Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 22:33 Id: cd77f0 No.2663 del
I just re-read this post of mine and the spoiler may sound like I want you to wack one of my parents, I just want to clarify that I wanted you to wack the "bully"(anathema), not my parents.

Sounds like good news to me.
>It's dumb and entities can only use this loophole if you have a really stupid habit because if you continue the habit that means you will hurt yourself (also a failure in your protection). So if you get rid of your negative habit that way the protector entity does his job. Silly energetic lawyery.
I see, that explains a lot.

>Not to mention your aggression/thought control levels.
I plan on running modules to improve thought control when I'm able to use the remote. Its a mess.

They are going towards that because they see it as an opposition to communism, so to preserve good things in society they started going to church from time to time. Its kinda sad, my mother is very sensitive and was even into tarot. But now she doesn't touch that anymore and stopped buying incenses which is a thing she liked, but now thinks it attracts bad thingsshe probably felt some of my friends.

>I so don't want to explain how Jesus operates. It's a mess. Did he do something?

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