Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 21:17 Id: 2730bc No.2282 del
>Does anyone have any tips on balancing Sun and Moon energies
First of all you need to understand your natal chart and how the other planets influence them
But you can skip this if you are not a fan of astrology and find out how the sun and moon aspect works "inside" you.

I cannot give proper tips because my sun/moon aspect is influenced by the planets way too strongly. So my Sun/moon is not "clean" enough. Then I used it as a Kabbalistic jumpad and now I am not even doing the "jewish" nor the one with the planetary aspects because it seems my ancestors had their very own world tree back in the early shamanistic nomad days and the way they established the country and all the ancient forces happening here and aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh so much power and knowledge that I must not dwelve into yet because I have to do the "basics" first.
Also about Hermaphroditus
The point of Anima Animus development is not to be 50% male 50% female. The point is to be 100% male and 100% female to be a 300% being because you will have the ultimate form of a male then the female and you can be both and beyond it at once.
The problem with Wicca that it has the anima animus with their deities but you might awaken your anima too fast and go OMG I AM ACTUALLY A GIRL AND BORN IN THIS UGLY MALE BODY. AM GONNA BE A FAGGOT NOW THEN AN EUNUCH THAT SURE WILL CONNECT ME TO THE OTHERSIDE. When I encountered this phenomenon I didn't understand how is this possible in the magical world? Like you should have a higher understanding or at least some notion of Fate that you are incarnated into a male body for a reason. Retarded mundanes remove themselves from the genepool with the weirdest ways all the time but people that have a connection to the otherside? why are like this?
Enough ranting about that. The point is that as your anima or animus evolves "hand in hand". If one jumps ahead find the other one that is "lagging behind"
>I'm very tilted to the moon side and I think that may be an issue if I go on with kundalini like this
Find out why you see that as an issue and find out what motivates you on the path.

Currently I am trying to figure out my "animating force". What makes me go ahead that is not the "daily routines" mundane patterns or cravings. I am getting touch with my past lives and trying to make sure I will not do the same "karmic patterns" as them. You need to figure out what makes you "go ahead" or figure out what makes your passiveness overwhelm you. Currently I am trying to figure out my active passive.
>there's a chakra below the feet where you can connect to your spirit animal
And through your spirit animal you can connect to the earth (and the spirit world too obv) and it's forces. The black dog is a guard and an "Instinctual pathfinder". Ask him to lead you somewhere. If you cannot be active by your own way let the other "active forces" lead you. Currently I have to understand how the things work naturally and not raping reality but merging with it and feeling it the way it moves and go along with it.
>dress as it

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