Sunflower 12/13/2022 (Tue) 00:44 Id: ab4e2e No.2289 del
>an absolutely calm weirdly prideful feeling that you killed someone
Obviously going in "nude" to use the representation of the actual Ripper knife of 1888 will connect you with the events. That's what we learned there, and that's why the silver tray was made. But then someone said it still gave images like that. Either way, connecting to form a qi circuit can transmit illness if you do it hand in hand like a regular medium. That's why I came up with the idea of using the knife and letting the circuit form by qi flowing over the tip of the blade. We've done this more times after, the first things which were provoked weren't harmful in the end. It merely provoked pre-set events. The suicide failed because the gun jammed, multiple times. Idk if this can be called comical but I reacted by saying "told you so". I bet this all doesn't sound very normal to anyone even here on the board. But now I've said it here in "public". It is what it is, and maybe explains more on why there is an "inner group" that's separated from the board. Some things just have to be private.
Adding to that, the ripper murders weren't 5 or 11 or what the official number claims. They say murder was uncommon in East End at the time. Think again. Most dead bodies were sold to the undertaker who went around with a wheelbarrow at night and collected them from hostels and other places. Sometimes they transported the bodies in barrels, and to do this they cut them in pieces. Medical students had to perform an autopsy on 2 full bodies to get their license so there was no lack of customers. If you sold them in parts, you could charge more than for one full body, which motivated cutting bodies up. At the morgue they were simply recorded as
>male body, age yada yada, left arm missing
then they sent them off to be sold. It's fairly easy to imagine someone killing a bunch of people in odd locations and then going there with said wheelbarrow to pick them up. Then cutting them up further and registering them and selling the body parts. No one would find out it was a murder. The numbers I got was closer to 400 killed by that knife. Most of them were (jewish) gang members trying to extort money from whores. One of them didn't like that. Put it into the perspective of a young lady going with some thug into his room and then some sounds are heard and she leaves again. It's a non-story. If the man was then found dead, well who cares? He was a street criminal all along.