Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 00:39 Id: 1bdb9d No.144605 del
Arbitrator Awards Compensation to Toronto Health-Care Workers Dismissed for Refusing COVID Vaccine

An Ontario arbitrator has awarded termination and severance pay to 40 Toronto health-care workers who were fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccination.

Arbitrator John Stout made the decision in a case involving the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 145 and the William Osler Health System (WOHS). Stout said in his decision released Aug. 12 that although the hospital’s 2021 COVID-19 vaccination policy was technically lawful, his ruling considered the fact that the health-care workers didn’t act out of “malicious intent” when refusing vaccination. “I find that the individual grievors who were terminated from their employment by the Hospital are entitled to termination and severance pursuant to the ESA. Specifically, an individual’s refusal to become vaccinated, in the circumstances at this workplace, does not amount to ‘willful misconduct, disobedience or willful neglect of duty,’” said the ruling. Continue…