Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 16:56 Id: 4a5e06 No.2605 del
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Ok, so, I tried to communicate with the Ghost Hunter, and asked it to what you said, I asked it to communicate with Astra in order to clarify what you meant and see the best way to do that, I saw one of the girls who constantly shows up in my minds eye colapse on the ground and not move for a while, later she got up. I finally learned (thanks to you) that the way beings appear to me is through "tulpas" in my mind that they take over, I was aware that they were taking some form of disguise but I assumed it was some sort of astral clothing that had the effect of appearing in another "dimension". Unfortunately I can still hear the "Blonde Boy". Before going to sleep it made up dommy mommy voice that I never heard before it wanted to "do it" I assumed it got the idea from me reading your post that mentioned Naamah.

I'm gonna ask the Ghost Hunter to check with Astra to see if its safe to delete such "tulpas" so that they no longer have the ability to show up whenever I try to see things. I also may consider deleting a certain memory that I see no need for anymore.its not a trauma.

I guess the Ghost Hunter can delete attachments too, that might be quite reckless so I don't recommend doing it without asking the Ghost Hunter to check it with Astra first.

I'm hoping this "Anathema" doesn't mean "eternal damnation", I'm surprisingly calm about this, I would be freaking out if it was a couple years ago.