Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 03:32 Id: 4a5e06 No.2670 del
>You have to create the interface yourself.
I'm pretty sure that I was guided to make one in a dream, I'll try harder to use it or make a new one.

>So yes, I've seriously tried and found something. But those who came in here and created Moloch, I don't want to save them from it.
Interesting, that's nice. I understand not wanting to save those who created Moloch.

Watching the clip I expected it to be related to greys not illuminati.
What can the yellyfigh do?

I asked for the "Big Bang Beast Lady" to ask Astra on how to best work on my chakras below the heart chakra and to do it according to Astra's guidance, saw some very good things.

Also saw a colorful portal open and through it came a bright green square that turned into a 5 pointed star, I don't know if I should share the details. It was one of the easiest things to percieve that I've seen in quite some time.

Thanks for all the answers.