Sunflower 01/09/2023 (Mon) 21:57 Id: 2730bc No.2523 del
>in case anyone else missed those
Oh so those are a well known things too. It seems I "accidentally" encountered like 70% of them. Thx Shiva

The Friends are the "totemystic" close to nature magic type. Primitivist but it's a must have. [spoiler[ I just found out there are some "Halfling" type of entities in my area that were active several hundred years ago and some hunter's lodge used their tradition long ago so they could stay close to the "physical" realm. After establishing the connection I realized I encountered them 2 times many years ago but... I beat the living shit out of them because of misunderstandings... Good thing they are not mad about it. Why would they be. They are glad someone is willing to connect them to this "realm" [/spoiler]

And I finally finished playing Little Witch Nobeta. There was a "abyss level" when the BGM was very similar as the sound I hear when meditating. Always makes me wonder if it's a coincidence or those who make it know what they are doing.