Sunflower 12/31/2022 (Sat) 22:43 Id: ab4e2e No.2415 del
>invite in some new rulers
They are already there, but it can't be revealed yet. They're a race of beast-people who joined the galactic federation and then applied to manage Earth. They're an unusual primitivist all-female race, their mentality may be hard to grasp but they are very friendly. You can probably connect with them (if you already know how to do things like this) by aiming for the beings I described, "new rulers of Earth".
>touhou beings taking influence but I had the impression that that was more of a behind-the-scenes thing
Well yokais are by nature poltergeists, they aren't physical.

>I'm starting to get sick of these feds and their half-assed 'attacks'
For now we'll just have to handle them ourselves, please see the thread here
for some servitors you can use against them.