Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 01:20 Id: 4a5e06 No.2632 del
I heard that basically every spirit likes it.

>I also asked about if/what Lucifuge wants with anon, and received the reply that it is not Lucifuge but to look up "Ordon Falcifer", but this really doesn't ring any bells for me.
No idea what it is, I remember that some huge Fly showed up in my bathroom once, and Touhous showed up to help me and sent it away, then that night in a dream I heard a song and the fly appeared and according to the song it was called Ordo the fly. This happened more than a year after this guy showed up. Falcifer sounds like Falxifer from Liber: Falxifer, which seems related to the "Left-Handed Reaper" I've never read that but have heard his name. The name Ordon might also be some sort of "Order", I do remember a couple of dreams where some people where speaking/singing or doing rituals in spanish, I assumed they were from south america, and in the dreams it seems that they assumed that I was part of their group, I remember them doing a ritual where they sang a short verse in spanish (I thought it could be latin in the dream but later looked up some of the words and it was spanish) and expected me to repeat what they said but I didn't since I don't speak spanish.

Is it possible for Astra to find out what "Ordon Falcifer" means and how it relates to me?