Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 12:47 Id: 2093cd No.144686 del
12:45 AM EDT
FreedomFest 2024 - Mark Skousen, "There Were Giants in the Land". FreedomFest founder and producer Mark Skousen talked about his uncle Cleon Skousen's contributions to the modern conservative movement. Mark Skousen and his wife Jo Ann edited a book of Cleon Skousen's writings that describe his life in the movement titled "There Were Giants in the Land." This interview was conducted at FreedomFest, an annual libertarian conference held in 2024 in Las Vegas.
American History/BookTV

1:00 AM EDT
After Words: Ruchir Sharma
Rockefeller International chair Ruchir Sharma offered his thoughts on what has gone wrong with capitalism and how it can be fixed. He was interviewed by Cato Institute’s Alex Nowrasteh.

2:00 AM EDT
Hannah Ritchie, "Not the End of the World". Data Scientist Hannah Ritchie argued that humanity is on track to avoid the worst of climate change and create a sustainable future. This event was provided by the Smithsonian Associates.
American History/BookTV

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