Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:11 Id: d8e36a No.142335 del
Frank Rocco Giustino
Jun 28
Great. Now it should be realized that all January 6th U.S. attorneys and federal judges have not signed the required oaths of office to even impose such a charge.

USDC D.C. January 6th "Chief Judges" BOASBERG & HOWELL signed illegally changed Oaths of Office

They are not lawfully or legally bonded officials. 👇

USDC D.C. January 6th "Chief Judges" BOASBERG & HOWELL signed illegally changed Oaths of Office, Refused for Cause for fraud on Frank Rocco's January 6th Case #23-cr-16 court record, deliberately ignored by BOASBERG.

Compare Title 28 U.S.C. §453 "So help me God" in proper form as prescribed by Congress under the Constitution to corporative CAPITONYM form, "SO HELP ME GOD." Oaths of Office for justices and judges cannot be changed without approval by Congress. See Title 28 U.S.C. §453 and its amendments.

Lead January 6th "Attorney" Prosecutor @USAO_DC Matthew M. GRAVES has a redacted signature from his Oath of Office, as witnessed by fraudulent former "Chief Judge" Beryl Alaine HOWELL.

@TheJusticeDept "Assistant Attorney" Prosecutor Douglas COLLYER admits to Court-appointed public defender that he did not sign any Oath of Office for his federal prosecution, with public defender Evan SUGAR then misinforming J6 Defendant Frank Rocco that there are no signed Oaths of Office as documents for federal prosecutors and judges at all.

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