Sunflower 04/14/2022 (Thu) 00:35:41 Id: 4a5e06 No.1301 del
>There can be no slave class and no elite class.
What about botsouls? Can't we have them be super nice to members of sunflower IRL? (The pretty girls could be extra nice and attracted to us :^) ) Having straight up servants would be interesting tbh.
Would we get karma for something like that?

>the physical side is just this board here.
But what if the board is gone? Should't we use something that lasts longer like mountains or the ocean or the moon(since its already indestructible)? (no idea if those work)

What about technology? I've heard people say that you want to get back to the 1800s or something.
Personally, I'd like to see a release of the suppressed technology that we already have. The beneficial tech of course, not WMDs.

What would the general ideology be like? I don't understand very well how this whole thing would work considering that the planet is already filled with different types of aliens with their own agenda.

Sorry if my ideas are dum.