Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:15 Id: 95c89e No.143459 del
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On July 16, 2024, I wrote to DHS and the Secret Service requesting information and records about the catastrophic security failures that resulted in the July 13, 2024 assassination attempt on former President Trump, which resulted in one person being killed and two others being seriously wounded.[1] On July 20, 2024, I provided DHS and the Secret Service portions of emails relating to “post standers” and requested to know the total number of post standers at the Jill Biden and Trump events on July 13, 2024, as well as the total number of federal personnel present at the Trump rally. Recently, I have also obtained video footage of the aftermath of the shooting, in which local law enforcement can be heard discussing drone availability to clear the water tower.[2]

The Secret Service must provide its operational security plan showing the locations and roles of all federal personnel assigned to secure the July 13, 2024 event. Please provide answers to the following no later than July 30, 2024.

Did USSS, local, or state law enforcement deploy UASs or counter UASs for the July 13, 2024 rally? If not, why not? If yes, provide a detailed description of their use.
Did the USSS receive requests from local or state law enforcement agencies to operate UASs and/or counter UASs before or during the July 13, 2024, event? If yes, did the USSS approve these requests? If not, why not?
Was there an unauthorized UAS intrusion within the restricted airspace of the event? If so, when? Please provide all records.[1]
Was the Counter UAS operator aware of the intrusion and when? Did the Counter UAS operator deploy countermeasures in response to the unauthorized intrusion? If not, why not? If yes, provide records of the countermeasures deployed.
Who at USSS was responsible for making the final decision to deploy UAS or counter UAS for the July 13, 2024, event?
Provide all records between and among USSS, local law enforcement, state law enforcement, sheriffs, and federal law enforcement related to the use of UAS and counter UAS for the July 13, 2024 event with former President Trump.
Since January 2021, has the USSS deployed UASs or counter UASs during campaign events and rallies? If yes, provide a detailed description of their use, including but not limited to the date, location, event, protectee, and number of UASs or counter UASs deployed.
Provide all DHS and USSS guidance, policies, and similar documents concerning training requirements for UAS and counter UAS and a detailed description of the training.
Was the water tower cleared in advance of the rally? If not, why not?

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