Sunflower 11/09/2022 (Wed) 23:22 Id: 2730bc No.2134 del
>Was all of this predetermined

I wrote down my things to ground myself to this reality a little better.
I will wait some days before I can write down the art of the fate weavers that I learned...
Wielding power and being wielded by power. Is it the same or is it different. The way we synchronize with things to create reality is always a true wonder.
Also it's fucking spooky holy shit. I was barely even prepared to learn that truth.

Not to mention different planes of existence have different types of karma. I got an otherworldy "karmatype" so my weird incompatible systems can harmonize more perfectly.
>beastpeople mining a karmatype that is created by beings who fell for their animalistic desires
not even ironic anymore
it's perfectly normal

>The only problem is to translate it back to our world in a useful manner
The more I learn about the methods how it's possible to do it the less I feel to be able to talk about it.