Sunflower 01/02/2023 (Mon) 16:49 Id: cc4b02 No.2430 del
Yes, added last night.

A note on sharing items in the temple: This is a built-in function. Artifacts should be shared in the appropriate location, this usually means the study corner for most magical items. Place them in a box with a label, on the shelf.

If they are significant artifacts of general importance, they can be placed on either of the tables. Examples of these are the temple module, the silver tray, the crystal crest for visiting Elysian fields. And this black coffee.

Any item should be shared under the condition that they will remain as long as someone still needs to pick one up, anyone should be allowed to copy it, and when no longer needed it should dissolve. If you are having trouble placing an item, it is because it does not conform to this standard.

If you are sharing single-use items for a session, clean up after so nothing gets left lying around.

Messages like contact ads or requests for goods or services should be posted on the wall bulletin board (which is manifested as the imageboard in the physical).