Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:19 Id: 53437d No.2623 del
This is also a meaningful coincidence for me. I recently began development of a infernal-type loli servitor with the function of a "knight" who uses a hammer, and yesterday I sent her out with the broad intent to kill these sorts of people. Just to see what would happen. At first I thought this was my entity, but no. Just similar.

Been getting a lot of these sorts of synchronicities with my workings lately, ever since I started taking on projects in quick succession and 2+ at a time instead of waiting a few days in-between. It's starting to effect my view of reality. I'm starting to think that moving in-between 'realities' is a lot easier than I assumed. Maybe the people here aren't even all in the same reality. Just intersecting in some areas.