Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 21:55:17 Id: 2730bc No.1361 del
>got a wound across the chest, all black for some reason.
Bruh ;_;
He "temporarily" used his power to block you from using people "who care about you". I didn't mention this before but you have a big heart. You can easily make people to feel sorry for you and run for you to help. This is why Lucifuge was pissed because you "use others" instead of improving by yourself. You were like a big crying baby that needed protection and everyone ran towards you to help you (I know this example is harsh but it's a superpower I didn't have and had to understand in the past weeks. In the past If I showed weakness people attacked me further so I had no choice but to become stronger). The problem was that people who care about you were not big ass powerful wizards that can kill/command demons.
And yes get your dream stuff asap. They are usually useful.

>The reason for my reaction to your posts here then seem to be a clash of egregores or worldviews.
Don't even mention I couldn't figure out why I want to talk but unable to write down my truth yesterday. Well that "fusion" had more steps I needed understand. Now I am back with my own light again.

So what the "elites" do. They have a "Lucifer". A light bringer. That "gives" them the light. But that is bad because the elites take the light through an another mean which is not theirs. This way they get "pushed away" from their own true light and degenerate into the current state. This is the first problem.
Now the second problem is how they "serve the demiurge". Well they not just serve him they actually "mine him" for the energies. Which is bad again because when you take away energies the energy wants to go back to the source and it will make the "source" "angry". Which is the people on the low level or on the astral. Mindless NPCs are easy to control. Now here comes the part where the "initiation" begins. They usually gather intellectuals and people in position of power. Well when you can have those things you are not an "NPC" anymore and "need to be initiated" into a system where you give up all the control you have over your light for "rewards". As you enter the "Mouth of the beast" you are in "their system". Low level freemasons "must interpret the symbols incorrectly" because that way their mind has a connection point for the "grandmasters" and there is a possibility for control and harvest. But this just creates more karma and degeneration.