Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 08:44 Id: a498ec No.144678 del
>>143708, >>143708, >>143655, >>143675, >>143676, >>143677 pb
>Tony West
>Maya served as Senior Policy Advisor to Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign

Maya Harris has been an influential voice at the intersection of politics, public policy and civil rights for over two decades. A lawyer, policy advocate, speaker and writer, Maya has helped shape the national dialogue about some of the most defining issues of our time. Her work has emphasized racial and gender justice, promoting policies that strengthen the U.S. economy and democracy through greater inclusion of women and people of color, particularly women of color.
A senior advisor to two historic U.S. presidential candidates, Maya served as Senior Policy Advisor to Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign, where she led a team of policy experts to help develop Clinton’s domestic policy agenda. Maya was also Clinton’s representative for the development of the 2016 Democratic Party Platform, considered the most progressive party platform in the Democratic Party’s history. Most recently, Maya served as Campaign Chairperson for her sister, Sen. Kamala Harris, during her 2020 presidential primary campaign and, during the general election, served as a national surrogate for the Biden-Harris ticket.