Sunflower 04/13/2022 (Wed) 20:39:31 Id: 45cc0b No.1299 del
Creation of a physical Babel's tower for the Sunflower

It's time we do a large session now. This will be done here in the open as well as in the secret group for maximum syncing. Everyone is encouraged to take part.

The procedure will follow the methodology developed during the earlier phases of the project:
To sync and reach as high degree of representativeness as possible, the session will start with everyone adding their own input so we can find something agreed upon by as diverse members as possible. Reaching diversity is what makes the Sunflower functional as a replacement for the NWO. We are more representative of the earth population than them, because we do not exclude anyone based on concepts of race, religion or ideology.
The session is performed using the shared understanding we reached during the discussion phase. For this session it's likely we will create a spell formula or sigil which members can easily use and share. The session will then have an open "active" period which may relate to physical time differently based on your own timeline placement.