Sunflower 12/23/2022 (Fri) 00:13 Id: 2730bc No.2353 del
I had an awakening process where the point was a realization that
>I am not in debt towards this world
it made me teary for a moment because I didn't realize just how much emotional pressure it put on me and how this was an absolute obstacle on the path. I had to understand what it means "navigating in this life/time period"

> I hate that it's necessary to spend time advancing someone else's ends
I realized after a while that I have a subconscious ability when my hate removes everyone that tries to enslave me. Currently I am ironing out this mentality because it's an obstacle on the path
>it's the nature of the agreement I'm entering into
Yeah you think it's limiting first then You learn how to curse everyone who tries to make "contracts" that fucks you up for their unfair benefit then the letters on that agreement will serve as their downfall and the nature of the contract becomes void if they want to survive. Saturnite knowledge sure is fun.
>obligation' to foreign will that I find unbearable
You need to understand that you are doing this by your "free will". I know it sounds hard to accept first but you have to prove yourself that every action you do is by your own free will. Only this way will the spirit world acknowledge you as a true being who is free. You can be a slave in rags and chains but you need to be free because only that way can you control some forces. Slaves can have only weaker slaves under them. You have to show you are a master (am srs sometimes the entities simply remove the faggots who you think "rule over you" because you need to be a proper person first to be even considered as "someone". It's just a don't worry about it and now let's begin the real work here kind of thing. They know what is real power and throw out those who think that "they are in power" without having any power). If you ask a spirit they will give you an another opportunity which "should" make you happy. They will not understand "your problem". You always need to work "somehow". In a farm you probably need to work more to be self sustainable. Spirits don't understand sometimes why we are so unhappy in our comfort. While high level entities are facepalming at the heights of our human stupidity. Boy I talked them over this a lot.
>primary motivation tied to money for me is fear
You need to let that go. I know it's hard but it's the way. Fear literally feeds the USD money egregore it was designed this way. They love this and the current economic situation just strengthens it (it's like strengthening a burning building tho but whatever)
>convert my reserves of spiritual energy into USD
don't. it's a blackhole. it eats pure energies. cursing money is simple but they use that to curse everything that money can buy (it's so fucking retarded and because of that weak af but for most mundanes it's like the will of god)

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