Sunflower 12/26/2022 (Mon) 22:39 Id: 2730bc No.2380 del
It's interesting tbh. I just tried what you described. I have to work with the cold water type energies anyway. I am too fire centric.

And yeah using this on people sends them into "karma purifying mode". The human body have a slooooow way of doing that and sometimes activating their "crisis mode" "turns up the heat".

There was a time when I installed "hellfire energy circuits" into my body and while I felt hot I was cold on my human body or the opposite. Suddenly a demon shoveling coal into my heart appeared. I asked him what are you doing
>your body is not generating enough body heat
So yeah the subtle body nadises I opened needed more energy... There would have been no problems if I did the "subtle body energy work" with proper yoga instead of the usually entity teaches me how to open them with my own hand trick... Makes me more careful nowadays.

The funny bunny