Sunflower 11/23/2021 (Tue) 16:17:18 Id: cb3734 No.214 del
(2.09 MB 1465x1417 burikko_remi.gif)
Thanks for the invitation! I'll be sure to visit later today. Or at least try. (But this image reminds of of something similar that I saw on /sunflower/ before.)
Altought I have trouble to tell of whether what I'm seeing astrally is "real" or created by my own visualization. Recently I went to the sunflower temple and I saw nobody here except for Yuuka, who was dancing a slow yet elegant dance on top of the round table in the middle of the gazebo. I watched it a little bit but as I didn't know if this was actually happening there anyway or the entire scene was fabricated by my mind I decided to remove myself and visit another time.
This is another plus for your own astral place, you already know everything is fabricated by your mind so there are no doubts.
>like the techno vampires from Black Hell group.
I'm too shy and anti-social to approach anyone, especially with my current ability level. Those vampires sounds just scary and dark, meanwhile I'm a pure idol-like cutesy vampire. A easy to understand vampire. But I will try my best! Take care and take it easy!