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.

June 30, 2024
10:00 AM EDT
Carolina Day 2023
Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park, South Carolina

June 30, 2024
11:02 AM EDT
Ali Velshi, "Small Acts of Courage - A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy". MSNBC host Ali Velshi talked about social justice and reflected on his own family's journey in advocacy & public service. The Commonwealth Club of California hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
11:05 AM EDT
Hill Air Show 2024 - Day 2
Department of Defense

June 30, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Sunday Public Affairs Programs
Reairs beginning at 12pm ET of programs from NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN and CBS.

June 30, 2024
12:00 PM EDT
Longfellow Pride Picnic
Longfellow House Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site

June 30, 2024
12:10 PM EDT
Carl Higbie, "Profiles in Freedom". Newsmax host Carl Higbie argued that the Left wants to rewrite American history to exclude or demonize those who don't live up to contemporary progressive standards. This event was hosted by the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York City.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism". Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Who Messed Up? Unravelling British Plans to Crush America's Revolution in 1777
Saratoga National Historical Park, New York

June 30, 2024
2:00 PM EDT
Washington Monument's Hidden Native American Stories
National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:06 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142272 del
June 30, 2024
2:05 PM EDT
Meghan Elizabeth Kallman & Josephine Ferorelli, "The Conceivable Future". Meghan Elizabeth Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli discussed how climate change is impacting people's decision to have children or not. Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago hosted this event. Meghan Elizabeth Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli discussed how climate change is impacting people's decision to have children or not. Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
3:05 PM EDT
Ellen Galinsky, "The Breakthrough Years - A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens". Ellen Galinsky offered a new look at the inner workings of the teenage mind & provided recommendations on how to better support adolescents. The Bank Street College of Education in New York City hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
4:20 PM EDT
SC CC 'Saul Perlmutter, John Campbell, Robert MacCoun, "Third Millenium Thinking - Creating Sense in a World of Nonsense. Physicist Saul Perlmutter, philosophy professor John Campbell, and psychologist Rober MacCoun offered their advice on how to interpret information in the internet age. This event was provided by Smithsonian Associates.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
5:50 PM EDT
Zoë Schlanger, "The Light Eaters". Atlantic staff writer Zoë Schlanger looked at the study of plants and how they have a different kind of intelligence from animals. This event was hosted by Greenlight Bookstore in New York City.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Airmen of Note - Bowie, Maryland
U.S. Air Force Band

June 30, 2024
6:50 PM EDT
Tom Steyer, "Cheaper, Faster, Better". Businessman and environmentalist Tom Steyer argued the United States can take advantage of new technologies to become a leader in combating climate change. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC, hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
6:30 PM EDT
Country Current - Woodbridge, Virginia
U.S. Navy Band

June 30, 2024
7:01 AM EDT
Historic Convention Speeches: Jimmy Carter - 1976. Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter accepted his party's nomination at the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Following the Watergate & Vietnam War eras, Governor Carter said "we have been a nation adrift too long."
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Ali Velshi, "Small Acts of Courage - A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy". MSNBC host Ali Velshi talked about social justice and reflected on his own family's journey in advocacy & public service. The Commonwealth Club of California hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Concert Band: Long's Park Amphitheater Foundation's Patriotic Concert - Lancaster, Pennsylvania
U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:07 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142273 del
June 30, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
U.S. Coast Guard Band Tour "Heartland Harmonies" - Des Moines, Iowa
U.S. Coast Guard Band

June 30, 2024
9:05 PM EDT
Carl Higbie, "Profiles in Freedom". Newsmax host Carl Higbie argued that the Left wants to rewrite American history to exclude or demonize those who don't live up to contemporary progressive standards. This event was hosted by the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York City.
American History/BookTV

June 30, 2024
10:00 PM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism"
Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.

June 30, 2024
11:00 PM EDT
Q&A: Frank Bruni
New York Times opinion columnist Frank Bruni, author of “The Age of Grievance,” argues that we are living in a cultural and political era defined by victimhood and perceived injustice.

June 30, 2024
11:02 PM EDT
Ali Velshi, "Small Acts of Courage - A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy". MSNBC host Ali Velshi talked about social justice and reflected on his own family's journey in advocacy & public service. The Commonwealth Club of California hosted this event.
American History/BookTV
21 END

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:09 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142275 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:11 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142276 del
Dan Scavino Jr.


Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:17 Id: f9f989 [Preview] No.142277 del
(54.64 KB 764x768 lQYUThrNXbBCuBy6.jpeg)

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 14:06 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142278 del

A man reorders his identical Walmart shopping list from 2022 for 45 items.

2022: $126
2024: $414

The same basket of goods nearly quadrupled in price in just two years. 🤯
We need more people to run this same exercise and share your videos.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:08 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142279 del
(600.45 KB 787x764 539.png)

The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours
And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:09 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142280 del

Stormy avalanche
Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!



Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:13 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142281 del
In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.



Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 17:16 Id: 065d89 [Preview] No.142282 del
This idiot is still spewing liberal bullshit. Bot account?

