Sunflower 12/13/2022 (Tue) 20:34 Id: 2730bc No.2306 del
>The suicide failed because the gun jammed
people in your inner group are either ballzy or weak I don't know. I just used a bunch of suicide representations. I will not write them down. TLDR and who cares. Not to mention I uncovered a lot of things with that. The way my way and yours mix causes funny things. I was asked by Yuuka that I need to leave this egregore because I cannot be contained further but then I found a bunch of past life and past dream connections that worked because the way past life events come together and all she said Welcome back
I agree with this post but I see it slightly differently.
To summ it simply slavemasters are the greatest slaves. They are bound by their "Overlord" and if they fail at their "slavemastery" the slaves will kill them first.
Currently I am seeing multiple forces doing "their thing" and it's "all according the plan" but it seems there is a greater design behind it and everyone thinks it's "their idea"

I need to do spirituality properly before I can touch some big buttons >:[
We are still playing touhou on normal. The extra stage can wait a little longer. You need to beat touhou on Lunatic to play the extra stage... or collect spell cards.... or time shards..... or whatever ZUN came up with. I only played half of the games

>going in "nude
I had to shed so many layers of my defenses to reach this point. The complaining I got from demons because my own "shadow policy" murders them before they can "help" me. Telling their heroic stories how they had to subdue me while I was asleep and make sure there is no way I will awake in the process because my awakening processes are always aggressive and way too few tools exist in the universe to snap me out of it before I cause a mutual destruction... I didn't know what to say tbh. I didn't know it was THAT BAD
and Also your knives came to me on their own probably because my wish. When you said one turned against you I was wondering if it was because one of my "Blood of martyrs" "trick" I learned while doing crossdimensional warfare with entities. I was not even sure if they were your knives even or my "imagination" or something else entirely