Sunflower 12/23/2022 (Fri) 00:33 Id: ab4e2e No.2354 del
>srsly fuck the USD
Vid related. This shouldn't be news to anyone here but if you're unclear on what the USD is, the illuminati are nice enough to explain it here.
The federal reserve prints dollar bills, those are given to the central bank as a loan. People use this money and pay taxes on transactions and profits. These taxes are used to pay back interest on the loan. The fed makes money from merely printing the bills and not a single dollar has a real value. It's a machine milking people's work. What do they use the interest for? They fund the globohomo and ruin your life.

If you use the USD you are funding them. So avoid that as much as possible.

Money is a means to an end. If you want
>to get rid of the obligation to work for a living
Put all your intent into this goal, not into your conception of a flawed means to achieve it.