Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 07:49 No.53014 del
Для бомбы, речь о 239-плутонии

A plutonium pit is a critical component of every nuclear weapon, but the
United States’ current capability to produce plutonium pits is limited.
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), under Federal law
and to meet national security requirements, must implement a strategy
to provide the enduring capability and capacity to produce no fewer
than 80 war reserve (WR) plutonium pits per year (ppy).
In 2018, the Nuclear Weapons Council endorsed NNSA’s approach for
supplying plutonium pits to meet stockpile requirements: a two-site
strategy with Savannah River Site (SRS) producing no fewer than 50 WR
ppy and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) producing no fewer
than 30 WR ppy. This approach will provide an effective, responsive
and resilient nuclear weapons infrastructure with the flexibility to adapt
to shifting requirements and counter future threats.
Two-Site Strategy

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