Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 00:38:56 Id: 2730bc No.1344 del
Also because the dragon is part of Cronus you can convince him to help you convince Cronus for other stuff. If you can convince a "shard" you can convince other shards too.

When a group of people go against you sometimes you don't need to convince the leader. just his group members. Then the leader is not that strong anymore.

And because you didn't absorb Cronus just "keep it around" you literally didn't do a bad thing.

>>you don't have to do that, you should do X instead
>to absolutely anything a person mentions as a good method/thing.
I agree with this I am just trying to tell you an idea how you can be more person and the same person at once and how you can reabsorb yourself when you need it.

It's a larger topic I want to explain. How you can use several million people as a "spiritual bandwidth" to cast a spell. This is a thing that makes up cult leaders and Messiahs. How Moses could part the red sea. I am not saying your ways are bad and my ways are better. Ways are ways.

I figured out how a Boddhisatva has the power to kill a 1000 men. Because he can be a 1000 men with his power. But that 1000 is not a final number. You can expand that. Cults do that. Leaders do that. And you can use that power over 1000 people to "convince" the "Higher selves" of other people to help you cast magic without uttering a word on the physical.

I mean you are literally doing this. You make contracts with beings while use botsoul managers on humans. But what if you can use this without contracts and botsouls?

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