Sunflower 01/13/2023 (Fri) 16:47 Id: 4a5e06 No.2569 del
(67.15 KB 1280x720 lighter.jpg)
Probably unrelated, since I attacked my "bully" yesterday (it seems that the servitors I got here can't remove him, or I don't know how to command them properly), but I got attacked in a dream, it was night and the sky got covered in clouds and the clouds formed a square grid in the entire sky, then I saw beams of yellowish light like sunlight or chi, come from the sky and hitting random spots, one hit my right shoulder and I felt it burn me, I didn't even move because it wasn't that painful. Then I took a look at a mirror and I was wearing an old jacket of mine that I no longer have IRL, it was a little damaged in the area, I took it off and the skin on my shoulder was burnt so I peeled it off, got a 2 by 5cm piece of flesh out too. A beam of light also struck a corner of that place I was in, and when I looked there I found a rainbow colored lighter similar to pic related but the colors were separated, like an actual rainbow.

Some Anima stuff in the dream too, but I don't think that's related to the beams of light.