Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 18:40 No.69 del
This week choice of readings are tied together even more nicely than usual.
The common underlying theme of the food/bread which God gives to humanity for its growth in wisdom and sainthood is pretty clear.

I'll try to recall the general sense of what the priest homily was about this time:

Humanity united in spirit, is the body of christ
and christ gives his body to humanity

The body of christ, all humanity, needs nourishment
God gives himself as nourishment for all humanity

Taking reference from the gospel of mark, during the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves
Jesus tells the disciples, "give yourselves to the people" (one of the possible translations of the original text)
Interpreted as, become yourselves bread and nourishment for others
So that the body of christ, nourished by christ, can also be nourished by giving to one another
I become bread for others, and others become bread for me

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