Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 23:34 Id: ab4e2e No.2666 del
>what kind of magic they can cast? can they learn new magic?
They can use the magic type which is included in their DNA setting. So a cat uses primitivist voodo type magic and a fairy uses fairy magic. It can vary tho, the green cat is ethereal aligned and uses a type of qi gong which is only available to the more immaterial cat-humanoids. As for learning more spells that is a matter of what you allow them, they are taking up part of your brain in doing so. If you let them practice and learn more, they can use more. The bottleneck is your own capacity, the difference being that they can access hidden potential that your mind isn't aware of if you allow them to expand.

>the servitors on this link
They operate as golems, so they are fully autonomous, but can be ordered in line with their programming. They are best kept in your HQ or other stable location like a mothership, although some people in the federation use them as bodyguards.

>Does the loli shield creates karma if it kills something that attacks me?
It only extends time and space, someone would have to be pretty stupid to keep running at you long enough to die of old age. It happened once with a gnome, but it's still their own fault.

>I don't like the idea of unsalvageable souls
Me neither, but I've also been treated in ways by them, as a response to the things I did in trying to save them, that in the end made me stop trying. Some people are just so evil that they deserve it. It doesn't matter what you offer them, they just want to kill you, put you in hell and abuse you for their own pleasure. You cannot co-exist with these people. I've discussed this with the Queen a lot. She said some souls want to be returned to non-existence because they were summoned from the void against their will. They will act out like that so that someone finally kills them. Others just hate existence and want to stay in non-existence/potential while working to destroy all things that exist. That is why the ghost hunter cat is needed. He can trace the ghost beings who don't exist (kind of like how black holes aren't visible because they eat all light) and force them to stop attacking existence. If you want to protect anything at all that exists, you cannot allow these "beings" to remain as they are. They don't have our values, they don't want to share anything with anyone, they just want you to be destroyed or to place you in endless suffering. You cannot make peace with them and be happy, they will only be happy when you suffer and they won't change because that is their nature. Give it up if you have people you care for, those beings will destroy everything you love, not because they lack anything, but because they are - scum.

>do we still get karma from using electricity?
No. But don't waste it, there are still complex economic factors involved.