Sunflower 11/21/2021 (Sun) 19:31:25 Id: f4936a No.205 del
(319.21 KB 1957x1076 The_Mystery_of_Time.jpg)
I should add to this that it is believed that when you die you don't stay in the linear time delusion and go on to the next life reincarnating. Once physically dead sooner or later, depending on your afterlife you will enlighten and you will find yourself outside of time, where you will realize that all your incarnations are paralell and time isn't real etc. Then, upon failing to attain immortality, you will eventually be dissolved and die the second and final death. Even if you never enlighten to anything after your physical death, you will not be able to escape reality and eventually you'll die anyway even if your mind never escapes the illusion of time. All your lifes still end at the same time.
While virgin timecels still believe in linear time and try to measure it until the error kills them, enlightened chad wizards know that each moment is right now, but each and every single moment of existence has a different dimension and thus can be accessed at will all the time. They don't measure in time but in vibrations, dimensions and intensity of energy.

Or something like that.