Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 20:43 Id: a498ec No.144714 del
(87.29 KB 936x811 1 Hacker Way_META.JPG)
>>144700, >>144712
hackers from the same mother...

"Peter Thiel is a co-founder of Palantir Technologies. "He is a CIA front-man who funds right-leaning platforms to access data." Thiel invested in Facebook to resurrect Total Information Awareness. Darpa at the same time created Lifelog. Both platforms intended people to willingly hand-over data. Thiel is also partner with the venture capital firm Founders Fund. The firm was an early investors in Paypal, Google, Palantir and SpaceX. Webb points out it is reasonable to discuss Elon Musks relationship with Peter Thiel in considering Musks Twitter acquisition."