Anonymous 09/23/2024 (Mon) 23:52 Id: d6e286 No.145539 del
decode: Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ diddy 1st domino tweet 9/22/2024 —> moar 9/11 symbolism?

been seeing the 9/11 refs of late (e.g., POTUS #/checkmate). found same thing with JHH diddy-domino tweet on 9/22 (22 = 11+11; AA11 flight that hit the North Tower?)

- There are three unique gif dominos: 1/5, 5/6, and 4/4, all of which change top # once they begin to fall
- (changing “at the top" symbolic of hidden rulers being exposed? Dr. Joseph P. Farrell’s thesis of a hidden 2nd actor involved w/ DEW?)
- Original upper/lower #’s (1+5+4)/(5+6+4) = 10/15 or .666… (evil)
- 2/3 (.666… evil) of three dominos’ upper number changes to “3” (Freemason 33), the other (1/3, .33… Freemason) goes from 1 to nothing (disappears - DE weapon dustification of the Towers?)
- Black-white domino colours jive with Freemason b-w floor / checkerboard (and Melania’s WH photo w/ Boaz/Jachin/Twin Towers symbolism)
- Lower domino numbers’ 5+6+4 = 15, analogue for 555 highest death ( (555 —> 15))
- 3 dominos falling —> 3x 9/11 buildings falling. gif repeat of 3 dominos is 33333…
- Two dominos that change upper # to 3 (33) ref to Freemasons and twin towers as Boaz & Jachin falling
- Lower numbers 15/555 analogue + domino hits Q5 “US is the first domino” globally.
- Building on dominos / US thinking, there are two levels of numbers on the dominos. Dr. JH-H saying that Diddy is the 1st domino would be at the US national level, with the US still being the 1st domino globally. Diddy as the 1st domino (US nationally) of the 1st domino (globally), perhaps.

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