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 20:52 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142283 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:30 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142284 del
Rep Thomas Massie wife "went to Heaven"
Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:21 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142285 del
Supreme Court issues major ruling on Jan. 6

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:24 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142286 del
>>142280, >>142285

[reminder] [excerpt]
The U.S. Supreme Court could upend more than 330 criminal cases and strike down the most potent weapon in the Department of Justice’s arsenal against January 6 protesters
The nation’s highest court on Dec. 13 took up a challenge to the felony the Justice Department uses most frequently to charge Jan. 6 defendants. The court granted certiorari to a petition of appeal from Joseph Fischer, 57, a Jan. 6 defendant from Jonestown, Pennsylvania. Fischer is among the hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants charged with corruptly obstructing an “official proceeding”—the joint session of Congress that met to tally Electoral College votes and hear objections from lawmakers.
What put the Jan. 6 protesters in the sights of the DOJ is the unprecedented use of a 20-year-old evidence-tampering statute to prosecute them for delaying the counting of votes from the 2020 presidential election.
The statute reads:
Whoever corruptly
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
The charge has been levied in federal court against high-profile defendants—including former President Donald Trump, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, and former Proud Boys chairman Henry “Enrique” Tarrio—and hundreds of lesser-known Jan. 6 figures.
Defendants who came to the U.S. Capitol well after Congress was evacuated on Jan. 6 were nevertheless charged with obstruction of an official proceeding. A number argued unsuccessfully at trial that they could not have obstructed Congress because they were not present in the Capitol when lawmakers left the House and Senate chambers.
Defense attorneys have said the maximum 20-year prison term that comes with a violation of 18 U.S. Code §1512(c)(2) puts tremendous pressure on defendants to take a DOJ plea offer rather than go to trial.
Critics of the DOJ say prosecutors’ use of §1512 has weaponized a statute never intended to address political protests or First Amendment activities. One legal researcher called it “dangerous.”
“If the Biden DOJ’s adventurism is allowed to stand, it will permanently change the ability of the government to suppress the rights of American citizens,” Jonathon Moseley told The Epoch Times. “Every American will be at the whim of any prosecutor to terrorize them.”


Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:26 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142287 del
"The statute was enacted by Congress in 2002 as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. It was intended to close a loophole that hindered prosecutions in the Enron and Arthur Andersen financial fraud cases. The previous version of §1512 only involved actions directed at other persons, not documents or evidence.
Defense attorney Joseph McBride believes the DOJ’s novel use of the law is based on “corruption and political hatred.”"


Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 23:46 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142288 del
Rep. Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie
June 22, 2024
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) hangs America First sign from his congressional office door after banning AIPAC lobbyists from entering.

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 00:26 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142289 del

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:06 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142290 del
Joined by 14 cosponsors, bill uses the CRA process to overturn the Biden Administration’s new rule

“A rule requiring electronic ear tags for cattle and bison means the government will know where every animal is and who owns it,” said Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY). “This will allow the government to build a registry, which is the first step needed to ban cattle in accordance with the Left’s anti-agriculture climate policies. Congress should stand up for American farmers and ranchers by blocking the electronic ear tag rule.”


Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:08 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142291 del
Rep. Massie: Not a Cent Of Hush Money for Congress Reported As Campaign Finance Expense 6/13/24
https://youtube.com/watch?v=a6f9Ow8cJlg [Embed]

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:49 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142294 del
(36.15 KB 398x460 winner is 47.JPG)
(166.58 KB 381x461 cheesy.png)

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 05:57 Id: 74b2b8 [Preview] No.142295 del
(134.36 KB 773x480 AMERICA IS OUR HILL.jpg)

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 07:28 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142296 del
Washington State: Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrest P.A. National Guard Sargent Aaron Von Krueger

Repeated accused child sex predator Sargent Aaron Von Krueger arrested and since arrested his brother has been implicated for evidence tampering.


Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program
We are a national network of 61 coordinated task forces, representing over 5,400 federal, state, and local law enforcement, dedicated to investigating, prosecuting and developing effective responses to internet crimes against children.

Project VIC International
A non-profit whose technologies are used by thousands of law enforcement officers worldwide, enabling them to find new victims faster.

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 11:09 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142297 del
🚨 The debate is a call for accountability.
We must ask ourselves.

Who truly runs this country? Watch below and find out.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 13:00 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142298 del
PB Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS


>>21107706 PB

> There's no facility in law for early election. This is some dumb shit.

Actually there is a method to allow for an early election.

It’s Article V of the United States Constitution.

An Amendment (change to the current Presidential Election Day Act of 1845) can be called by Congress, or by a Convention of States (34 out of 50) and becomes a law when ratified by 38 of the 50 states.




Could this be the answer to why President Trump keeps saying "It's going to happen fast, very fast."?

Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 13:13 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142299 del
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Remember this? (Trump talking about how other countries just call for an election next week, and boom, it's done.)

TRUMP- “Is there any way we can call the election for next Tuesday,” Mr Trump said. “That’s all I want. I want to call the election for next Tuesday.”


Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 13:38 Id: 3e6c2d [Preview] No.142300 del
Why would his eldest granddaughter, Naomi, lie?


The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours
And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 03:25 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142301 del
Trudeau BUSTED In MASSIVE Mar*juana Scandal!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=zk5ASgVBsl8 [Embed]

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 03:57 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142302 del

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 06:38 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142303 del
Judiciary GOP hearing showing FDA & CDC cut corners to approve and promote Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine

Thomas Massie
Jun 26
Today my @JudiciaryGOP subcommittee held a hearing showing FDA & CDC cut corners to approve and promote Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

In the face of new information about serious side effects, the FDA's top vaccine reviewers were pressured to speed up, so vax mandates could issue.


Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 11:59 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142304 del
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Here one of the 20 little white lie

Gold Star family speaks out after Biden falsely claims no troops have died on his watch: 'Shame on you'

Biden's debate claims led Gold Star father Darin Hoover to 'yell back at the TV'
Jasmine Baehr By Jasmine Baehr Fox News
Published June 29, 2024 4:39pm EDT

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 12:18 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142305 del

The Top 5 Lies Democrats Have Told Their
Voters: A Message for My Lefty Loved Ones

PJ Media, by Athena Thorne
Posted By: Hazymac, 6/30/2024 7:35:37 AM

I am dedicating this article to my lefty friends and loved ones. Yes, I still have some of those. I made a pledge to myself years ago that I wouldn't let politics destroy my relationships with good people with whom I have wonderful personal histories. This pledge is getting harder and harder to keep. Thursday's debate has put it under the greatest stress test yet, and I'm not sure I can keep it much longer. My lefty friends and I have been getting along for the past eight years by agreeing not to talk about politics. This was necessitated in 2016 when Donald Trump won, and so many people —

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 21:35 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142306 del
#445 @208
>>142102, , >>142103, >>142104, >>142105, >>142106, >>142107, >>142108, >>142109, >>142110, >>142111, >>142112, >>142113, >>142114, >>142115, >>142116, >>142117 Swamp Today June 27, 2024
>>142121 “Just shameful”: Kevin O’Leary slams Trudeau, Freeland over economic record
>>142253, >>142254, >>142255, >>142256, >>142257, >>142258, >>142259, >>142260, >>142261, >>142262, >>142263, >>142264, >>142265, >>142266, >>142267, >>142268, >>142269, >>142270, >>142271, >>142272, >>142273 Swamp Today June 28, 2024
>>142278, >>142283 Identical Walmart shopping list reordered increased $126 in 2022 to $414 in 2024
>>142280, >>142285, >>142286, >>142287 Supreme Court issues major ruling on Jan. 6
>>142284 Rep Thomas Massie wife dies
>>142288 Rep. Thomas Massie bans foreign lobbyists from entering his congressional office
>>142290, >>142291, >>142302, >>142303 Rep. Massie: Not a Cent Of Hush Money for Congress Reported As Campaign Finance Expense
>>142296 Washington State: Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrest P.A. National Guard Sargent Aaron Von Krueger
>>142301 Trudeau BUSTED In MASSIVE Mar*juana Scandal
>>142304 Gold Star family speaks out after Biden falsely claims no troops have died on his watch: 'Shame on you'

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 01:02 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142307 del


Don't Let The Elite Get Away With Gaslighting That They Didn't Know About Biden's Senility
From zerohedge.com
4:20 PM · Jun 29, 2024

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 01:12 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142308 del
Biden claimed Trump “did nothing” to stifle Iranian aggression. That is false. For example, Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in 2020.


Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 05:07 Id: 69411f [Preview] No.142309 del
clusterfuck continues.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 06:24 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142311 del
David Clements, [2/18/2024 11:24 AM]

∙ Thus far, over 80 veterans have been sentenced to a period of incarceration ranging from two weeks to 10+ years.
∙ Of those, there are currently 43 J6 veterans currently incarcerated in prison facilities throughout the United States and several J6ers who have not yet begun the sentence.
∙ Over 35 J6 military veterans served sentences either in a jail or prison facility and have been released.
See below for a list of names and military branch. As always, please let me know if someone has been missed or the information needs to be corrected. God bless our patriots, 🙏 Ansley

[Note the "Yes" refers to those currently incarcerated.]

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 06:36 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142312 del
Around 90 J6 Prisoners currently incarcerated may be impacted by the 1512 opinion
Please reach out if anyone has been missed [June 28, 2024].
🙏 Ansley

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 06:46 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142313 del
(496.97 KB 493x506 mighty among beasts.PNG)

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 06:51 Id: 69411f [Preview] No.142314 del
mayhap they will be well compensated.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 10:29 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142315 del
Did You Know This About The RCMP?

https://youtube.com/watch?v=DvwiBfUWFTo [Embed]

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:40 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142316 del
Former World Economic Forum Staffers Accuse Founder Klaus Schwab of Sexual Harassment


Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:55 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142317 del
Citizen Free Press

Bannon has a message for Merrick Garland.
July 1, 2024


Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 12:18 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142318 del
Dems Stick With Biden As It Would Be A Real Pain To Reprint These Ballots They Already Filled Out


Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 12:30 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142319 del

Man accused in Maricopa County election theft now tied to theft in AZ Senate building

DPS has confirmed Walter Ringfield has been identified as the man in security footage from the Senate building on June 19

The man accused of stealing keys to election security equipment in Maricopa County is now being connected to another theft in the Arizona Senate building.

Arizona Department of Public Safety officials confirmed Thursday that 27-year-old Walter Ringfield was the man identified in security camera footage from the Arizona Senate Building from June 19.

DPS says the man, now identified as Ringfield, entered a restricted area of the building on June 19 and removed numerous items from a security staff member's desk.

The stolen items included challenge coins and other desk accessories.

