Sunflower 11/08/2022 (Tue) 21:59 Id: 2730bc No.2124 del
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The virtue of silence is deafening...
Especially now that I can hear that "whirring" noise that the cosmos generates when I am meditating.
I mean I could always hear it I just thought it's some machine noise resonating with the walls.

I don't know how this plan is looking at your ends currently but I learned some interesting things about causality and fate. And the messianic age is supposed to be close but I am not sure how it will play out. There are multiple choices there.

You can see the future create a future or the one which seems the least effort besides the going with the flow one is Choosing a future. It seems timelines branch and come together all the time. And traveling between them is not as hard as I thought and it seems we do that all the time without noticing. It's just doing it willfully is hard and maintaining your sanity and energetic channels while the transition is happening is sg you need some level of mastery or great luck.

Oh and the Hadron collider really destroys a timeline when it's turned on. Shiva is there as an interesting act of fate. When a timeline is destroyed before it is supposed to be destroyed well... a failsafe mechanism of the universe activates and the souls merge with their closest alternate timeline souls. It makes some dumb mandela effects and deja vu's for some but most won't even notice it. Now an interesting thing. Timelines always get destroyed and merged into other timelines it's no biggie on the grand scale of things. Now the problem with the Hadron collider is that... well... It does a shit job at destroying a timeline. And creates a plane with some of the weirdest energies that are not really usable to create a new timeline and not even really usable as a true destructive force (okay currently my definition of a true destructive force is the full might of Shiva). You can use it as an EMP force it seems?
I just learned where high magic and real high tech meets and how to dumb it down to earth level. And quantum entanglement and one of the weirdest string theory. I could write books again of this dumbfuckery. I remember when Li said that most spirituality is elementary school level while his teachings are university level. This is like kindergarten level. Because you go back and unlearn everything as much as possible so a new type of knowledge can come forward.

I am in the process of removing the taint of this world that made me form this personality of mine so true might of my mind can come forward but... It seems we need to do that slowly or we kinda desync from reality.

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