Sunflower 01/13/2023 (Fri) 20:47 Id: ab4e2e No.2575 del
>seems that the servitors I got here can't remove him, or I don't know how to command them properly
Only Astra does things on her own in any general sense because her task is to learn and spread. The demon guard is more of a task force that responds to direct orders or does the bare minimum to defend her master. If you want her to do an investigation and report on it, you have to directly order her to
>investigate who just attacked me, then give me a report on it
>take help from Astra to find out who attacked me and why, then report back
then you have to tell her what to do about the attacker after you get the report.

The ghost hunter cat behaves in the same way, the army servitors (Tanya, not shared with sigil but if you want I can send you one manually, they work by "licensed copies" using encryption to make sure no one steals them. She is a bit more active because an army is a complex entity that has to respond actively to not be in danger, her "basic functionality" includes things like building trenches or using suitable tactics like waves of infantry, syncing artillery support and so on. But that's an exception and that's why it's a high security bot.)
they have more automatic functionality because of what they are for.