DPS served a search warrant at Ringfield's home and were able to locate the stolen items.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 12:49 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142320 del
This is where we are - my question is, what are we going to do about it?


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 12:59 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142321 del
The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Monday July 1, 2024

The House Stands Adjourned Until July 2, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT (Pro Forma - back July 8)
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until July 2, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT (Pro Forma - back July 8)

Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass has no public appointments.

- - -

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center (NHC)

...There Is a Slight Risk of Severe Thunderstorms Over Parts of the Central and Northern Plains... - Day 1 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK

FAA Daily Air Traffic Report

FAA National Airspace System Status

A.F. Branco - What A Kick

A.F. Branco Cartoon - Debate Disaster

End Wokeness @EndWokeness - DJT posted this on Instagram

End Wokeness @EndWokeness - Michigan's AG Dana Nessel couldn't find the time to attend the funeral of Detroit Deputy Reckling. She was too busy:

FreedomToons - Democrats after the Biden Trump debate
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6PS00nItbD4 [Embed]

George Alexopoulos @GPrime85 - Then You Ain't

Margolis & Cox - 2024 Election, Joe Biden, Presidential Debate

Margolis & Cox - Public Schools, Ten Commandments, Transgender, Woke

Margolis & Cox - 2024 Election, Joe Biden, Presidential Debate

Mark Parisi - Yoga

Mark Parisi - Nuts

Mark Parisi - Whistle

Michael Ramirez - The Feed Bag

Michael Ramirez - The Debate

Michael Ramirez - Devilish Heat Wave

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Pissin Contest

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Highlights

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Forces Gathering

RealityBites by Broc Smith - CNN

Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon
1 and txt file

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 12:59 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142322 del
Skscartoon @skscartoon - Who else are happy for the #debate2024?

Skscartoon @skscartoon - It takes balls to step in and replace Biden, whis gonna do it?

Stephan Pastis @stephanpastis - Protest

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 21

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 22

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Down The Rabbi Hole 23

The Daily Cartoonist - Howard Beckerman – Howard Beckerman – RIP

The Daily Cartoonist - Fishing the Funnies for Laffs

Tom Bevan @TomBevanRCP - The view from Biden's motorcade on Long Island yesterday.

Tomics Comics @TomicsComics - Me every morning.

Jumble Daily


Today in History - July 1

Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives.

100 Years Ago Today

Word of the Day

The Presidential Prayer Team Daily Briefing

Register to Vote

Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

Most-Viewed Bills - Week of June 30, 2024
The Congress.gov Top Ten Most-Viewed Bills List Is Compiled Each Monday From the Previous Week's Metrics.

Schedule for Pro Forma Sessions and Monday, July 8, 2024

Tool of the Month: Hilliard’s Barrel Reamer

Judge Grants Trump's Request for Hearing on Evidence in Classified Documents Case

Hurricane Beryl Maps Show Path and Landfall Forecast

Scalise: Was Last 3.5 Years of Biden Presidency A Cold? | Majority Leader

Johnson, Scalise, Emmer: SCOTUS Ruling in Loper Bright v. Raimondo is “Beginning of the End of the Administrative State” | Majority Leader

France Far Right Leader Marine Le Pen Hails Projections of First-Round Election Lead for Her Party - Associated Press
https://youtube.com/watch?v=88FQBRs4Z7o [Embed]

Brexit Leader and Parliamentary Candidate Nigel Farage Delivers Town Hall Address - Real America's Voice

Nigel Farage Hosts Massive, Trump-Style Rally in Birmingham, England Ahead of UK Election - Real America's Voice

Next Man Up: Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, and Jack Posobiec

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:00 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142323 del
LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

Supreme Court live updates: Historic Trump immunity opinion expected - The justices will meet on Monday for a final day of opinions this term.

Palm Beach Playbook - Special Post-Debate Edition

FACT CHECK: Biden’s Crime Spin Is NOT Reality

ICYMI: ‘Trump Outmaneuvers Weakened Biden with Master Class Debate Performance’

Crooked Biden Recap: The Whole Dem Party’s Failed Debate

June 28, 2024 - July 7, 2024
Weekly Schedule of Public Speaking Engagements and Other Activities Friday, 28 June 2024 - Sunday, 07 July 2024
European Central Bank

July 1, 2024 - July 2, 2024
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, Eighth Session
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

July 1, 2024 - July 2, 2024
First Editorial Board of Diversity of Cultural Expressions Report
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

July 1, 2024 - July 3, 2024
Global Energy Transition (GET) Congress and Exhibition
Former Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Keynote Speaker at GET

July 1, 2024 - July 3, 2024
Point Zero Forum 2024, Zurich, Switzerland: The Annual Gathering of the World’s Financial Regulators, Policymakers, Industry Leaders, and Innovators to Collaborate on the Advancement of Global Financial Systems.
At Point Zero Forum, Central Bankers, Regulators, Policymakers, Industry Leaders and Technologists From Around the World Gather for Three Days of Dialogue, Collaboration and Networking. Participants Work to Align Policy, Finance and Technology Roadmaps, and Share the Latest Innovations and Developments to Advance Financial Ecosystems. The Forum Serves as a Pivotal Platform for Fostering Strategic Dialogues and Strengthening Collaborations Between the Public and Private Sectors.

