Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:14 Id: 2730bc No.2622 del
>Who do you mean by "they"? Is it not just him?
Hard to explain... Entities have a sort of "system" as they "expand". An envoy of the king represents the king. Soldiers who wear the flag on their uniform represent their countries. Entities usually sorta "work" together. If they didn't have a sort of relation or understanding they couldn't reach you. Also I don't know who "they" are. There are multiple forces that prey upon the weak. Sometimes they just use names that are similar to a force they try to "pretend be". When an entity says "I am this thing" then I usually demand that they "prove it".
>I am your god
oh really can you prove your power?
>I am your Master
Then teach me something that a Master would
>I am your friend then
When entities can not find a way to "fit" into my "systems" I usually find what "binds" them to "me" and I take that thing apart.
Also they need to state "what they want". I just want to stay around and be annoying is literally a request to use some new force that I found out I can manipulate against them.

My guides are usually keeping away annoyances like these because I need to learn to handle my bottled up anger and hostility. And if entities just "ask for it" it will not happen. No it doesn't mean I have to endure everything they throw into my face. The lesson is to not shoot them with my full barrage. There is a difference in scaring an entity away with a warning shot and unleashing a force that rips away everything.

And I don't know what they made you go through but you need to find some force that makes them shut up. It's not always threats and "physical" violence. Some entities get stronger from that. Hard to explain. I started my path with the sword that represented the "severity of God" the sword of Mars/Gevurah. I made it follow me into every dream and it fused with many aspects of my being as the years went by. If you have nothing to offer but hostility or your offer carries a little hostility or malice in it then expect that as the welcoming response. The Nightmares end when you become the scariest being in the dream.

The darkness fears the fire. The fire doesn't just illuminates the night. It consumes it. Don't forget your light(er). The rainbow color represents that you got the fire element of the full spectrum.

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