Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 03:56 Id: a498ec No.144699 del
Ultra MAGA Party Video:
Two Days Before Attempted Assassination of Trump Victoria Nuland Boasted - "I Don't Think Trump's Going to Be President, If That's What Putin Is Betting on, He's Going to Get Unhappy Surprise!"
The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Demon Victorian Nuland
Here is another MUST-SEE video by Ultra MAGA Party – and Finance Wolves.

What did Victoria Nuland know? And when did she know it?
Two days before the attempted assassination of President Trump, Nuland boasted, “I don’t think Trump is going to be President, so If that’s what Putin is betting on, he’s going to get an unhappy SURPRISE!”

Finance Wolves: And there is this interview with Victoria Newland. In case you don’t know who she is, she was the former National Security Advisor to Vice President, Dick Cheney.

Liz Cheney: And we have an obligation to make sure, and I certainly will, do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump isn’t anywhere close to the Oval Office again.

Finance Wolves: She worked in government during the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations. She left government during the Trump administration. She’s married to Robert Kagan.

Steve Bannon: You got this guy here to Robert Kagan?

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