July 1, 2024 - July 3, 2024
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Negotiations on Inequalities
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

July 1, 2024 - July 5, 2024
Summer School of the Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy: Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

July 1, 2024 - July 5, 2024
Summer School of the Standing Group on International Relations: Domestic Politics and Global Governance: Interests, Institutions, Information, and Identity
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:01 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142324 del
July 1, 2024 - July 5, 2024
36th Session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and Biosphere Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

July 1, 2024 - July 5, 2024
Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission | Rome, Italy
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

July 1, 2024 - July 5, 2024
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research of the United Nations (CGIAR) and Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

July 1, 2024 - July 11, 2024
Close/Far - A Journey Of Discovery Exploring The Cultural and Natural Heritage of Immigration in Italy
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

July 1, 2024 - July 12, 2024
TrainForTrade Port Management Course: Training of Trainers in Valencia Spain
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

July 1, 2024 - July 12, 2024
CANCELED Encep Nurjaman Et Al., Motions Hearing
Office of Military Commissions

July 1, 2024 - July 12, 2024
CANCELED U.S. V. Abd Al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri, Motions Hearing
Office of Military Commissions

July 1, 2024 - August 2, 2024
Annual WHO/Cochrane/Cornell Summer Institute for Systematic Reviews in Nutrition for Global Policy-Making
World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO)

JULY 1, 1776
On This Day in History - A Cherokee War Campaign Against the Southern Colonies Begins

JULY 1, 1862
Pacific Railway Act: Primary Documents in American History
Library of Congress

JULY 1, 1862
Pacific Railway Act (1862)
National Archives

JULY 1, 1987
Robert Bork's America
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) Spoke in Opposition to Judge Robert Bork’s Nomination Saying That “Robert Bork’s America Is a Land in Which Women Would Be Forced Into Back-Alley Abortions, Blacks Would Sit at Segregated Lunch Counters, Rogue Police Could Break Down Citizens' Doors in Midnight Raids, School Children Could Not Be Taught About Evolution, Writers and Artists Could Be Censored at the Whim of the Government, and the Doors of the Federal Courts Would Be Shut on the Fingers of Millions of Citizens for Whom the Judiciary Is-And Is Often the Only-Protector of the Individual Rights That Are the Heart of Our Democracy.”
Senators Also Debated Reflagging Oil Tankers and Using the U.S. Navy in the Gulf of Arabia.
Note: This Is an Incomplete Senate Session.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:01 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142325 del
JULY 1, 2020
Rudy Giuliani Comments to Reporters in White House Driveway
Rudy Giuliani Spoke to Reporters in the White House Driveway. He Criticized the New York Times for Reporting on the Russian Bounties Story, Called Black Lives Matter a Marxist Organization, and Questioned Joe Biden’s Cognitive Abilities.

JULY 1, 2020
National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien Speaks With Reporters
National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien Responded to Questions From Reporters in the White House Driveway and Said the President Was Not Previously Briefed on the Russian Bounties Report Because the Information Was Uncorroborated.

July 1, 2024
Happy Canada Day 2024

July 1, 2024
Canada Day Mass Flypast Over Ottawa

July 1, 2024
Fireworks Safety

July 1, 2024

July 1, 2024
Steve Bannon Must Report to Prison by Monday After Supreme Court Rejects Last-Minute Appeal
>>21105731 pb

July 1, 2024
12:10 AM EDT
Carl Higbie, "Profiles in Freedom". Newsmax host Carl Higbie argued that the Left wants to rewrite American history to exclude or demonize those who don't live up to contemporary progressive standards. This event was hosted by the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York City.
American History/BookTV

1:00 AM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma, "What Went Wrong with Capitalism". Rockefeller International chairman Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.
American History/BookTV

2:05 AM EDT
Meghan Elizabeth Kallman & Josephine Ferorelli, "The Conceivable Future". Meghan Elizabeth Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli discussed how climate change is impacting people's decision to have children or not. Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago hosted this event. Meghan Elizabeth Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli discussed how climate change is impacting people's decision to have children or not. Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

3:05 AM EDT
Ellen Galinsky, "The Breakthrough Years - A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens". Ellen Galinsky offered a new look at the inner workings of the teenage mind & provided recommendations on how to better support adolescents. The Bank Street College of Education in New York City hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

4:00 AM EDT
4113rd Meeting, 141st Session, Human Rights Committee (CCPR) - Opening of session, adoption of agenda, report of the working group
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
19th Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th regular session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:02 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142326 del
4:00 AM EDT
Rooted in Resilience: Unearthing the Importance of Soil in Sustainable Development
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

4:00 AM EDT
Group of Friends Priority Africa Meeting
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

4:00 AM EDT
Meeting of the Bureau of the 216th Session of the Headquarters Committee
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

4:20 AM EDT
SC CC 'Saul Perlmutter, John Campbell, Robert MacCoun, "Third Millenium Thinking - Creating Sense in a World of Nonsense. Physicist Saul Perlmutter, philosophy professor John Campbell, and psychologist Rober MacCoun offered their advice on how to interpret information in the internet age. This event was provided by Smithsonian Associates.
American History/BookTV

5:50 AM EDT
Zoë Schlanger, "The Light Eaters". Atlantic staff writer Zoë Schlanger looked at the study of plants and how they have a different kind of intelligence from animals. This event was hosted by Greenlight Bookstore in New York City.
American History/BookTV

6:00 AM EDT
Q&A: Frank Bruni
New York Times opinion columnist Frank Bruni, author of “The Age of Grievance,” argues that we are living in a cultural and political era defined by victimhood and perceived injustice.

