Anonymous 09/23/2024 (Mon) 12:57 Id: f35591 No.145522 del
1:30 PM EDT
The Inclusion of Women in the Future of Afghanistan - The Permanent Missions of Ireland, Indonesia, Switzerland and Qatar, in partnership with the Women's Forum on Afghanistan, will host a high-level event on the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan.
United Nations

1:30 PM EDT
High-level event during the Summit of the Future (High Level Week) "Leaving No One Behind, An inclusive Future for All"- The UN LGBTI Core Group will hold a high-level event during the 79th session of the General Assembly to highlight our common hope of a future of our planet that is "safe, sustainable, peaceful, inclusive, just, equal, orderly, and resilient" for all persons, including those who are LGBTI.

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