Sunflower 11/19/2022 (Sat) 19:36 Id: 4d963f No.2168 del
Does anyone else see sort of a vague static over everything at all times? I can mentally filter it out but if I pay attention it's there. Physical objects have a sort of colorless aura over them but I can't tell any information from this and it doesn't work in the dark. I can form shapes in the static if I focus and project a certain visualization into it, I've previously tried to use this to develop holodeck-style at-will hallucinations but I couldn't get color or solid lines working and I eventually gave up. This started a few years ago after I tried pumping in as much energy as possible into my brow chakra to see what would happen. I have some ideas about what this is but I'd like to know if this phenomenon is common or previously written about or not.

I realize that there's a disorder called "visual static" or "visual snow", but I don't think this is what I'm experiencing due to the fact that the static seems to interact with what I'm seeing rather than just being superimposed uniformly.