Sunflower 01/04/2023 (Wed) 20:30 Id: 2730bc No.2445 del
>many people are dying from it as well? I think this is more about depopulation than it is controlling the mind
It's both. The problem with large scale mind control mechanisms that people are different. It works on some people then it outright kills others then some people are just immune to it. So if it cannot control you then it's best that it kills you outright right? Well it's not that simple. The human body is adaptive af.
In my family everyone got it (besides me) and everyone got bored of it after 2. The government didn't even force it on the populace (just the usual take it ads in TV/radio to show that we are good goys) and when my grandparents tried to get the 4th even the local doctor told them to not take it because everyone who took it got the weirdest symptoms from that and they are not in a "high risk group".

We have a corona thread but it's kinda blown over already. Even the news say that the current cold is some "mysterious flu like symptoms" but the only thing that matters now is Ukraine and the economy. Covid is all and forgotten here.

And to what will happen to the USA...
It's a wonder still nothing serious happened to it so far.