Sunflower 06/19/2022 (Sun) 12:13:59 Id: aa1709 No.1639 del
>Too much is happening
I'm bored out of my mind. Care to share some stories?
>We really need to get this going now or it may never happen
Can you share some pointers besides "just practice"? Telepathy for me seems to be some sort of picking up of symbolic information about any subject, and it is impossible to discern whether there's anyone on the other side at all.
Moreover, if the energy I'm trying to pick up on is even remotely related to any of my past traumas, I get completely locked out. This seems to get worse the older I get. Physical incarnation is not the place to be.
>One day we may wake up with no modern communications at all and NPCs dying left and right
At that point, I hope I'm one of those NPCs, otherwise I'm going to be busy fighting for survival anyway.
If what you described happens, spirituality is dead until the next age of plenty comes around. The only reason it got to the point we are is because we have comfort, internet and plenty of time to spare.