6:00 AM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Strength & Stability
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

6:50 AM EDT
Tom Steyer, "Cheaper, Faster, Better". Businessman and environmentalist Tom Steyer argued the United States can take advantage of new technologies to become a leader in combating climate change. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC, hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers commented on the Supreme Court case concerning whether former President Trump is immune from prosecution for his role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Court was expected to rule on the case later in the morning.

7:00 AM EDT
Keynote Speech by His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1huriDzJ14k [Embed]

7:00 AM EDT
Side-Event at the 56th Session of the Human Rights Council: Advancing Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Reflecting on the Key Drivers of Change
International Gender Champions (IGC)

7:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Jess Bravin Discusses Today's Supreme Court Ruling on Former Pres. Trump's Claim of Absolute Immunity
Wall Street Journal Supreme Court correspondent Jess Bravin discusses today’s expected Supreme Court ruling on former Pres. Trump’s claim of absolute immunity.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:02 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142327 del
8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Cliff Young Discusses Post-Debate Polling & Campaign 2024
Cliff Young, president of Polling & Societal Trends for Ipsos, discusses his organization’s recent polling on Thursday night’s presidential debate and top issues in Campaign 2024.

8:00 AM EDT
American Sunrise Live
Real America's Voice

8:45 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Lawrence Yun Discusses the State of the Nation's Housing Market
National Association of Realtors Chief Economist Lawrence Yun discusses the state of the nation’s housing market and prices.

9:00 AM EDT
20th Meeting - 56th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 56th regular session of the Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024)
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Rosemary DiCarlo (DPPA) following the Third Meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan - Press conference by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo. The Under-Secretary-General will be speaking following the Third Meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:15 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

9:30 AM EDT
Group I – Western European and North American States
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

9:30 AM EDT
What’s Next for the EU?
Atlantic Council’s Europe Center
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lrtPxWOsiLc [Embed]

10:00 AM EDT
War Room Live
Real America's Voice

10:00 AM EDT
General Assembly: 96th plenary meeting, 78th session
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Supreme Court Term in Review
Georgetown University Law Center

10:00 AM EDT
NIH R&W Community Market
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
The Court will convene for a public non-argument session in the Courtroom at 10 a.m.
The Court may announce opinions, which are posted on the homepage after announcement from the Bench.
Supreme Court

10:00 AM EDT
The President receives the President's Daily Brief
Official Schedule

10:20 AM EDT
Major General(s) James E. Smith Promotion Ceremony
Department of Defense

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:03 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142328 del
10:30 AM EDT
America’s foreign policy: A conversation with Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Brookings Institution
Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a conversation on U.S. foreign policy at the Brookings Institution
Washington, D.C.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XY1wp2xD0AQ [Embed]
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on U.S. Foreign Policy
Secretary of State Antony Blinken discusses U.S. foreign policy ahead of the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington, DC. The Brookings Institution hosts this event.

11:00 AM EDT
Meeting With X-Energy Pertaining to the Xe-100 Design
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

11:00 AM EDT
NIH Food Truck Program
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Press Conference: Jean Todt, SG's Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean-Luc Decaux, President & Co-CEO at JCDecaux North America, Edward Mermelstein, New York City's Commissioner for International Affairs on the UN-JCDecaux Global Campaign for Road Safety - Hybrid press briefing by Jean Todt, the Secretary General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, along with Jean-Luc Decaux, President and Co-CEO at JCDecaux North America, and Edward Mermelstein, New York City's Commissioner for International Affairs. They will brief reporters on the UN-JCDecaux Global Campaign for Road Safety.
United Nations

11:30 AM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout (Programme of work of the Security Council in July 2024; Other matters)
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General - Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
The Charlie Kirk Show
Real America's Voice

12:15 PM EDT
A Crisis of Health & Democracy Two Years Post Dobbs – What’s Next?
Georgetown University Law Center, Ms. Studios, Ms. Magazine, Feminist Majority Foundation
Review of the 2023-24 Supreme Court Term and Rulings
Lawyers and legal scholars review the Supreme Court’s 2023-24 term and rulings two years after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, which protected the right to an abortion. Georgetown University Law Center hosts this event.

12:30 PM EDT
Press Conference: The President of the Security Council for the month of July and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia on the Council's programme for the month of July 2024
United Nations

1:00 PM EDT
FY24 Training and Technical Assistance for Justice-Focused Community-Based Organizations
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice

1:00 PM EDT
Pre-Submittal Meeting to Discuss RhinoCorps' Work on Physical Security
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:03 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142329 del
1:00 PM EDT
Bretton Woods at 80: Evolving for the New Global Economy
Atlantic Council
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rfIUl0ucQSM [Embed]

1:30 PM EDT
Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel
Department of State

2:00 PM EDT
Press Conference: Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and Ambassador Maritza Chan-Valverde (Costa Rica) on the closing of the Fourth Review Conference on the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons (RevCon4) - Speakers: Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu, along with Ambassador Maritza Chan-Valverde, President-designate of RevCon4 on the closing of RevCon4. Mr. Manuel Martinez Miralles, Deputy Chief of Conventional Arms Branch/UNODA will be the moderator.
United Nations

