Anonymous 08/24/2024 (Sat) 23:04 Id: a498ec No.144664 del
>>144662, >>144663

INFO TF1/LCI: the founder and CEO of Telegram messaging in France

Published today at 22:24

According to our information, the founder and CEO of the secure messaging Telegram was arrested this Saturday evening at Le Bourget airport.
Pavel Durov, a 39-Russian French-Russian, was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman.

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram encrypted messaging, was arrested around 8 p.m. this Saturday evening when he was pulled down his private jet on the tarmac of Le Bourget airport. Aged 39, the French-Russian was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman.

The arrest was carried out by the gendarmes of the GTA (Air Transport Gendarmerie). Filed to the RPF (Filled People's Register), Pavel Durov arrived straight from Azerbaijan. It had a French research mandate issued by the OFMIN of the National Directorate of the French Judicial Police, issued on the basis of a preliminary investigation, issued above the head.

Why was he under threat of a research mandate?
The Justice considers that the lack of moderation, cooperation with the forces of law and order and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, paedo criminal offences and fraud.
This research mandate ran if, and only if, Pavel Durov were in the national territory. "He made a pellet tonight. We don't know why… Was this theft just one step? In any case, it is ready-made", slips a source close to the investigation to TF1/LCI. Ever since he knew himself persona non grata in France, Pavel Durov used to travel to the Emirates, to the countries of the former USSR, to South America … He had travelled very little in Europe and avoided the countries where Telegram is under surveillance.

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