Sunflower 12/22/2022 (Thu) 21:39 Id: 2730bc No.2348 del
>create a logistic nightmare for them
I am always amazed at the ease americans can work with their own logistical nightmares. How is that quote again?
>capitalism is the grease that makes the wheels turn
Well now half the wheels fell out already and the cart is sliding on the ground and nobody understands how it's still going. But yeah. All they need is a little push here and there. We don't need to use the "Interesting times card" even. It's a fucking miracle they are still able to keep going.
"Money" has multiple issues. Money has as much value as people "assign" to it. And the worst of it it is marked with "historical figures" that hold a kind of authority which is usually "owned" by "your country" egregore. The dollar and the euro is even fucking worse. The dollar is entangled with the illuminati markings and... I will not even bother explaining that shit. It's going away already. It would be as useful as explaining the mating habits of an invasive species that is finally dying out. Too complicated and it's better if you are not getting near this retardation. And the euro is trying to have a "supreme authority" while having no real authority over country egregores and it's still tied to the dollar... So yeah overcoming this is hard. The other concept you can use is "wealth".
Which is good with this concept because coins had an intrinsic concept of value that everyone accepted and the "face of the rulers" on it just showed an authority that was mainly ignored because gold is gold. But wealth is still a sort of concept that is shaped by the subjectivity of others. Being wealthy in different regions usually means a different lifestyle/values. My favorite are poor people who give all their money for shitty consumerist status symbols to "look rich". They are the poorest people both in the material and the spiritual.

I realized the important part is not to be "rich" but to be be "resourceful". Be able to see the value of things and know how to use it. Even in my dreams I always had something that had value and I knew I had enough of it that I can trade away.

Greed is funny. We have an "illusion" that we own things on the material world. We always come up with ideas of authority history or some sort of explanation why we "own" it. This makes a sort of energetic blockage in us because we "think" that thing we own is "us". Also we obv want more of it because we suuuure need more of that thing because reasons.

Also the spirit world cannot relate to our "money problems". Like a scrap of paper that constantly changes value then some digital numbers on screen that gives us food somehow and we waste it on subscriptions???
Explain economics and corporate taxes to a nature spirit in an organic way. You will realize the shit "mundanes" are preoccupied and ruled by is far more overcomplicated than the things on the path.

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