2:50 PM EDT
18th Medical Command Change of Command Ceremony
Department of Defense

3:00 PM EDT
General Assembly: 97th plenary meeting, 78th session
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Joint meeting of the Economic and Social Council and the Peacebuilding Commission - Joint meeting on "The development and peace dimensions of forced displacement: Countries' best practices in creating durable solutions". ECOSOC's mandate to promote international economic and social cooperation provides a valuable framework for addressing the socio-economic dimensions of displacement.
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Introductory speech by Board member Ms Christine Lagarde at opening reception of ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
European Central Bank

3:00 PM EDT
Joint Meeting of the Economic and Social Council and the Peacebuilding Commission
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

3:00 PM EDT
Cotton System Consumption and Stocks - Monthly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Fats and Oils: Oilseed Crushings, Production, Consumption and Stocks - Monthly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

3:00 PM EDT
Grain Crushings and Co-Products Production - Monthly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

4:00 PM EDT
Executing Distributed Operations in a Contested Maritime Environment
Atlantic Council
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bjYQsrFB9kc [Embed]

4:00 PM EDT
Crop Progress - Weekly Report Release
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture

4:30 PM EDT
Supplemental Pool Call Time
Official Schedule

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:04 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142330 del
5:00 PM EDT
Washington Today
Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.

6:30 PM EDT
Washington Today Podcast
Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET. F

6:30 PM EDT
In-Town Pool Call Time
Official Schedule

7:30 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart Camp David en route to Fort Lesley J. McNair
Camp David

8:00 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive at Fort Lesley J. McNair
Official Schedule

8:10 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady depart Fort Lesley J. McNair en route to the White House
Official Schedule

8:20 PM EDT
The President and The First Lady arrive at the White House
Official Schedule

8:30 PM EDT
SFVAHCS at Lake County Veterans Town Hall
Veterans Administration
10 END

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:04 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142331 del

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:05 Id: a1f7df [Preview] No.142332 del

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:25 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142333 del
(1.26 MB 1280x720 545.png)
Happy Blame Canada Day
But be like Trudope Day LOL

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:11 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142335 del
Frank Rocco Giustino
Jun 28
Great. Now it should be realized that all January 6th U.S. attorneys and federal judges have not signed the required oaths of office to even impose such a charge.

USDC D.C. January 6th "Chief Judges" BOASBERG & HOWELL signed illegally changed Oaths of Office

They are not lawfully or legally bonded officials. 👇

USDC D.C. January 6th "Chief Judges" BOASBERG & HOWELL signed illegally changed Oaths of Office, Refused for Cause for fraud on Frank Rocco's January 6th Case #23-cr-16 court record, deliberately ignored by BOASBERG.

Compare Title 28 U.S.C. §453 "So help me God" in proper form as prescribed by Congress under the Constitution to corporative CAPITONYM form, "SO HELP ME GOD." Oaths of Office for justices and judges cannot be changed without approval by Congress. See Title 28 U.S.C. §453 and its amendments.

Lead January 6th "Attorney" Prosecutor @USAO_DC Matthew M. GRAVES has a redacted signature from his Oath of Office, as witnessed by fraudulent former "Chief Judge" Beryl Alaine HOWELL.

@TheJusticeDept "Assistant Attorney" Prosecutor Douglas COLLYER admits to Court-appointed public defender that he did not sign any Oath of Office for his federal prosecution, with public defender Evan SUGAR then misinforming J6 Defendant Frank Rocco that there are no signed Oaths of Office as documents for federal prosecutors and judges at all.

"Judges" and "Attorney" Prosecutors practicing without valid civil and/or judicial Oaths of Office can be subjected to criminal impersonation charges under Title 18 U.S.C. §912.

Doc 59 Court Allocution Filing Explanation: https://courtlistener.com/docket/66728847/59/united-states-v-giustino/
Video Interview: https://rumble.com/v4q9ssh-the-truth-matters-with-tina-peters.html
Article: https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/j6-political-prisoner-frank-rocco-giustino-spends-3/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=j6-political-prisoner-frank-rocco-giustino-spends-3
GSG Story/Support: https://givesendgo.com/frankrocco


Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:13 Id: 418012 [Preview] No.142336 del

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:13 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142337 del
Frank Rocco Giustino
To add to this post, see the attached documents.

Here is the "chief judge" of D.C. and every January 6th case (James Emanuel BOASBERG) denying me an answer in open court as to why his judicial oath of office did not conform to statute, under law.

He did not answer, nor read any of my filings on record for the rest of my case.

Instead, he agreed with the J6 prosecutor in giving me 3 months of jailtime NOT for a single non-violent January 6th misdemeanor charge, but because I rightfully refused to acknowledge the false authority of the Court that they NEVER had - due to not signing any proper oaths of office to my case, or any case for that matter.

I was originally reassured by my public defender of no jailtime, so my incarceration had hardly anything to do with J6. BOASBERG later put out a secretive SEALED bench warrant on me for not complying to oathless officers, to which the Floridian U.S. Marshals were notified of by me, but arrested me on anyway - without even signing the warrant for the duration of my case.

