Sunflower 11/19/2022 (Sat) 23:02 Id: 8b022f No.2171 del
>see sort of a vague static over everything at all times
I wouldn't call it vague. To me it's always been there, and it varies in color. Mostly pink, black, yellow. It's the basis of all energy readings I do. I've only randomly mentioned this "static" to mundanes and they denied seeing it. I wrote that off to them not being able to perceive it simply from being lazy and dumb, because I assumed it was just static in the eyes that anyone could see if they paid attention. I have no idea what kind of visual experience people have, who don't see this. I literally cannot imagine not seeing it, because it's such an inseparable, integrated part of my visual experience of the world.

Looking at a computer screen makes these colors dance around all over my field of vision, which sometimes makes it a bit hard to focus on the text if the screen is high resolution and the text is small. The light blue background on this page when viewed on my laptop is more like a sea with waves moving around the text to be fully honest. Then add how there is a "bleeding" effect of the light from the screen when the room is a bit darker, and it's a rather messy experience. Again, I have no idea what other see if they don't see this. Writing it down like this I suppose; if this was common, people would not be able to ignore it. At least that's what I think, but maybe they really just don't want to talk about it because they're afraid of being different. That's what I attribute most of such denial of experiences to.