Sunflower 12/31/2022 (Sat) 10:58 Id: ab4e2e No.2402 del
Only those essential for us should remain. If left to degenerate at its own pace we'd have the 2025 timeline collapse along with a slow die-off from covid vaxx (actually just "long covid" because the vaxx is covid) while WW3 destroys all infrastructure. It wouldn't be a good environment for spiritual practice. Everyone would be conscripted, ill and starving and no cultural relics left alone.

Things were already knocked off course compared to the original NWO plan which had the "comet" disaster planned to kill all electronics in 2012, followed by a massive east vs west war. Zombies started "appearing" over 10 years ago as a result of blocked changes. The incarnated souls had no future planned for them and their degenerate mentality made it impossible for them to remain, so they were removed to the astral. It started already in 2009 when around half the souls were removed. Most people had more than 4 souls when counting assistant souls so it wasn't as noticeable at the time. They just lost the main soul and a few other, then an assistant soul controlled the body, which lead to the world stabilizing somewhat in 2010 and a few years onwards. This resulted from assistant souls generally being passive/ethereal in nature so they weren't as degenerated as the souls that had been removed. This of course went contrary to the NWO plans but they're all massive degenerates so they were unable to cause any large effect by mass media control. Low energy messages don't work well on assistant souls who are simply detached from the physical world. They were only able to create the "arab spring" and feed the islamic state, which ended up working against them when Russia stepped in to support the Syrian government.

This lead to the attempt of restoring the degenerate WW3 timeline where they force everyone under a world government by uniting different parts of the world (west and east overrunning middle east) after breaking the economy and demoralising everyone with war. It's what we're seeing in Ukraine right now. There was a disagreement on who would lead the "west" faction and what it would look like, that is still ongoing.

It took all the way from the 00s up until now before enough the kids who weren't purged in 2009 had developed degenerate enough lifestyles to be possible to influence. Those are the "smartphone zombies" aka zoomers.