Sunflower 12/18/2022 (Sun) 16:05 Id: ab4e2e No.2325 del
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>a zodiac wheel like thing where the place where the signs used to be were empty
I make a more concrete interpretation of this: once the karmic planets (fake suns) have been harvested and you have solved your own entanglement with them, there won't be star signs anymore. They're still visible in the sky but have you watched the night sky lately? The miners (black beast people) said they're done mining everything that belonged to already removed souls aka zombies/NPCs and only hollow shells remain in the sky for us to dissolve the last bit. After that those planets will no longer be in the sky and no one will be born in a sign. I think going by this it's no coincidence I was born in a Mars sign, the Ram, with Mars being the only organic planet except for Earth (and Nibiru, but that's another story). I've come to work with a number of people who were also Rams. There is probably some more symbolism in this added by Mars being the god of war, it makes sense with the only solid body having to put up a fight.
>Yuuka told me that I am getting incompatible with the egregore because I figured out how her sunflowers work and how the process can be sped up with industrial agriculture techniques
We talked about this with Yuuka too once, she asked me to compare a lovingly created garden with an industrial field. She does not approve of mechanized agriculture. Treat it as a ritual and not as production and you see why.
>Kappa steals souls from the anus of humans in the folktales. Not exactly souls but a substance that can be found in the entrails.
It's said they fart, leaving a stench. But I think this is a misunderstanding. I summoned some kappa and experienced in the initial connection how their very ethereal energy forced out a bunch of impure qi from my body. Early on when I did qi gong I would experience a bad smell when dirty qi was expelled from the body. I think this is what normally happens when someone meets them. They aren't farting, you are simply smelling your own qi as their pure nature is dragging your mind up to sync with them.

The same thing is described to happen first time summoning Shugara in Order of Nine Angles literature. I experienced it too, and it's the same process. A smell of rotten, burning meat caused by impure qi and karma being forced out from your own body, and you awaken to its real nature. In this, you feel how that part of your mind held dirt and is now purified.