Sunflower 12/22/2022 (Thu) 23:24 Id: 53437d No.2352 del
My goal is basically just to get rid of the obligation to work for a living. I hate that it's necessary to spend time advancing someone else's ends if I want to retain access to food and shelter. It's not really the work itself that I have an issue with, it's the nature of the agreement I'm entering into. Right now I have a job where I'm basically already a NEET in terms of work but there's still a sense of continued 'obligation' to foreign will that I find unbearable. Self employment still has this issue since you need to maintain an obligation to both society itself and the government egregore if you want to stay in business.

>I remember when in a dream I was in hell and as I was going through trials and sins I finally reached "greed".
Personally I think that the primary motivation tied to money for me is fear rather than greed. Specifically the fear of my will being dominated by another's will. If I need money to survive then I'm forced to submit to someone who has money in order to get it, which is something that I really don't want to do.
If the modern concept of money really is just illusory it would explain why it's so difficult for me to convert my reserves of spiritual energy into USD. Doing so would contradict the purpose of the money thoughtform.