@RonDeSantis' Office was notified, and has still done nothing to protect other January 6th Floridians in his State against an oathless prosecution - in violation of his own oath.

All the proof attached: 👇


Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 21:20 Id: 065d89 [Preview] No.142338 del
There's the pitch... he swings... WHAMMO!! That ball is OUTTA HERE!!

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 22:27 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142339 del
BREAKING NEWS: Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley & NDP MLAs publicly defend Pedophiles & child sex abusers


who were arrested by RCMP for Child pornography & Child sex trafficking & were allowed to practice medicine!

Massive SCANDAL brewing in Alberta!
The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours
And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 22:54 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142340 del
Anons miss Trump's Q shoutout today?


The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:07 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142341 del

America First Legal


We are releasing documents highlighting the numerous egregious errors in the politically-motivated prosecution of President Trump by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.

This prosecution was a legal abomination and disgrace.
5:57 PM · Jul 1, 2024



Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:21 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142342 del
Now in the peer-reviewed literature: a 37% loss of life expectancy if you got a COVID shot


Actual study https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/12/7/1343

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:28 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142343 del



UPDATE: The FBI Raid of Oakland Dem Mayor, Sheng Thao

Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and High Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring

• Sources originally said the FBI raid involved four rental properties, the IRS and U.S. Postal Service.

—— Turns out, it goes much deeper…

• The raid exposed a complex web of alleged illicit activities involving high-ranking government officials and a notorious local business in Oakland, California.

• Andy Duong, of the Duong family, a family with deep Democratic ties to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, AG Rob Bonta, and Xavier Becerra. Ect etc…

—— Andy is the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe, used the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:43 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142344 del

Alex Rosen

The Streisand effect is about to go crazy 😳
9:24 AM · Jul 1, 2024

Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:54 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142345 del


Today is a good day to remind everyone that Q folks were right.
8:39 AM · Jul 1, 2024

The Choice To Know Will Be Yours
The Choice To Know WAS Yours
And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:15 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142346 del

Insider Paper

BREAKING NEWS: A Palm Beach County judge has released the grand jury records in the 2008 Jeffrey Epstein criminal case.
7:47 AM · Jul 1, 2024

Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom
(Don't Ya Jes Love It)

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:22 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142347 del
🚨Jeffery Epstein grand jury documents were released.🚨


DOCUMENTS: https://www.mypalmbeachclerk.com/home/showpublisheddocument/4194/638554423710170000


Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:39 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142348 del
>>142335, >>142337
>>141034, >>140947, >>140951, >>140991 pb
Oath of Office
[John L. Lumans' oath was not signed by a witness for 10 months until it was noticed by the Dept. of Justice. In the letter it provides an excuse that he was "overseas". Smith was an acting investigator overseeing prosecution of international war crimes at the Hague. In 28 U.S. Code § 515 "Foreign counsel employed in special cases are not required to take the oath."...]

John Luman Smith a.k.a. Jack Smith appointment affidavit with missing witness signature

U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
Human Resources
Washington, D.C. 20530
SUBJECT: Oath of Office, John L. Smith
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This memorandum serves as record that an appointment affidavit
(SF 61) has been signed and executed for the appointment of John L. Smith, Special Counsel.
On November 18, 2022, John L. Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland
to serve as the Special Counsel by Order No. 5559-2022.
DISCUSSION: Mr. Smith signed an SF 61 on November 20, 2022. Upon reviewing
documentation, it was discovered that a witness signature was missing ''(more than likely as
Mr. Smith was on boarded while overseas).'' JMD/Human Resources consulted with the
JMD/Office of General Counsel (OGC) to ensure proper corrective action. OGC’s
recommendation and advice was to readminister the oath of office and execute a new SF 61 to
ensure procedural compliance.
A. Attorney General Order 5559-2022
B. SF 61, signed and executed on 9/14/2023
C. SF 61, signed on 11/20/2022

[Jack Smith did not live in the U.S, he was living in the Netherlands. Was he considered "foreign counsel"...]
28 U.S. Code § 515 - Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys
(a) The Attorney General or any other officer of the Department of Justice, or any attorney specially appointed by the Attorney General under law, may, when specifically directed by the Attorney General, conduct any kind of legal proceeding, civil or criminal, including grand jury proceedings and proceedings before committing magistrate judges, which United States attorneys are authorized by law to conduct, whether or not he is a resident of the district in which the proceeding is brought.
(b) Each attorney specially retained under authority of the Department of Justice shall be commissioned as special assistant to the Attorney General or special attorney, and shall take the oath required by law. Foreign counsel employed in special cases are not required to take the oath. The Attorney General shall fix the annual salary of a special assistant or special attorney.

"...2018, when Smith was appointed as a special prosecutor and investigator overseeing the prosecution of international war crimes at the Hague, in the Netherlands."

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:50 Id: d8e36a [Preview] No.142349 del
(13.14 MB 490x870 2024 6 handicap.mp4)

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:52 Id: 1f1842 [Preview] No.142350 del

Phil Holloway ✈️

The #FaniWillis v #YoungThug judge realized he’s been checkmated

He finally follows the law and transfers motions to recuse to another judge as required by law
He saw the handwriting on the wall, probably after colleagues weighed in
5:35 AM · Jul 1, 2024

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